BIZNOTE: Total Wine & More penciled in for Westwood Village

One of Westwood Village‘s two biggest vacant storefronts apparently has a tenant. Five months after Staples moved out of 2501 SW Trenton in the northeast corner of the shopping center, city permit files show a site plan for Total Wine & More, the multi-state chain that sells liquor as well as wine and beer. Its website shows seven stores in the metro area; two are in Seattle, in Interbay and Northgate. We have a message out to Total Wine to ask about timeline. (Side note: The north side of WWV had a liquor store in the 2010s, state-run for about two years until privatization. Now you can buy liquor at the WWV Target, QFC, and Rite Aid stores.)

67 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Total Wine & More penciled in for Westwood Village"

  • Jay April 9, 2024 (12:24 pm)

    A liquor store selling dollar shot bottles and 375ml hip bottles will definitely make this shopping center and surrounding neighborhood cleaner and safer.

    • It's not that serious April 9, 2024 (12:43 pm)

      Oh, come on.  You know that QFC and Target already sell alcohol in varying sizes right?  Or are you just looking for something negative to say? These types of stores are in a variety of neighborhoods, and their presence doesn’t make the neighborhoods they’re in more dangerous.  I’m happy to have one closer to home! I like stopping at the one in Interbay when I’m over there. 

    • Bill April 9, 2024 (12:56 pm)

      Yes! — Too bad! — We needed a Staples not a liquor store! — and I drink my fair share!

      • Bob April 10, 2024 (8:31 am)

        “We need a Staples” is an incredible sentence to read in 2024

    • It takes a Westwood Village April 9, 2024 (1:12 pm)

      Jay, there’s a Total Wine in Bellevue next to Uwajamaya and it’s a beautiful, high-end store. I just bought my husband a fine cigar there less than an hour ago. To have this coming to Westwood Village is superb. 

  • Kyle April 9, 2024 (12:43 pm)

    I’m excited for their vast NA beer selection, no more trips to Southcenter! As far as what would have gone in this big box location, I think this is a good choice.

    • wsresident April 10, 2024 (6:57 am)

      me too! They have the best N/A selection around!

  • Genesee5Points April 9, 2024 (12:43 pm)

    This is AWESOME news… I can finally get my “shot bottles” and 375ml “hip bottles” without taking the bus all the way to South Center…. Whew!   

  • WS Taxpayer April 9, 2024 (12:53 pm)

    Glad something nice is going in – they have a great selection.  Hope they are investing in security and theft deterrence.  

    • 1994 April 9, 2024 (9:52 pm)

      My exact thought! Hoping they plan to have robust security inside and maybe outside too.

  • Sam April 9, 2024 (12:55 pm)

    That’s the last thing we need in that area! I wish that they would put in movie theater or something more creative for the community. Like a climbing wall or one of those exercise jumping places.  Or one of those places you can paint ceramic items and then they fire it for you, would be fun to have. Or even a dog hotel and dog daycare is better for the community than another store selling alcohol!

    • Alex April 10, 2024 (8:10 am)

      I think the problem is those places are all pretty expensive to set up, really tough to staff, and actually generate quite low profit. We all want that kind of stuff nearby but you might be talking two years of permitting and construction if lucky to make it happen. I’m guessing what $20k/mo rent on the Staples building? Only another big box store can do it, it’s really the only kind of business that the mall is designed for. 

    • Tired WS Mom April 10, 2024 (8:11 am)

      That’s what happens when you live in a low income neighborhood. They want you to stay low income and not have safe and healthy outlets. 

      • Leona Helmsley Fan April 10, 2024 (1:40 pm)

        Congratulations on reaching so deeply low to make a classist statement about a neighborhood, whether you’ve ever been there or not.    Well done.     Maybe you have been there.      Where in the Westwood area do you live?            Reach higher.           You’ll feel better.

        • Samantha April 10, 2024 (7:14 pm)

          Just keep drinking your boxed wine, LHFan.         

