FOLLOWUP: Sound Transit Board gives staff go-ahead to pursue first ‘early property acquisitions’ for West Seattle light rail

Only one member of the Sound Transit Board voted “no” this afternoon on the first proposed “early property acquisitions” for the West Seattle light-rail extension – 25 parcels, including three in WS, as previewed here. Board member Bruce Dammeier, the Pierce County Executive, said he was concerned about granting potential condemnation authority for some parcels before the board even took a final vote on the actual routing, which isn’t expected before midsummer. Board chair Dow Constantine, the King County Executive (and a West Seattle resident), said it’s important to work with affected businesses early, and this approval was needed before they could do that. ST staff said the routing vote would likely come long before they completed the process of buying (or, if necessary, condemning) these properties, a process they said usually takes about two years, with initial negotiations lasting at least several months, and if those negotiations don’t succeed, condemnation (taking the property by “eminent domain”) would be “further down the road.” As reported here Tuesday, these are the three West Seattle parcels (the others are mostly in SODO) that were included in today’s vote:

(WSB photo, Delridge/Andover building that’s part of Frye Commerce Center parcel)

-Parcel # 7666704005 at 2414 SW Andover, the Frye Commerce Center (home to multiple businesses, east of Nucor, including Alki Beach Academy, PNTA, Uptown Espresso, Delridge Deli Mart, among others) – 191,113 square feet, currently valued at $17.4 million per King County

-Parcel # 7666703290 at 3800 West Marginal Way SW, the Riverside Mill site, 269,452 square feet, currently valued at $14.5 million per King County

-Parcel # 9358000465 on the northwest corner of 28th/Yancy, described as “vacant” – 10,000 square feet, currently valued at $357,000 per King County

The presentation at the meeting did not elaborate on any specific properties or describe why they are needed (the Frye center, however, has been clearly shown recently as in the footprint for the “preferred alternative” Delridge station). Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell (one of the city’s two reps on the ST Board) asked what happens for businesses once authorization like this is given, saying he’s heard businesses’ concerns. They’ll get immediate notice of eligibility for relocation help, he was told. Then Dammeier voiced his concerns; staff attempted to reassure him that no tenants would be displaced before the “record of decision” (that follows the board’s final routing decision, expected to follow within a month of the Final Environmental Impact Statement release “later this spring”). Some businesses might decide they want to move sooner rather than later, he was told, but none would be forced out any time soon.

The board heard from one nearby business owner during the public-comment period at the start of today’s meeting – Erin Rubin of Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor), on property not part of today’s vote but adjacent to the Frye parcel. Saying she also was speaking for The Skylark next door, Rubin spoke of displacement concerns and the difficulty of finding a suitable location elsewhere in West Seattle. She pointed to Sound Transit policies that stipulated more consideration for businesses in those situations.

Also speaking during the comment period was Marilyn Kennell, a homeowner in the light-rail line’s potential path between the Delridge and Avalon stations. She asked for a “seat of the table” and further discussion of the impacts of the project, both financial – businesses and job losses – and environmental, citing “needless deforestation and destruction of natural habitat.”

WHAT’S NEXT: For the owners and tenants on the “early acquisition” sites, notification and negotiation. For the project overall, ST continues to proceed toward the aforementioned Final Environmental Impact Statement, which is supposed to include responses to concerns raised after the Draft EIS was released, and a final decision on “the project to be built” will follow. On the current timeline, construction is supposed to start in 2027, and West Seattle service in 2032.

75 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Sound Transit Board gives staff go-ahead to pursue first 'early property acquisitions' for West Seattle light rail"

  • Rusty March 29, 2024 (12:34 am)

    Literally every small business in north Delridge will be gone

    • Jeff March 29, 2024 (7:46 am)

      And probably 10-20x more thriving businesses when the project is over. Only * temporary *. I wish people would remember that.  Columbia City and Roosevelt are so so so much better now. So we get density, business boom, and ability to take a train easily to Bellevue and Redmond with a brand new bridge rather than stuck in traffic on crumbling infrastructure like the West Seattle Bridge.

      • Martin March 29, 2024 (5:38 pm)

        Once the Bellevue line is done, I can take the C from Fauntleroy and transfer downtown to the 2 Line. If the West Seattle light rail line gets built, I need to transfer at the Junction, Sodo and CID. How is that more attractive? 

