West Seattle’s new school board director Gina Topp plans first community-conversation meeting Sunday

Another in-person meeting of note announced today: West Seattle’s newly elected Seattle Public Schools Board director Gina Topp invites you to her first community-conversation meeting. Any questions/comments/concerns about SPS, bring them; no RSVP needed, just show up. The meeting will be at High Point Library (35th/Raymond) 1:30-2:30 pm Sunday (January 28). Topp won election in November with 89 percent of the vote in the race to succeed two-term board director Leslie Harris, who chose not to run again.

1 Reply to "West Seattle's new school board director Gina Topp plans first community-conversation meeting Sunday"

  • Educated January 28, 2024 (7:59 am)

    I would love to hear more about her support for a race to the bottom instead of lift up everyone philosophy plays out. By eliminating highly gifted programs in the name of equity, does she not support just making all of our children less capable? Her and those dismantling the ability to challenge students in the classroom have presented no credible evidence beyond their feelings about past racial woes and finances, instead of facts.

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