HELPING: Local advocate invites you to ‘extend your love’ by helping her organize West Seattle blood drive

If you can give blood on February 23, Aliye Menzies would love to have your help organizing a blood drive in West Seattle that day. She needs 35 people to commit to donating in order to book a Bloodworks Northwest mobile donation vehicle for a spot outside Just Another Barbershop, across from Seacrest, at 1617 Harbor Avenue SW, 10 am-4 pm. Aliye advocates giving via her nonprofit Tithing Foundation; we asked her to tell us more about it and why she is organizing a blood drive:

The importance of using people’s 10% is a core foundation on what I stand on for Tithing Foundation. I know it can be difficult to get people to give to their community due to the many other commitments within life. Tithing Foundation helps everyday people in the community use 10% of their time, resources, or finances (or blood) to impact the community. That’s also why I partnered with Just Another Barbershop; as a new business, they expressed the importance of being community pillars and making an impact in people’s lives.

      The reason why I chose BloodWorks NW was an easy pick. In the month of love, everyone is focusing on giving to the people they know and love. Well, what about all the lives that are at risk because they are unable to receive enough blood transfusions? Can’t we look at extending our love this month even to people we may not know? Blood is the life source, and if we choose to donate something that comes freely to us, we will save lives.

To help make this happen, you can respond via this online form. If you have a question first, contact Aliye at

1 Reply to "HELPING: Local advocate invites you to 'extend your love' by helping her organize West Seattle blood drive"

  • Kt February 2, 2024 (11:54 am)

    What a wonderful idea.

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