        • Derek March 30, 2024 (7:38 pm)

          Martin, just continue the same thing you’re doing then? You’re not the only person whose travel route matters. Temporary transfer anyway.  You know some people work in Redmond, Ballard, downtown, etc. You’re also ignoring people coming from other parts of the city TO west Seattle

    • DC March 29, 2024 (9:03 am)

      It is undoubtedly sad for the businesses that will be lost. But remember, there will be new businesses moving in once the rail is built. Personally, I’m excited for the new business opportunities for North Delridge!

      • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (3:39 pm)

        The  cavalier attitude towards your neighbors being displaced is unseemly. 

        • Bus March 29, 2024 (6:31 pm)

          Car infrastructure displaces far more businesses than the light rail ever will on its worst day.  Supporting mass transit is supporting businesses, and homes, because there is a lot more space for both when we don’t need to keep adding lanes to roads to support cars and build parking lots.

          • CarDriver March 30, 2024 (3:44 pm)

            Bus. Educate us on what businesses/homes in WS have been displaced by “car infrastructure”

          • Bbron March 30, 2024 (9:28 pm)

            after tearing out the streetcars, the junctions and nearby areas converted business properties into parking lots. the installation of the West Seattle bridge also destroyed existing homes and businesses. it’s wild you live here and don’t know the history.

    • platypus March 29, 2024 (3:19 pm)

      This project will turn north delridge into a thriving place to shop and eat. It will do tons for the neighborhood. I can’t wait. The only constant is change.

      • CarDriver March 30, 2024 (3:49 pm)

        Platypus. Educate us on the businesses and restaurants that have said they’ll come in as soon as light rail arrives.

  • Bill Styron March 29, 2024 (6:52 am)

    I live not far from one of the areas that would be undoubtedly impacted by the proposed route.  Yes, I would like this to be a win-win for everyone involved, although it won’t be.  So the option is to spend many millions more, buying more expensive properties and extending the need for more materials, and still, not everyone will be happy.So:  YIMBY and YIYBY.Sorry, but I’ll channel my Inner Trekkie and quote Mr Spock, or maybe be polite and not so obvious:  Spend a lot of money as planned and meet the Greater Needs, or spend a lot more money and still have a Few who won’t be satisfied.Make your choice, Sophies of Seattle; we aren’t getting out of this without it.

    • anonyme March 29, 2024 (1:58 pm)

      I don’t usually get upset by politically incorrect references, but your comparison of the  pro or against stance on light rail to Sophie’s Choice is abhorrent “Bill Styron”.   Apparently you know the author’s name; did you actually read the book (or even watch the movie) to understand the meaning of the title?  There’s a lot of tasteless going around, but this is just too much.

      • CAM March 30, 2024 (12:19 pm)

        Sophie’s choice is at this point a common idiom in US English to characterize choosing between two options which are both negative. There’s nothing offensive about a person using a commonly used phrase. 

  • K March 29, 2024 (6:53 am)

    Lots of space in south Delridge and White Center.  Come on down!

    • SoDelridgeResident March 29, 2024 (10:23 am)

      100% here. Feels like adding insult to injury to add in multiple stops on the north end- an area that is  already flush with bus transit options through the Junction- in lieu of giving the So. Delridge/White Center folks another option besides the H bus. The only bus that runs all the way up Delridge.

    • Ross March 30, 2024 (9:30 pm)

      As someone whom has lived off delridge near whitecent my entire life, I absolutely do not want that project coming down here. EVER.

  • GeneseeResident March 29, 2024 (7:50 am)

    So sad for all the families at Alki Beach Academy 

    • Jay March 29, 2024 (8:46 am)

      Not only that, they’ve planned expansions that the city is dragging their feet on. There’s a dire shortage of childcare.

    • Mel March 29, 2024 (9:48 am)

      Agreed. You’re talking about 100 families probably. Completely out of childcare. Most of us live in the northern part of WS. It isn’t as simple as saying, go to white center or burien when many of us work at home, downtown, or the Eastside.

  • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (8:34 am)

    It’s an outrage.   And I will assign an “asterisk” to comments of those who uncritically rooted for this dislocating, disrupting, carbon-spewing,  absurd piece of infrastructure pork – whatever future topic they opine on.  

