WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Mazda minivan; ‘found’ Honda motorcycle

Two reader reports:

STOLEN MINIVAN: Sent by Kelly:

Sometime between yesterday evening and today (Friday) 10:30 am, a 2014 Mazda 5 was stolen from the first block of Hudson off California (the west side of California). It is a less than perfect looking silver older, small minivan. My niece had $1000 worth of work done on the car in BC, just days ago. Ohio license plates.

They’re awaiting the report number; call 911 if you find it.

POSSIBLY ABANDONED MOTORCYCLE: A reader says this has been in the same spot for more than a month:

My best guess is it looks like a 1980 Honda CB400T with a bit of custom work – and a slow oil leak. Maybe someone is missing their project bike?

If it’s yours and indeed stolen, let us know.

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