UPDATE: About the police response at 35th/Avalon

ORIGINAL THURSDAY REPORT: Thanks for the tip. Here’s why police are at 35th/Avalon: It’s a standoff, according to SPD media team spokesperson Officer Eric Muñoz, to whom on-scene police referred us. He said SPD has responded to the apartment multiple times since a disturbance call around 12:30 am. He said no one’s been hurt and there’s no indication the barricaded person is armed.

ADDED MONDAY: SPD has released this summary:

At 0421 hours, Officers were dispatched to an apartment building on the 3200 block of SW Avalon Wy for a noise disturbance. Officers arrived at the location where they attempted to contact the resident; however, Officer presence aggravated him, so Officers made the decision to clear. At approximately 0536 hours, Dispatch advised that the subject was now threatening to kill a neighbor and burn down the building due to the complaint being made. Officers returned to the location. As Officers approached the building, from the fifth-floor balcony the subject threw a fire extinguisher that almost struck an Officer. PC was established for Felony Harassment and Attempted Assault 3. The subject barricaded himself in his apartment unit and refused to come out. Officers contained the scene. (Hostage negotiator/s) arrived and established communication with the subject. After several hours of speaking with him, they believed he was no longer a threat to others, the only thing escalating his behavior was our presence. The subject mentioned to (the negotiator/s) that he had an appointment coming up with a mental health professional. The on-duty Lieutenant at the scene, (the negotiator/s), and Patrol concluded that clearing from the scene would be best to de-escalate the situation.

4 Replies to "UPDATE: About the police response at 35th/Avalon"

  • Sillygoose June 6, 2024 (11:46 am)

    I wonder if this is the same individual that constantly pulls the fire alarm!!!!

    • ANeighbor June 7, 2024 (6:43 am)

      I heard that individual moved.. but maybe another was promoted 🤦🏿‍♂️

      • Ginny June 7, 2024 (12:01 pm)

        Is this individual bald/ wears glasses?

  • StupidinSeattle June 6, 2024 (2:16 pm)

    I counted 7 police cars when I went by.  Must be quite a barricade and conversation…???

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