    • Colby April 10, 2024 (8:22 am)

      Movie theaters are a dying business model. WWV had a movie theater in the past and it closed. Jumping and climbing places most likely would not generate enough revenue or demand to afford rent. There’s a clay/pottery place in Arbor Heights — Rain City Clay. 

  • Alex April 9, 2024 (1:00 pm)

    This is great news.  A lot closer than driving to the Southcenter store.  I assume they did their due diligence and will take steps to provide a safe shopping experience.   

  • James smith April 9, 2024 (1:13 pm)

    Hope they invest in theft prevention and armed security officers but even then I see this being a true hot spot for theft unfortunately.

  • Jeff April 9, 2024 (1:15 pm)

    Good place to have here. I like it. 

  • Buddy April 9, 2024 (1:19 pm)

    WWV… disconnected phone so you can’t complain, perpetual potholes that can disappear a Fiat 500, wheelchair panhandler at Barton/26th side driveway who is danger to self-others, and now hot and cold running booze. What is there not to love?

    • Bbron April 9, 2024 (2:51 pm)

      how’s a panhandler a danger to others?

      • Ex-Westwood Resident April 9, 2024 (5:12 pm)

        He partially blocks the drive out lane while begging.

        • WS Res April 9, 2024 (7:57 pm)

          So how is that a danger to others?

          • Get help. April 10, 2024 (1:43 pm)

            I apologize on behalf of homeless people that you are inconvenienced for all of ten seconds.   Your challenges seem insurmountable.  Maybe the old Staples store needs to be padded and infused with soothing Zamfir music and scent therapy…..just for you. 

    • HS April 10, 2024 (9:47 am)

      Buddy, the property management contact information you’re looking for can be found under “leasing” on the westwoodvillage dot com website.

  • anonyme April 9, 2024 (1:25 pm)

    Wow.   Talk about a terrible idea.  They’ll need to hire their own police force.

    • JustSarah April 9, 2024 (2:26 pm)

      Great gophers, you’re exhausting!

  • Jenben April 9, 2024 (1:48 pm)

    Any updates on the Daiso ? 

    • WSB April 9, 2024 (1:56 pm)

      Not since they put the signage up. Permits indicate work proceeds. Many of the recent arrivals have tended not to comment on their new locations until they’re on the verge of opening, but we keep trying for comment anyway!

  • WW Resident April 9, 2024 (2:35 pm)

    Hahahaha hahahaha. A shoplifter’s paradise

    • Alki resident April 9, 2024 (5:05 pm)

      No it’s not. They have great security services for shoplifting actually. It’s a beautiful store and it’s my go to place when shopping for gifts for people who drink. 

      • WW Resident April 10, 2024 (11:45 am)

        Spare me the beautiful store schtick. I’ve shopped there many times. It’s a glorified Toys R Us for drinkers. I live by WWV, shop there all the time and just about every time I’m there I see shop lifting. I see it at QFC, Rite-Aid, Ross, Target etc. What makes you think your “beautiful” store will be different? Cause they have security officers? To do what? Be good witnesses? LOL

        • Alki resident April 11, 2024 (4:35 pm)

          Well you proved you’ve never been in one so you can figure it out on your own. Been going to them for years and yes, it’s a beautiful store. They don’t allow backpacks when you come in which is a good start that other stores should follow. 

  • Josh April 9, 2024 (3:43 pm)

    Thank you Tracy and WSB for always looking at what’s ahead in our community and keeping us informed. What a valuable asset you are! 

  • Meeeee April 9, 2024 (4:10 pm)

    No more runs to Southcenter–yay!

  • Peter April 9, 2024 (5:04 pm)

    Love how the haters are rehashing their false claims of rampant shoplifting, claims that aren’t supported by actual crime data. It doesn’t help that stores have started to blame all shrinkage on shoplifting, even though they know perfectly well the vast majority of shrinkage is due to employee theft and just not tracking inventory in the first place. Oh well. What place do actual facts have in the comments section, anyway?

