The annual holiday-season runs presented by West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) are a staple, like the Christmas Lights Run (last year’s participants are shown above, pre-run). This year, they’re adding the first-ever Halloween Lights Run, 6:15 pm tomorrow (Wednesday, October 23) from the shop.. If you haven’t already seen it in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here’s the announcement from WSB co-proprietor Lori McConnell:
Join us for the West Seattle Runner Halloween Lights Run!! We will meet at the shop at 6:15 pm. Feel free to wear costumes! Tim says, you better wear costumes :) Put on lights and reflective to be seen and use headlamps/ flashlights to be able to see. We will map out an approximate 3-mile route to view Halloween displays in the ‘hood. This will be a nice easy-paced run, with walking and photo/viewing display opportunities, definitely not a race.
Just show up at the shop (2743 California SW) before 6:15 pm Wednesday. (And set your calendar for the Gobble Gobble Group Run on Thanksgiving – November 28 – 8 am on Alki.)
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