    • Brian March 29, 2024 (9:02 am)

      I also am updating my little black book of all of my blog commenting enemies. This will not go undocumented in my notes.   

      • Seth March 29, 2024 (9:24 am)

        Add me to your list.  Go light rail. 

      • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (2:44 pm)

        How original, Brian.  Maybe you stop by some of the businesses that will be forced to vacate and tell them how much you support this light rail extension.  You know, let them know you’ll be happy to help them move.  

        • Pam March 30, 2024 (6:55 pm)

          Considering Ounces posted on Instagram that they and the other businesses impacted here support light rail I think they would agree…

    • wscommuter March 29, 2024 (9:15 am)

      I’m sure commenters are shaking in their boots … 

    • choo-choo March 29, 2024 (10:40 am)

      You REALLY don’t like trains, do you?  I’m not sure where you got the idea that light rail pollutes more than buses, but at this point I don’t think anything will convince you you’re wrong, so, whatever.  Good luck with your future ad hominem attacks based on people liking trains, seems like a real solid basis for coloring all future interactions you have!

      • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (2:41 pm)

        Uh….yeah, okaaaaay.  Do you want on the list – or not?  You’re holding up everyone who is patiently waiting to be listed in my book of naughty light-railers. 

    • evanpetersnottheactor March 29, 2024 (10:53 am)

      Hi Scarlett, please add me to your list of people rooting for the Light Rail.

      One question – should someone create an asterisk patch for us to wear out in public so the rest of West Seattle knows we “uncritically rooted for this dislocating, disrupting, carbon-spewing,  absurd piece of infrastructure pork ?” 

      • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (2:09 pm)

        I have you on my list, though it grows long-ish.  By the by, yes, it is a nice juicy bit of infrastructure pork that was pushed by those who stand to make a killing off building it.  That shouldn’t be a revelation.  Don’t worry, no one is going to take your train away from you, there is too much money behind it.  God, you can’t make this stuff up.    

    • Mellow Kitty March 29, 2024 (11:08 am)

      * comment 

    • Jeff March 29, 2024 (11:45 am)

      I want to be on Scarlett’s list! PRO Train here!

      • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (3:42 pm)

        Actually,  Jeff, I respect your passion and courage to take unpopular positions.  We can disagree on this. 

        • Choo-Choo March 29, 2024 (6:38 pm)

          No, Scarlett, you do NOT respect his position, because you EXPLICITLY said you will judge any and everyone from here on out for supporting light rail.  That was LITERALLY your post, so what the hell are you playing at to suddenly act coy and say, shucks, Jeff, it’s okay to disagree on this.  You have lost what very little credibility you had– finis.

        • Mellow Kitty March 31, 2024 (7:31 am)

          You’re hilarious 😂😂

  • Alex March 29, 2024 (9:11 am)

    I keep thinking back to properties which were taken and purchased for the Monorail Project and then were not needed when the Project imploded and died off.  These are peoples homes and livelihoods and without a route decision, the cart is before the horse.

    • WSrealtor March 29, 2024 (9:50 am)

      The route decision has most certainly been made, it just hasn’t been made public yet.  Reading between the lines here, ST wouldn’t be acquiring property if they didn’t already know the route. 

      • Seth March 29, 2024 (12:28 pm)

        I think these properties were in the path of all three route options so they were going to be required regardless of which route option was chosen

        • SB March 29, 2024 (2:16 pm)

          Believe 9358000465 only applies to the current preferred alternative and the skip Avalon routes, since both go up Yancy. I dont think that parcel would be relevant to any of the others, you are talking Nucor land otherwise.

      • Bus Rider March 30, 2024 (7:49 am)

        It is illegal to coerce people into signing Early Property Acquisition Agreements before the route has been finalized – but that is what Sound Transit is doing; bullying  business and homeowners.  Dow Constantine is on the record saying getting these properties is “like money in the bank”.  Sound Transit is accountable to no one.   Save these businesses and our community.  Support Bus Rapid Transit!

    • John March 29, 2024 (10:26 am)

      Yes Alex,Without those properties being taken for the monorail, we would not be enjoying the community treasure of Beveridge Place Pub.  So all is not bad.