    • LoneAsianinWS April 9, 2024 (10:45 pm)

      I really really want to buy this bubble you live in..on earth?..sounds more like fantasyland.Theft/Shoplifting is more rampant than ever. Period. There’s no “data” because there’s no point in making reports. I’ve been in retail for 10 years and the only data I know of is reality. Shoplifting is RAMPANT along with car thefts etc etc etc.Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what’s happening around you. That is unless you live in some fantasyland that I REALLY want to live in too.I appreciate the opinion. But it isn’t based on reality my friend.

  • Flaunt-Leroy April 9, 2024 (5:23 pm)

    Large abandoned store in a struggling shopping center getting a high end new client is great news. Change is hard and scary, every store that comes to WS seems to get some silly hate, but we push on and and grow despite that, this is a welcome thing. I’m waiting to see how this impacts Husky Deli or the birds in the park /s

    • uncle loco April 9, 2024 (6:17 pm)

      I remember the comment thread on the article about Staples closing. Someone suggested turning that building into an indoor pickle ball place. I’ll bet they’re pissed now.

      • Alki resident April 9, 2024 (9:11 pm)

        Pickleball players enjoy being outdoors playing, not in. Total Wine will be a perfect addition for that space. 

        • K April 10, 2024 (9:29 am)

          Not all of us. I would LOVE some indoor courts in the area! There are already 2 outdoor courts in Westwood/High Point area, so it would be a welcome change.

  • ACG April 9, 2024 (6:48 pm)

    I was hoping Powell’s would expand from Portland to that spot. Wild dream, I know. For people who think that shoplifting isn’t prevalent, I was just in Marshall’s at WWV (like, literally 10 minutes ago). While standing in the checkout line, two different people briskly walked out of the store, triggering the alarm. The “security “ guard just watched them leave. One of the cashiers yelled at him, but he shrugged his shoulders. I’m not familiar with this chain, but yes, they need excellent shoplifting security

    • Alki resident April 9, 2024 (7:55 pm)

      Marshall’s won’t do anything to stop a shoplifter there. They told me this years ago, so I stopped shopping there. Hard to see so much leaving the store everyday unpaid for while I stand in line with what money I had to afford clothes. One guy came in the last time I shopped there, grabbed all the designer bags, clipped the security cable with a tool and casually walked out. 

      • Husky April 10, 2024 (9:13 pm)

        You made a lifestyle change, like where you shop for clothing, because you *witnessed* shoplifters?

        • Alki resident April 11, 2024 (4:39 pm)

          You “ witness” theft every time you’re in there. It’s not a lifestyle change, it’s a preference to stop shopping somewhere that doesn’t prevent shoplifters. Why do you think it continues? Because it’s not being stopped. 

  • DC April 9, 2024 (7:24 pm)

    Love how all the commenters claiming shoplifting will impact the business think they’re smarting than a multi-billion dollar company. Pretty sure they’ve done their research and know what it’ll take to make this one of their over 250 successful locations.

  • Tony April 9, 2024 (7:50 pm)

    This is fantastic news. Finally a place to buy good craft beer in West Seattle!!

    • Kt April 10, 2024 (6:51 am)

      Super Deli at 35th and Barton has a huge selection of craft beers…and they do growlers too.

    • North Delridge April 10, 2024 (3:44 pm)

      Out of all the comments here I find this one the strangest because there are MANY places with a good beer selection in West Seattle.  Beer Junction, Thriftway, Met Market, Super Deli, a few breweries that sell beer to go, Beveridge Place, Ounces, and if you count White Center there’s Beer Star.  A couple coffee places (Sound and Fog, Moonshot) sell beer too.  I’m all for more choices, but to say we don’t have a good beer selection in West Seattle already is simply untrue!

      • K April 13, 2024 (4:17 pm)

        Don’t forget Future Primitive!

