Three coyote sightings, two of them just this morning:
LOWER GATEWOOD: The photo and report are from Brian Quinn:
On my morning walk with my dog, and this guy just came sprinting down the middle of the street – Woodside Pl and Othello.
UPPER FAUNTLEROY: Quick glimpse on security video, sent by Robert:
The sighting was around 8 this morning. (Not far from our own one-and-only coyote sighting – 16 years ago.)
SUNRISE HEIGHTS: Merica reported two coyotes seen near 30th/Elmgrove last Saturday night (August 10).
We’ve been reporting coyote sightings for 17 years to encourage awareness, not alarm – we and they can stay a healthy distance from each other, experts say, especially if you avoid providing food (from unattended pets to unsecured garbage) – they have plenty of small wildlife (including rodents) and vegetation to eat otherwise. Read more about coexisting with coyotes here.