UPDATE: Two cargo ships in at West Seattle’s Terminal 5, including first one to call at modernized south berth

(Added: WSB photo of ships at T-5, seen from Jack Block Park viewpoint)

2:21 PM: Thanks to Larry for the tip. As of this afternoon, two cargo ships are in at West Seattle’s Terminal 5MSC Julie and MSC Savona – in what may be the official debut of the second modernized berth. We’re checking with the Northwest Seaport Alliance and Port of Seattle for comment. Both berths at T-5 have been modernized in a half-billion-dollar project; the first one to be completed, the north berth, started accepting cargo calls in January 2022.

3:20 PM: NWSA spokesperson Melanie Stambaugh confirms that MSC Julie is the first to call at the modernized south berth. However, NWSA says the project is “currently in the final stages of commissioning”; we’re asking for clarification on what remains to be done.

8 Replies to "UPDATE: Two cargo ships in at West Seattle's Terminal 5, including first one to call at modernized south berth"

  • Keith March 20, 2024 (7:39 pm)

    Wonder if this means we’ll be hearing more of THE HUM tonight. 

    • WSB March 20, 2024 (7:43 pm)

      The hum seems to be same as it was a decade ago, from vacuum-type equipment involved in dry cargo offloading on the Duwamish. This dock handles containers. Doesn’t mean you won’t hear something different, though!

      • Daniel March 21, 2024 (9:28 am)

        More of a “BANG clang clang clang” than a hum.  And even if you’re fairly close to the edge of the port (like say, right there in Jack Block), it’s not that loud, since the port is pretty big.

  • TK March 21, 2024 (12:43 pm)

    The container’s very loud clanging noise (metal onto metal) when off-loading can be heard at the top of the hill in the Belvidere neighborhood, and many blocks south of the actual cranes. At night it wakes us up, even with the windows closed. Noise seems to amplify at the top of the hill (i.e steel mill  & train whistles especially), and the cranes unloading & dropping the containers is definitely a sharp jarring noise.Interesting about the loud “Hum” noise- we always thought it was the generators humming from the ships, especially with a north wind (which would not be the same noise then, as from up the Duwamish unloading dry cargo?). It also is only heard specifically when a ship is at T-5, and seems to actually have a vibration feel when heard (again in upper Belvidere neighborhood).

  • Kesa Sten March 21, 2024 (4:44 pm)

    Love the sound of a working waterfront. Terminal 5 has been getting ready for a two ship operation for a very long time and it is a welcome sight! 

  • Junction dude March 22, 2024 (12:14 pm)

    I dont mind the metal clanging so much. It’s the constant 24/7 low hum is driving me mad! I can’t go anywhere in my home to get away from it. It actually seems to reverberate in my home. Whatever it is, why don’t they take any breaks and turn it off? Anyone else as upset as I am? 

  • Atheist March 24, 2024 (7:42 pm)

    Junction dude. No you are not alone. I sent countless emails to  Lisa Herold regarding the inescapable humming that  I’ve experienced. I did not receive a response from her. 

  • Atheist March 25, 2024 (9:25 am)

    I meant to add that I am hearing this in the Belvidere neighborhood as well. The hum travels up the slope.

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