WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: New camera catches coyote

The photo was shared by Karla, who’s in the 5400 block of 34th SW, just south of Camp Long. She explains, “I put out a game camera last week and caught this coyote posing in our yard.” What should you do if you see one? Scare it away, as advised in this state-produced Living With Wildlife guide, which has other helpful information about coexistence. We report coyote sightings for awareness and education, not alarm; you can browse our archives here.

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: New camera catches coyote"

  • Dawn DaSilva February 19, 2024 (4:19 pm)

    He/She was probably just curious what you were doing out there in the yard and the “thing” (camera) you left out there. Just be careful if you have small pets. Seems pretty harmless. I love animals….so I would just observe and leave it alone.  

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