SURVEY: Did you go to West Seattle Summer Fest this year? How can the festival improve?

(WSB photo, July)

If you went to Summer Fest – whether for three minutes, three hours, or all three days – the West Seattle Junction Association has a few questions for you. Answer their survey and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a Junction gift card. Most are yes/no questions but two are open-ended, so you can provide festival feedback to help them make it better. Here’s the survey link!

2 Replies to "SURVEY: Did you go to West Seattle Summer Fest this year? How can the festival improve?"

  • Victor August 15, 2024 (7:11 pm)

    This year the temperature was above 90°,  and the asphalt could get to hot for dogs feet.I would like to suggest more small plastic pools throughout California Ave for the dogs to cool down.I would be glad to help purchase the pools for Summer Fest.Thanks,Victor

  • WestIsBest August 21, 2024 (8:58 am)

    Nice job on the festival this year. I would like to see food vendors offering $5-6 tasting options. Fully committing to a $15 option from a food truck is hard to swallow…

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