      • Chris March 29, 2024 (1:09 pm)

        I would love to learn more about the local history here! The monorail initiatives were in full swing when I first moved out here, but West Seattle might as well have been Mars to me at the time.How did the Monorail project impact Bevridge Place?

    • Jeff March 29, 2024 (2:08 pm)

      Different project. Different eras. Apples and Oranges.  Appreciate the history talk, but ST actually gets stuff done.

  • Ray March 29, 2024 (9:33 am)

    Couldn’t they just use the south side of Andover? I know most of West Seattle would grieve for the loss of an office park and parking lots, but I am sure the Skylark & Ounces would happily host the wake.

    • Delridge resident March 29, 2024 (5:57 pm)

      The routing required for that to connect to the preferred Avalon station would have big impacts for longfellow creek and destroy dragonfly park, not to mention greater residential impacts around dragonfly park and sw Avalon way.  For those reasons it was deemed unfeasible by sound transit engineers. There are 4 current alternatives that site stations and routes south that would preserve frye and Skylark etc and involve a route going up or into Genesee hill along the edge of the golf course with a station at the corner of the play field. Those were preferred until the DEIS. I think it largely came down to a desire to have a medium length tunnel to alaska rather than a long tunnel which changed preference to the current alternative which is the only alternative thru delridge that connected to that route. In short, I think there’s no magical low impact version through delridge, the question is simply whether the impact is worth the potential benefit. Personally, I think after reading the DEIS it doesn’t seem like it would be.

  • wetone March 29, 2024 (10:59 am)

    Be interesting to see how these “early property acquisitions” will be used for next 10-15 years while ST comes up with a real plan and real true funding to start build. Story mentions no one will be forced out immediately, but if owners or tenants leave what happens. Will properties be rented out, torn down or just boarded up allowing to fall into disrepair. Sound Transit and King County Executive Dow Constantine’s past track records do little for my confidence that this project will move forward as their explaining to the public ;) Spending over $30 million acquiring FIRST small group of property’s, without solid plan or true cost of project, what can go wrong…….

    • choo-choo March 29, 2024 (7:25 pm)

      Without a plan?  You doofus, there IS a plan in place, and WSB, among others, has been informing you of the plans for years.  What on earth are you talking about?  “Be interesting to see” BLAH BLAH BLAH, get out of here with that nonsense, light rail is coming, we’re following a plan WE VOTED FOR and despite what a sadly large proportion of the people seem to believe, the votes are paramount.  Light rail won.  Light rail is coming.  Deal with it.

      • wetone March 30, 2024 (10:06 am)

        CHOO-CHOO, your great at calling others names with very immature post….. It seems you lack any real knowledge of this project involving Sound Transit along with the many involved. Any reasonable person should concerned about cost of this project and what it will accomplish. By the way the plans are very fluid still. 

        • Mellow Kitty March 31, 2024 (7:43 am)

          Perhaps you should proofread your post before calling someone else out for their “lack of knowledge.” 

  • LeeK March 29, 2024 (11:02 am)

    I’m not against light rail expansion in general, but I am very concerned with the cost of this project and the actual ridership it will see. So much has changed since Covid with work from home, that I wonder if this is worthwhile. Especially since you will likely have to connect to another train or bus to get where you need to be. I’d love to see a 2nd bridge added for transit, bikes and emergency vehicle lane only and add electric buses that take this same light rail route every 15 minutes. Much less disruption and infrastructure needed and we get a spare bridge to help deal with the next WS bridge issue!

    • Derek March 29, 2024 (11:29 am)

      Almost every huge company is starting RTO in Q2 of this year. Work from home is no different than pre covid levels now.

      • Huh? March 29, 2024 (12:56 pm)

        Where are you getting your information from?  It seems like downtown Seattle businesses would dispute that fact.  Personally I hope WFH and Hybrid are here to stay, it is ridiculous to keep making the family sacrifices necessary to prop up a model that isn’t necessary with current technology.  I for one will not sacrifice watching my child grow up to pad someone’s ego simply because it is all they know.

        • Jeff March 29, 2024 (2:07 pm)

          It’s investors demanding it and not CEOs. Boeing, Starbucks, PACCAR, Amazon, Microsoft… all doing 4 days a week again, some full time if you’re a manager. 