  • B April 9, 2024 (8:52 pm)

    I highly doubt that any ‘data’ that shows that retail crime is down is trustworthy.  Data is the holy grail for science and engineering, but when it come to selling something, whether it’s products or politics or some particular agenda, data is more often used to manipulate the masses than to reflect the truth.  How data is gathered and how it is interpreted can greatly influence the supposed meaning of the data.  Buying a study with a predetermined conclusion is a thing.

    • Claudia Williams April 10, 2024 (7:00 am)

      Never trust any data you didn’t manipulate yourself. That’s the most important lesson I took away from my college statistics class 😉

    • Colby April 10, 2024 (8:18 am)

      Do you have any data to provide that justifies your conclusion?

    • Tired WS Mom April 10, 2024 (9:49 am)


  • anonyme April 10, 2024 (4:51 am)

    Interesting to see how the word “hate” has come to mean “someone dared to disagree with me”.

  • Tired WS Mom April 10, 2024 (8:08 am)

    This is INSANE. It’s right next to a daycare! This is going to bring more concerns for the children in the area.. if pot shops can’t build next to daycares and schools, liquor stores shouldn’t be allowed to either. It’s the liquor and cannabis board, why do the rules for cannabis not apply for liquor? Both are addictive and make you impaired. 

    • Elton April 10, 2024 (10:30 am)

      I don’t understand the fearmongering around this. We have a Safeway right across the street from Lafayette, where’s your righteous indignation for Safeway? After all, Safeway sells liquor, wine, beer, cigarettes, etc., right? Give me a break. I don’t see the risk anyway. Is the idea that a toddler is going to ask a passerby person to buy liquor for them? Or that someone will walk into a Total Wine, walk out while chugging liquor, and then cause damage to small kids while intoxicated? I don’t see how a Total Wine enables that more than our array of grocery stores.    

    • Colby April 10, 2024 (10:39 am)

      There is a Total Wine directly next door to a Bright Horizons daycare in Interbay. No issues have come from that. I think it’s gonna be fine. Plus, there are already two other establishments in WWV that sale beer, wine, and liquor. Previously, there was a liquor store in WWV. This is nothing new. 

    • Rhonda April 10, 2024 (11:30 am)

      Tired WS Mom, there’s a Metro bus stop less than 100 feet away from this former Staples space where people smoke fentanyl, heroin, drink booze, smoke marijuana, and remove the tags from stolen Marshalls merchandise. You should be more concerned about that than a high-end beverage store coming to Westwood.

      • Husky April 10, 2024 (9:21 pm)

        People study crime, and consistently the primary factors are socioeconomic condition, organized crime, and psychopathy.  Never once have I seen a study that says “having nice things” or “total wine” being the primary motivating factor.  Quite the theory, there.

    • Steve April 11, 2024 (3:19 pm)

      They will probably ID anyone 3 ft tall.

  • Patricia Sponseller (Driscoll) April 10, 2024 (11:45 am)

    good solution for that large space, glad new business is coming to WWV

  • RBfloat April 10, 2024 (3:58 pm)

    Quite the gamut of commentary.  TW&M does carry my Louisiana-sugar cane / produced root beer (I don’t drink alcohol), so I’ll visit the store.  We’ll all have to wait a year — then make judgments as to how well the business has performed and contributed to the community (hopefully positively).

  • pull focus April 10, 2024 (5:27 pm)

    This is great news! Will be nice to have a local source for wider selection of products, and their prices are pretty good. I stopped going to the liquor store in the Junction because it’s crazy expensive. 

  • Steve April 11, 2024 (3:18 pm)

    Dang, I was hoping a Future Shop was moving in.

  • Craig Threlkeld April 13, 2024 (2:28 pm)

    I’m still a bit confused about how “empty” is better than “full.”

  • Craig Threlkeld April 13, 2024 (2:37 pm)

    It IS easier to spend other people’s money and use other people’s labor.

Sorry, comment time is over.