HAPPY HUNDREDTH! Meet Gwen Bell, West Seattle’s newest centenarian

It’s a mandatory question when you interview someone who’s reached a milestone like their 100th birthday – any secret to your long life?

Gwen Bell thinks that in her case, maybe it’s “because I’ve lived a pleasant life.”

Gwen was two days short of 100 when we talked with her on Saturday at her home east of Fairmount Park. But the celebrating already had begun.

We recorded our chat on video – it’s in two parts below. In the first, Gwen – NOT short for Gwendolyn, by the way (she says her parents decided to be efficient) – talks about her travels and her gardening, and you might even hear a few longevity tips after all.

In the second part, we talk about her jobs and her life in West Seattle – where she lived in Gatewood before she and her late husband (married 66 years, with a wedding three weeks before World War II ended) moved to a neighborhood that felt “rural” when she arrived:

As she told us toward the end of our chat, Gwen’s birthday plans included a celebratory dinner and a “Happy Birthday” serenade from her neighbors. One of those neighbors, in fact, is the person who tipped us to Gwen’s milestone birthday (thank you, Ryan!).

17 Replies to "HAPPY HUNDREDTH! Meet Gwen Bell, West Seattle's newest centenarian"

  • Alki resident February 5, 2024 (3:34 pm)

    There’s no way she’s 100, still living at home and sharp as a tack. This is so amazing . Happy Birthday Gwen. Is this Jenny Bell’s great grandma? 

  • onion February 5, 2024 (3:42 pm)

    Congratulations Gwen!!I didn’t see this when I was young, but the members of our community who have reached 70, 80, 90, and 100 (!!) are true rock stars.  When I see someone older on our sidewalks, shopping, or crossing the street I want to shout out “YOU GO!!” They are true survivors and deserve our respect and appreciation.

  • ACG February 5, 2024 (4:17 pm)

    Happiest of birthdays, Gwen!!!  Congratulations!!

  • Sarah February 5, 2024 (4:19 pm)

    I love this.  Happy Birthday Gwen, thanks for sharing this with us!

  • Jan February 5, 2024 (4:22 pm)

    Happy birthday, Ms. Bell!  Thank you for the stories!

  • WSBlog Fan February 5, 2024 (5:07 pm)

    Happy Birthday Gwen. Enjoyed the interview!

  • Ihhh February 5, 2024 (5:11 pm)

    Happy Birthday, Ms Bell! So great to know you are part of this community and an inspiration to all! 

  • miws February 5, 2024 (5:19 pm)

    Happy 100th, Gwen! —Mike

  • rbalright February 5, 2024 (5:25 pm)

    Long live the Queen of Fairmont Park! 

  • slc February 5, 2024 (5:37 pm)

    I want to be like Gwen when I’m 100! Happy Birthday, Gwen! 

  • Susie February 5, 2024 (8:00 pm)

    Happy birthday Gwen! You are an inspiration and that was a great interview you did! 

  • Leontyne Price February 5, 2024 (8:53 pm)

    Happy birthday to YOU! :)

  • Netti February 5, 2024 (10:13 pm)

    Happy birthday, Gwen, and thank you for the interview. I could listen to you for hours. Please tell us more sometime. 

  • Nwe February 5, 2024 (10:33 pm)

    Thank you for sharing this delightful interview! Happy birthday Gwen! 

  • nonni February 6, 2024 (8:42 am)

    One of the nicest people I’ve ever met.Happy 100th, Gwen!

  • Amy half her age February 7, 2024 (8:44 pm)

    I love this sorry!  Happy birthday Gwen!!

  • Ron Angeles February 8, 2024 (8:02 pm)

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. B! Keep rooting for your Mariners, Seahawks, and Huskies like you always did when Scott, Charlie, Terry, and I were playing sports at Chief Sealth High. Your are a true treasure of the community. Live it up!!

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