SUMMER FEST NOTES: Road/bus reminders; new beverages

Notes tonight as West Seattle Summer Fest gets ever closer:

CLOSURES START THURSDAY: One more reminder, the barricades are standing by and street closures in the heart of The Junction will start kicking in Thursday morning – California between Genesee and Oregon, and between Oregon and Edmunds; SW Alaska between 42nd and 44th. If you’re parked somewhere tonight that will become a no-parking area tomorrow, be sure to move your car before the restrictions kick in, or you really will risk getting towed.

BUS REROUTES START THURSDAY: Check your route’s status via the Metro advisories page – Route 128 will be rerouted starting at 7 am, while other routes’ changes kick in at 3 pm.

FESTIVAL NOTES: The festival officially starts at 1 pm Friday; music starts at 3 pm on the main stage, 4 pm on the West Side Stage in Junction Plaza Park. When you get thirsty, the Beer Garden (near the main stage north of SW Oregon) has a new vendor this year – the NA Sommelier:

The NA Sommelier, founded and operated by Juanita Unger, offers a carefully curated selection of non-alcoholic adult beverages through a pop-up kiosk, a mobile non-alcoholic bar, and a wealth of information and resources on all things booze-free.

Juanita’s mission is to help people discover delicious, complex, and enchanting flavor experiences, ensuring that everyone feels welcome to the party!

Check out other food and drink purveyors here. And come enjoy year-round Junction faves Thursday night during Summer Fest Eve (as well as throughout the festival). See you in The Junction!

2 Replies to "SUMMER FEST NOTES: Road/bus reminders; new beverages"

  • Lorie July 11, 2024 (6:37 am)

    YAY!!! So excited for a good NA option in the beer garden this year 🙌

  • James July 11, 2024 (6:56 am)

    I hope people check out Juanita and her amazing concoctions! We did an event together and attendees were overjoyed with how delicious her mocktails are.

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