WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two early morning hit-and-runs

Two hit-run crashes early this morning:

CALIFORNIA/GRAHAM: Thanks to Steve for the aftermath photo:

According to emergency-radio archives, that car was damaged by the driver of another car that hit a tree south of California/Graham around 3:30 am. Initially SFD sent a “rescue extrication” dispatch but it was quickly cancelled when responders learned the other car was empty and its driver had fled the scene. That car (not shown as it apparently was towed away after the crash) was described as a suspected stolen vehicle, with Georgia plates and trashed ignition. According to radio exchanges, the driver who caused the crash might have been racing someone.

17TH/ROXBURY: The report and photo were texted this afternoon:

On 3/9/2024 @ 12:35 am I was driving westbound on SW Roxbury when I had a green light through 17th Avenue SW. As I entered the intersection a white ~ 2000 – 2004 Dodge Ram 4×4 pickup truck ran the red light and entered the intersection. He hit the right/front of my car. My speed into the intersection was 25mph and he looked to be going about 30 mph. The impact pushed me into the oncoming east-bound lane. The driver fled the scene immediately and left west-bound to the next cross-street and made a left heading south. I followed him about 1 block but he was traveling at a very high rate of speed. My vehicle is VERY badly damaged and I was less than 1 mile from home, so I drove there and called 911. I reported the collision to both Seattle Police dispatch and King County dispatch operators. I was told that witnesses on-scene also reported the collision to 911. My significant other drove me back to the hit-and-run scene and I retrieved a broken metal side step in the street from the truck that hit me. There were no police, fire units, or witnesses at the scene. The photo is the broken metal side step from the white Dodge Ram. It looked to be a “king cab” model and looked like it had a black roll bar. It will have driver’s side door/body damage with a broken-off step. There should be an identical step on the passenger side. The truck’s damage will include red paint. If anyone sees this vehicle or knows the owner, please call 911.

13 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two early morning hit-and-runs"

  • justthinking March 9, 2024 (2:55 pm)

    I’m very sorry to hear about this victims. Please don’t ever ‘follow’ a criminal – after they have hit you with their car or otherwise. They are clearly dangerous. Find a way to get yourself to safety and – if you need to put your energy somewhere –  remember to VOTE, encourage others to VOTE, and LOBBY for greater safety in our town.

    • Iwasthinkingtoo March 9, 2024 (3:14 pm)

      I’m the truck hit-and-run victim. You’re right, but I only followed the truck to try and get the rear license number. The truck sped away in the same direction I was headed, anyway. My car was a smoking wreck at this point and I wanted to get it home (1 mile) before it became inoperable. I didn’t want to be helpless in a dark White Center intersection, have to get it towed, etc. I was also in a state of shock but VERY happy he didn’t hit my car 2 or 3 feet further back. That would’ve crushed the passenger compartment at the high speed he was going. Also, I was very fortunate that there was no vehicle(s) heading eastbound on Roxbury that would’ve hit me head on as his truck shoved me into the oncoming lane.

      • Witness March 11, 2024 (8:00 pm)

        i was the witness who called 911. was stopped at the roxbury light when the white truck used the left turn lane to go around me and run the red. in shock as well and hoping to get the other driver off the road, i also tried to follow the truck with the goal of getting a license plate number while i had dispatch on the phone. no such luck. they were driving about 100mph. i’m glad to hear you are okay, and wish i had stopped to check on you instead (hindsight and all). 

        • Truck Victim March 17, 2024 (1:43 pm)

          Thank you for calling 911, Witness. I wasn’t aware that the red light runner went around you in the left turn lane before he slammed into me. I simply saw him enter the intersection from the corner of my right peripheral vision and braced myself for the impact. I’m VERY glad there wasn’t a vehicle in the eastbound oncoming lane as the truck pushed me all the way over to it. I saw him pull over initially and I was expecting him to exit and check on me. When he sped off, instead, it was a double-whammy. I couldn’t believe it. I, too, estimated his speed at 70 to 100 mph when I saw him fleeing southbound on 18th. When I called 911 the operator said there were other callers. Once again, thank you for your post and for calling 911. I appreciate it.

    • NWAsianGuy March 9, 2024 (11:42 pm)

      I disagree…100% follow, because simply, voting isn’t going to change anything and is simply a fantasy dream. Which in turn endorses crime even more.

      • WSBikeRider March 10, 2024 (9:09 am)

        What are you going to do by following the driver? Cops aren’t going to do anything with any extra info. It’s cathartic to post on sites like this, but when is the last time you heard resolve from a hit and run. You’re likely to get shot tailing someone already unstable. 

        • Truck Victim March 10, 2024 (6:46 pm)

          WSBikeRider, that’s interesting because the 1st question that 911 and the insurance company asked was “did you get the license plate number?”

    • Brian March 10, 2024 (9:12 am)

      Telling someone who just got wrecked by an insanely careless driver to vote is the most unhinged thing I’ve ever heard. What is wrong with you? 

  • Steve March 9, 2024 (3:25 pm)

    I sent in the photo of the rear-ended car. I live a block away and was awakened by the sound of revving engines and what sounded like either burnouts from a “starting line” per the description of racing, or burning “donuts” or “drifting.” I could not see, but it really did sound like two cars doing circles in the street, so who knows? There was a crash (likely the car pictured), followed by more burning rubber as if the racing went on unimpeded. As I write, some (expletive) just roared down Graham headed westbound on a loud motorcycle, easily going 40+ in a 25. So what I DO know is that this city has absolutely lost all sense of traffic safety and enforcement. It is the Wild West and has been for years. My nifty “20 is Plenty” sign that I put up in my yard? Someone stole it or trashed it a week ago. There are many kids that live along this street, and I pray no one is killed here or elsewhere before the city starts enforcing traffic laws. To say it’s bad is such an understatement. It’s downright deadly on our streets. Saka and Council and SPD: WAKE UP!

  • brizone March 9, 2024 (4:22 pm)

    You can find higher-res images of that truck step from the source (Carr Pattern in Murrieta, CA):  https://www.carr.com/

  • Odd son March 9, 2024 (5:39 pm)

    I see a lot of people running reds on purpose or because they are distracted by a screen. Gets worse every year. Even though you have a green light, try to be aware of cross traffic and pedestrians crossing when they don’t have the walk light. Better to be in the right and avoid a collision than being in the right and getting in a collision.

  • Dog Whisperer March 9, 2024 (6:19 pm)

    Thankfully our peace officers can once again pursue criminals. It will take a while but criminals will once again be reminded that crime doesn’t pay.

  • Truck Victim March 9, 2024 (11:17 pm)

    Here’s a stock photo of the exact model, year, and color of the truck that hit me: 1996-1997 Dodge Ram 2500 4×4 with ext cab. It’ll have collision damage on the driver’s side front fender to door area and is missing a metal step-up and red paint smears. 

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