        • JDB March 29, 2024 (3:49 pm)

          My parents sacrificed a lot of my childhood so they could be doctors and “pad the egos” of people needing medical care. Let’s check our privilege here – not everyone in the city is working in an industry that allows any sort of hybrid or work from home option. It is nice that you don’t have to make certain sacrifices in life but that doesn’t mean we have to make things harder for people who are making those sacrifices. The world is a lot bigger than you, dude…

          • Huh? March 29, 2024 (4:40 pm)

            First, I was speaking specifically about corporate jobs where commuting to work simply isn’t necessary in a globalized marketplace where much of your team lives in other areas of the world anyways.  Considering I was replying to someone that mentioned return-to-work this long after the pandemic, I’m pretty sure it was implied that the discussion was around jobs that could work remotely.  Even some doctors benefit by having the chance to do remote visits at least part of the time.  Obviously some jobs aren’t practical doing remotely (mechanic, firefighter, police officer, surgeon, etc), but it doesn’t hurt those professions to have other professions have the opportunity to work remotely or in a hybrid model.  Really don’t understand where you think I am acting entitled or only thinking about myself.  My experience has been that the people that want people back in the office are the senior executives that have made the office their lives, not because of some dip in productivity or profitability.

          • Mellow Kitty March 31, 2024 (7:45 am)

            Well said! 

  • New Deal March 29, 2024 (11:16 am)

    I have plenty to say but have essentially given up.  This is happening whether I like it or not.  I have decided to put my head in the sand and go on with my life.  Bring on the ugly eye sore and good bye to many businesses that have served the food desert of North Delridge so well over the last decades.  

    • Derek March 29, 2024 (11:28 am)

      The WSB and shipping containers and Nucor smoke isn’t an eyesore though? Businesses and food options can’t open up at a high rate after? 

      • Danimal March 31, 2024 (11:24 pm)

        Nucor doesn’t make “smoke;” they’re not allowed to. Particulate emissions are contained, filtered out on-site, and captured to be shipped out. What you’re seeing is steam from cooling water used in the steel-making processes. 

  • Scarlett March 29, 2024 (2:17 pm)

    The use of eminent domain, vis a vis light, is quite a sobering display of state power and should be used only when necessary; one doesn’t need to be a mindless pro-business acolyte to understand this.  At the least,  we better be damn sure that the need justifies the action because we are talking about neighbors, not some theoretical abstraction. Oh, I love the fabricated indignation over my theorized “list.”     

    • evanpetersnottheactor March 29, 2024 (5:33 pm)

      Scarlett, the need already justifies the action. Seattle has needed better infrastructure for over a decade as the population has grown rapidly and is projected to continue.

      You should channel your advocacy into something like organizing a crowd fund to help the impacted businesses relocate, or demanding the city pay them more for eminent domain.

      and theorized or not, I still want to be on your list!

    • Mellow Kitty March 31, 2024 (7:53 am)

      Oh Scarlet. Do not mistake my indignation for your list as fabricated. Fabrication indicates there’s no bases for a decision. You created the reason for indignation. 

  • DRW March 29, 2024 (3:47 pm)

    Could they design a transit center that includes retail and restaurants? 

  • WSEnvironmentalist March 29, 2024 (7:00 pm)

    From today’s Times story re new hire Sound Transit assistant CEO who will be paid $600,000 to try to right the STransit’s perpetual errors, one of which was Monorail in the 2000s, so it can get back on track.  Commenters who are expecting Light Rail to be done in 10 years DO need to immerse themselves into some Seattle transit history, including the “bus tunnel” from the 1990s that got the City into mega trouble with the Feds for buying granite from then racist and apartheid South Africa. Below is a quote from the STimes, Friday March 29, 2024:“The toughest route ahead is the $11.2 billion Ballard-to-Sodo corridor, where tunnels could plunge as deep as 140 feet, and service isn’t expected to begin until at least 2039.Stride bus rapid transit on the Eastside, promised along I-405 by 2024, will be four to five years late. Predicted costs of light rail from Sodo to West Seattle have nearly doubled, to $4 billion.” A variety of problems are to blame: unrealistic campaign promises, prolonged public outreach, construction or design errors, COVID-19, a concrete truckers strike, requested station relocations by board members, a weak U.S. supply chain, labor inflation and a shortage of big-time project bidders.

