The blustery weather should be gone just in time for a big outdoor event Wednesday afternoon/evening (June 5) in West Seattle – a restoration celebration at Pigeon Point Park in honor of World Environment Day. Organizers are still looking for dozens of volunteers to participate – here’s what’s happening:
Enjoy World Environment Day with a community celebration hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter, Green Seattle Partnership, Seattle Parks and Recreation, and the United Nations Environment Programme!
Join us at Pigeon Point Park for a fun afternoon of activities to celebrate Seattle as the only US Role Model City for the UN Decade of Restoration and to spotlight local young leaders working in our urban ecosystems.
The afternoon will include:
-Guided forest restoration, a bird walk, citizen science, a community mural, and more!
-Special presentations by local young stewards and community leaders!
-Gathering together for a community picnic!
-Free raffle from local businesses and partner organizations!Plus, several of our local partners will be tabling and participating in the event, so you can connect and learn about the many ways you can get involved in greening our urban landscape this summer season!
Registration is free and includes 5 raffle tickets to try your luck at winning some local swag and goodies! All ages are welcome and food will be provided for registered participants.
It all starts with a welcome at 3 pm, “guided activities” 3:30-5 pm, then speeches and picnic dinner. Go here to sign up. The park entrance is next to Pathfinder K-8 (1901 SW Genesee).
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