CRIME WATCH: About the multi-agency response at Roxbury Safeway (Wednesday update)

(Reader photo, via text)

Several readers asked about a big law-enforcement response at Roxbury Safeway early this evening. On Seattle Police radio, we heard SPD officers sent to back up King County Sheriff’s Office deputies who were “fighting with a suspect,” but the response was called off fairly quickly, as the suspect was reported to have been taken into custody. We just got information from KCSO on what led to this – spokesperson Det. Michael Ramirez says it was dispatched just after 5 pm as a “possible robbery in progress.” Arriving deputies wound up in “a brief struggle” with the suspect, he says, before they were able to make an arrest. Det. Ramirez adds that no injuries were reported and the suspect was taken to King County Jail to be booked for investigation of robbery.

ADDED WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Bail was set today at $10,000 for the suspect, who is 33. He does not appear to have a felony record, though the docket lists many misdemeanor cases in various jurisdictions.

35 Replies to "CRIME WATCH: About the multi-agency response at Roxbury Safeway (Wednesday update)"

  • Spooled July 30, 2024 (9:37 pm)

    Excellent work SPD, KCSO, and partner agencies!  I abandoned this Safeway two years ago because of the crime, shoplifting, and the general area.  Fortunately several of the best staff they ever had are now at the Admiral store.  Still some crime but less bad.  :(  I am happy to drive past Roxbury to a nicer experience. 

    • Safeway Shopper July 30, 2024 (11:21 pm)

      I shop at both the Roxbury and Admiral Safeways. I’ve seen shocking thefts, parking lot attacks, vandalism, etc, at the Admiral location. Admiral has had a rash of parking lot purse snatches, one involving an elderly victim who was assaulted. I’ve seen trouble inside the Roxbury store but rarely in the parking lot.

      • Northadmiral July 31, 2024 (9:33 am)

        Admiral Safeway events referred to you were a long time ago  the manager of that store is very diligent about ‘hard to recognize ‘ security staff …and providing a safe and clean environment inside and outside the store. I absolutely never feel unsafe there anymore than Seattle in general. be sure to VOTE for people that are going to increase law enforcement. Vote by August 6..

    • KK July 31, 2024 (5:15 am)

      Soon you will need to find a new store if that Kroger merger goes through because the Admiral Safeway is on the chopping block! Guess which Safeway will remain open? Roxbury. Jefferson Square Safeway will close and the Westwood QFC. I’m not going to shop at the grocery stores aimed at the affluent portion of the community. I’ve generally not had issues at Roxbury Safeway except for the lack of employees causing long lines.

    • AMD July 31, 2024 (6:57 am)

      Can we all agree that, while the Roxbury and Admiral Safeways have their issues, neither is as bad as Jefferson Square?

    • Goddess Andraste July 31, 2024 (7:27 am)

      We shop at Roxbury. The store is clean and well stocked, and they regularly have the parking lot cleaned. We know several of the cashiers by name, and the store manager is always out on the floor helping. The pharmacy staff is awesome. All stores have theft issues, but we’ve never witnessed any.

    • R-n-B July 31, 2024 (8:17 am)

      Add to that, the Admiral Safeway has a far better selection of merchandise than the Roxbury Safeway.  There are items that Roxbury never carried that I could reliably find at Admiral.  The local demand is just different I guess.

      • Matt August 2, 2024 (3:56 am)

        Just different is correct.  The Hispanic foods selection is MUCH better at Roxbury.  I enjoy shopping at both stores (Jeff Square location is bad by comparison), but I try to keep in mind the clientele differences and tailor my product expectations accordingly.

  • Alki Jack July 30, 2024 (10:31 pm)

    At the end of the day, shoplifting and theft from these stores is paid for by good, hard working, tax payers, via higher prices. I find it a shame when I shop at Met Market and Safeway and see private guards at the exits watching shoppers leave the store. I guess this is what we have lowered ourselves too. 

    • R-n-B July 31, 2024 (8:31 am)

      Considering Admiral is another busy arterial route to Alki that’s heavily used by people that don’t live in West Seattle, the local provisioners and other business establishments attract a broader spectrum of commuters that don’t share a concern for their success.  I’d rather see security in place to deter tourism shoplifting. It’s an unfortunate side-effect of living near a primary public hub of recreation. I fear it will only get worse as the racers seek out a new route due to the installation of speed bumps along Alki.

      • Pookie August 1, 2024 (8:17 am)

        Clutch your pearls, tourism shoppers driving fast cars are planning to buy groceries in your “personal supermarket,” on your “private street.” The horror of it all. Your comment is literally the most elitist, entitled, Karen statement I have ever read. Pathetic. 

        • Ferns August 1, 2024 (11:54 pm)

          Did you miss your therapy session this week? Turn the self righteousness down a few notches please. 

  • 1994 July 30, 2024 (11:25 pm)

    Instead of stealing people can visit a food bank or utilize other community resources. 

    • WS Guy July 31, 2024 (2:50 am)

      The hours and the selection are not as good. 

