WINDSTORM AFTERMATH: West Seattle tree trouble and other damage

We mentioned a lot of tree trouble in last night’s windstorm coverage, and now in daylight we’re getting a look at that and other damage:

Thanks to Jonathan for the photo above. That’s the big tree that fell on Walnut Avenue last night: “We live on 41st and heard something around 10 last night. Couldn’t figure out what it was. This is on the other side of the block from us, so clearly what it was. I feel for our neighbors.” Here’s another angle, from Peter:

Meantime, a texter sent this from a south Lincoln Park blufftop trail:

The texter confirms it’s blocking the trail. If you find other fallen trees in city parks, report them via Find It Fix It or call 206-684-7250. … Sean sent this photo of a crew doing early-morning work where a tree tumbled on Hanford:

In northwest West Seattle, Christopher Boffoli spotted this fallen fence:

We’ll continue adding to this through the day; photos are welcome at or via text at 206-293-6302.

ADDED WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Jed for these photos from Schmitz Preserve Park:

15 Replies to "WINDSTORM AFTERMATH: West Seattle tree trouble and other damage"

  • Lynn Whitney November 20, 2024 (12:02 pm)

    Many trees down in Schmitz Park todayA few blocking pathways. 

    • Matt November 20, 2024 (8:36 pm)

      Didn’t realize Schmitz Park was an off-leash dog park…

  • JP November 20, 2024 (12:43 pm)

    Not sure if tree related, but Xfinity Internet service has been out since about 10 PM for a significant number of us in the High Point/Sunrise Heights area, with no estimated end in sight…. Outage map here:

  • momosmom November 20, 2024 (12:59 pm)

    Trees falling in parks and forests thats a given and we all would love to keep every tree if possible but the ones that are planted on roadway egresses like the one above on Walnut Ave SW and so many along elsewhere should be inspected by the City/County arborists, that one on Walnut could had killed someone.

    • Brian November 20, 2024 (1:48 pm)

      The city recently removed a tree of comparable size, believed to be a walnut, from the northeast corner of 40th and Oregon due to concerns about its safety. While I personally saddened about its removal, I appreciate the city’s proactive approach in addressing potential hazards.

    • K November 20, 2024 (2:04 pm)

      SDOT keeps an inventory of city- versus privately-owned trees.  If you plant a tree in the planting strip in front of your house, you’re responsible for it, and any damage it causes, just like any other trees on your property.  The SDOT trees are regularly inspected and managed by DOT Arborists, but they will also respond to Find It, Fix it tickets about trees.  The city arborists are fantastic and will spent time talking to you about trees and your concerns about trees if you ever call them.  But back to your comment, the trees on Walnut are privately owned, so SDOT can’t do much, until and unless they’re violating another code (buckling the sidewalk or crowding power lines).

  • Isabelle November 20, 2024 (1:37 pm)

    If anyone makes wreaths or cedar garland we have tons of cedar branches you can come take! 

    • WestSeattleTransplant November 20, 2024 (5:23 pm)

      Hi Isabelle, I don’t have a way to transport the cedar, but know that Pathfinder K-8 would love to have anything available for their Door Decor for the Outdoors fundraising efforts! Do you know anyone associated with Pathfinder you can contact? Or know someone who could deliver?

  • CarDriver November 20, 2024 (2:43 pm)

    Had no tv/cable when I woke up. Xfinity said they’d text when back up. They texted at 9:30 that it was back up. Just got home. No cable or internet. Xfinity now says “as soon as possible” I’m on Alki vicinity of 61st and Stevens.

    • Lola November 20, 2024 (3:19 pm)

      Cardriver,  sometimes you have to re-boot your box to get it to work again.  

    • Keith November 20, 2024 (3:26 pm)

      57th and lander same message from xfinity. It now 3:25. Keep the faith at least we have power! 

    • JP November 20, 2024 (3:27 pm)

      This is bad even for Xfinity. Just got a text message that they’re making hot spots available at parks and other places through Friday. I think it may finally time to go back to whatever Centurylink is now. 

  • CarDriver November 20, 2024 (3:49 pm)

    Lola;JP. On the off chance that Xfinity is wrong I did shut down and restart-nothing. JP did Xfinity say what/where the problem is?? I couldn’t get through to a human and other than the text saying I had service back this morning- nothing from them.

  • CarDriver November 20, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    Lola;JP On the off chance Xfinity was wrong I did unplug and reboot-nothing. JP did Xfinity say what the issue was? I’ve had no luck getting a human.

  • WS-Resident November 20, 2024 (9:24 pm)

    Picture of a tree on a neighbor’s home this morning on 46th Ave. Sounds like everybody is okay, but could be major potential damage once it is removed!

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