    • choo-choo March 29, 2024 (7:28 pm)

      Yeah, we should have started DECADES ago.  But better late than never.  Also–did you have a point?

    • Scarlett March 30, 2024 (10:04 am)

      WSEnvironmentalist:  Bingo! 

  • anonyme March 30, 2024 (10:12 am)

    By the time this is actually built we’ll have hovercraft – or our species will be extinct.

  • ws March 30, 2024 (10:42 am)

    are they still planning to use jefferson square?

  • Scarlett March 30, 2024 (10:43 am)

    I love trains (just took the SEA to LA Coast Starlight) but light rail is not the answer for West Seattle, and most urban areas around the country.  If it were, I would be first in line to champion it.  But it isn’t.   

    There is a difference between something that would be cool to have and something that address a clear and urgent need- light rail does not address a clear and urgent need, particularly with a fine bus transit system.  And light rail will have a neglibile impact in the future if sparse ridership along already densely populated neighborhoods along Central Link are any indication.  

    There is no doubt in my mind that a lot of well-intentioned people got swept away by emotional appeal of light rail.   If anyone thinks referencing human frailties that drive a lot of human behavior (yes, that part of the brain) is engaging in “ad hominem” attacks, then you should ask yourselves if you are being overly fragile, and/or naive.  No one is trying to circumvent democracy:  You all voted for it, and in the absence of a shift in opinion,  we’ll all get light rail.  However, revisiting policies – and politicians – passed or elected by popular vote is part of the democratic process when new information becomes available. 

    • Pam March 30, 2024 (6:52 pm)

      Scarlett, how often do you ride the bus? Do you ride it to get to work? To get to scheduled appointments? If you ride it often you’d know that traffic impacts buses and cars drive in bus lanes, two things light rail is able to avoid. How would additional buses have helped when the bridge was shutdown and the lower bridge was up to allow for ships to get past? Why is it when I look up directions from Westlake to Capitol Hill it’s 5 minutes shorter on light rail? Traffic. This whole argument that adding more buses would solve every problem is BS. We need more buses in areas underserved AND light rail. Once light rail has been expanded to WS it can then go down to White Center and other areas in need of additional transit as well. 

      • Bbron March 30, 2024 (10:31 pm)

        when Scarlett incessantly dogs on light rail nationwide, I’ve tried to have them consider where those thousands of commuters traveling that well defined route will go. it’s like they never rode the buses through downtown during morning or evening commute when the light rail didn’t yet go to UW stadium and beyond. they want a mode of transit that reinforces the car status quo, and they don’t seem to understand the need for multimodal transit.

  • Wadsworth March 30, 2024 (5:38 pm)

    Seems like Scarlett’s list is just a red herring.

  • Bus Rider March 31, 2024 (7:45 am)

    TRANSPORTATION FUTURES SPECIALIST WROTE IN SEATTLE TIMES:  West Seattle light rail extension fails on all three dimensions of sustainability — environment, economics, and equity — and should not be built. This is a classic case of where the EIS reveals the No Build is better than any of the alignment options. There are better ways to spend public transit dollars in the ST North King Subarea. With a mere half billion dollars, a fraction of what ST needs for track, a tunnel, a bridge, and three stations, King County Metro using electric buses could make public transit world class throughout the West Seattle peninsula.

  • Honey March 31, 2024 (7:48 am)

    TRANSPORTATION FUTURES SPECIALIST:  West Seattle light rail extension fails on all three dimensions of sustainability — environment, economics, and equity — and should not be built. This is a classic case of where the EIS reveals the No Build is better than any of the alignment options. There are better ways to spend public transit dollars in the ST North King Subarea. With a mere half billion dollars, a fraction of what ST needs for track, a tunnel, a bridge, and three stations, King County Metro using electric buses could make public transit world class throughout the West Seattle peninsula.


    West Seattle light rail extension fails on all three dimensions of sustainability — environment, economics, and equity — and should not be built. This is a classic case where the EIS reveals that the No Build option is better than any of the alignment options. There are better ways to spend public transit dollars in the ST North King Subarea. With a mere half billion dollars, a fraction of what ST needs for track, a tunnel, a bridge, and three stations, King County Metro using electric buses could make public transit world class throughout the West Seattle peninsula.

Sorry, comment time is over.