    • Alki resident July 31, 2024 (6:00 am)

      Food banks don’t have cases of beer. I stopped shopping at all Safeway years ago. It didn’t feel safe anymore. They never had security and their prices were high. Too many incidents happened when I was either in their parking lots of watching people load up backpacks and purses. 

    • Mike July 31, 2024 (6:06 am)

      These aren’t typically people in need.  Most crime is by entitled individuals.

    • waikikigirl July 31, 2024 (7:21 am)

      These people are not stealing food because they are hungry, they are stealing high priced items to resell for cash for items they much rather have. And in the many years I have shopped and lived in this area this store has been pretty darn safe, not saying it hasn’t had its moments but I’m not afraid to shop there. And the employees are 👍

    • john July 31, 2024 (7:34 am)

      You really think they are stealing because they are hungry? They are stealing to resell and make money for drugs

    • BUDDSMOM July 31, 2024 (8:00 am)

      That’s a wonderful idea, but unfortunately you cant get beer, wine and Tide at the foodbank.

    • R-n-B July 31, 2024 (8:01 am)

      Sadly, I doubt those people are sitting around reading through WSB forums to benefit from your sage advice.

      • Jeepney July 31, 2024 (11:55 am)

        You’d be surprised at the different types of people who check the WSB for information.

    • AMD July 31, 2024 (10:53 am)

      The only time I ever saw someone stealing at the Roxbury Safeway was a young woman trying to sneak a small box of tampons under her shirt.  Periods don’t wait until you have an appointment with social service agencies, and the food bank doesn’t often stock tampons.  I wish I would have seen her sooner; I would have happily paid for the box for her, but unfortunately a middle-aged man saw her first and started yelling “stop! shoplifter!” which both humiliated her and got store management involved before any civilized conversation could happen.

      • WSzombie July 31, 2024 (4:22 pm)

        I’ve seen shoplifting at the Roxbury Safeway on multiple occasions. One time I even reported it to the guy working the self checkout register. I gave him a description (it was 3 teen boys), aisle number, items, and where they were hiding it. It was 20 bags of candy blatantly stuffed into a backpack without a concern in the world. The guy responded with, “I know, I’m watching them on camera right here”. And he showed me the video feed. We both watched as the 3 walked out while making eye contact with us while we stood and watched.Safeway knows who, when, and how much is being stolen, and they allow it. Any argument otherwise is either ignorance or virtue signaling. 

      • Alki resident July 31, 2024 (7:35 pm)

        The most items shoplifted for resale are formula, detergent, bar soaps, hair products, tampons, skin care and diapers. Thousands of dollars worth of items lifted and seen online for sale, primarily at nite. That female was not necessarily lifting them for personal use. 

  • Neighbor July 31, 2024 (11:34 am)

    Thank goodness for the (counting…) six unit response over a “possible robbery” and a “brief struggle.” The food is safe today.

    • WSB July 31, 2024 (12:16 pm)

      Regardless of what the actual call was, if an officer radios that they’re in trouble or the dispatcher assesses that they might be – I went back to the KCSO audio from this and it was briefly chaotic-sounding – they’re going to put out the precautionary call for backup, and there’ll be a large response. Like the giant initial responses for building fires, it’s considered to be a potential life-safety issue.

    • CarDriver July 31, 2024 (12:54 pm)

      Neighbor. Your anti police rant duly noted.

    • Question Authority July 31, 2024 (1:36 pm)

      Since you are purely speculating about what the officers encountered, or suspect escalation you can be assured of never being satisfied.

    • Safeway Shopper July 31, 2024 (2:22 pm)

      Neighbor, the Safeway manager told me the suspect threatened staff with “several weapons” before assaulting police officers. The workers and customers are safe today.

    • ltfd July 31, 2024 (2:41 pm)

      Your idiocy is strong.

  • Tim July 31, 2024 (1:37 pm)

    My girlfriend called me from the store and was terrified along with many others trapped in the store before police arrived. There was a physical altercation between several people with threats of escalation. People were not able to leave via the front and only door, but instead escorted out a side entrance. People were worried there would be gun violence…. because that’s where we are as a country, having to deal with irrational people who can’t handle confrontation any other way than to shoot. Sad.Tim D

  • MacGyver July 31, 2024 (4:26 pm)

    We go to this Safeway since it’s in unincorporated King County and thus no sweetened beverage tax, which is funny since the QFC not even a half mile away has the tax. Never had any problems.

    • AMD July 31, 2024 (6:35 pm)

      The sweetened beverage tax is charged at the point of distribution.  The retailer has the choice whether or not to pass that onto the consumer.  Safeways in and outside Seattle sell their sodas for the same price, so I’m not sure why you think you’re being charged that tax in city limits (or not being charged in the unincorporated are).  QFC is more expensive because everything is more expensive there.  Also, independent soda makers are exempt from the tax, so you can avoid it in the city by enjoying beverages from smaller manufacturers like Seattle Soda Co.  Shop local!

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