Teresa Mosqueda makes King County Council history as she’s sworn in

Teresa Mosqueda‘s move from the Seattle City Council to the King County Council is complete with today’s swearing-in ceremony at the county council’s first meeting of the year. Administering the oath of office in the council chambers downtown was Councilmember Mosqueda’s husband, Manuel Valdes; they and their 4-year-old daughter live in North Delridge. Mosqueda was one of two newly elected councilmembers sworn in today, along with Jorge Barón; they are making history as the first Latina/o members elected to the County Council. Mosqueda, who succeeds Joe McDermott in representing District 8 (including White Center, West Seattle, Vashon and Maury Islands, and Burien), will chair two committees – the Health and Human Services Committee and the Regional Transit Committee, and will be vice chair of the Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee. You can track County Council meeting dates and agendas, including committee meetings, here.

25 Replies to "Teresa Mosqueda makes King County Council history as she's sworn in"

  • Darren January 9, 2024 (6:02 pm)

    Wasn’t a fan when she sat on SCC, I’m confident she’ll bring the same  lame ideas to the county,  watch out Dow she wants your job

    • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy January 9, 2024 (8:36 pm)

      I didn’t vote of Mosqueda. So I’m saying this not being her fan boy. What policies of hers did you disagree with? What policy would you propose in it’s place?  I see so many people complain about politicians, but those same people don’t state anything specific except ‘do-not-like’. Even if people did (which would be a nice start) doesn’t mean the alternative policy proposal would be possible, or even legal (not everything people think up is within the politicians jurisdiction), but at least it would elevate the conversation.

      • Mel January 10, 2024 (1:24 pm)

        Um all of her in 2020. Her being pro defund the police. Her recording, and sharing to social media, a bystander telling SPD officers to harm themselves (to put it lightly) and not condemning the comments before sharing with her followers. I could go on and on.

  • Anne January 9, 2024 (7:25 pm)

    Very disappointing.

  • James January 9, 2024 (7:53 pm)

    Not content with screwing up Seattle, she’s set her sights on all of King County.

  • alkidreamin January 9, 2024 (7:57 pm)

    Absolutely thrilled to have CM Mosqueda still representing me!  She was amazing on City Council and will be a powerhouse at King County Council alongside CMs Baron and Zahilay. #winning

  • No more activists! January 9, 2024 (10:00 pm)

    Let’s start with her attempts to defund the police by 50 percent which was clearly the beginning of the exodus of experienced Seattle police officers and the inability to recruit qualified candidates today.  This has obviously resulted in the rampant crime we’re dealing with today.  It’s amazing that people would vote to promote her to a King County positions when she clearly failed at the city level!  

    • More activists! January 10, 2024 (5:13 am)

      The police weren’t defunded though. Do you remember the pandemic? We lost a lot of cops, because they refused to get vaccinated, something that was necessary for protecting everybody from a deadly disease. Many cops also refused to wear masks even when dealing with high risk people. Covid then killed and disabled many cops. Stop pretending like it never happened. You’re just shifting blame to your favorite boogie man, the progressive politician.

      • Mel January 10, 2024 (1:28 pm)

        Can you read? The person wrote ATTEMPTS to defund the police. She pushed hard. How many officers quit over the vaccine mandate vs that just piling on and being the final straw for them? This city, and Mosqueda’s leadership, were a driving force in losing a lot of officers due to the vitriol served at them daily with no support.

    • HappyCamper January 10, 2024 (5:52 am)

      I agree with your handle! Although I think the spirit of some of the prior council’s policies (homelessness, not “criminalizing poverty”) may be ok I think at many times they governed as activists instead of level headed legislators (defund). Also at the council level there aren’t two houses to balance one another out. I’m sure that job is a lot harder than many of us blog commenters want to realize but that’s also why it’s not for everyone that has a random policy they want to implement.

    • Ivan Weiss January 10, 2024 (6:29 am)

      Uh, she cruised to victory with an 11-percentage point margin, which demonstrates pretty clearly that most of the voters disagreed with you.

      • WW Resident January 12, 2024 (2:34 pm)

        Argumentum ad populum 

    • Jeff_P January 10, 2024 (10:35 am)

      Defunding literally never happened. Stop perpetuating this lie.

  • Derek January 9, 2024 (10:16 pm)

    Big fan of Teresa! Looking forward to her joining KC!

  • Del January 10, 2024 (1:57 am)

    Mosqueda was awful for the city of seattle. I’m glad she’s not a city councilmember anymore, but dread the destructive policies she’ll push county wide. 

  • Scarlett January 10, 2024 (8:23 am)

    The problem recruiting police officers has more to do with the job itself becoming less attractive.  And why?  Maybe your friendly police officer is tired of  of listening to some of your petit bourgeosis complaints and tired of being your hired gun to roust the homeless, protect your assets, and icky fawning over them.   Of course they’ll never tell you this, but if you’ve ever talked a police officer in a candid moment, this is probably what they’ll tell you.   Society is evolving, folks, for better or worse, and the police officer of yesterday is not the police officer of today.  Nothing is, to be honest.  We’re not simply going to turn the clock back to Mayberry and Sheriff Andy Taylor.   

    • Foop January 10, 2024 (9:52 am)

      I’ve yet to meet a friendly officer in Seattle aside from the events where they go out and put on a face. Every officer I have met in the street, which isn’t many, mind you, has been rude, flippant, or driving dangerously around me as I try to walk around my neighborhood.

      • Mel January 10, 2024 (1:29 pm)

        Hmm I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Not every officer is smiling at me (I don’t smile at everyone during my work day) but none have ever been rude or flippant. 

        I will say, I’d probably be a less patient person if I had to police this city. The people who want resources cut but then wonder why no one shows up to their unoccupied burglary or carprowl. Cant have it both ways folks.

      • Big Dave January 11, 2024 (11:31 am)

        Have you tried thanking them for their service?

        • CAM January 11, 2024 (10:36 pm)

          Big Dave – I’ve interacted with the police a lot, in multiple different contexts, and I’m of a demographic that wouldn’t normally be considered to have a troublesome relationship with police. What I can tell you is that I have witnessed some truly atrocious behavior by police with no provocation. Now, this is not all police and this is true of people in all professions. The difference is that police as a group actively fight to deny these problems, blame the victims of mistreatment for the behavior of their “bad apples,” and actively work to protect their “culture” that encourages the attitudes that lead to that behavior. I’ve thanked many police. I’ve also watched many police be absolutely awful to people who didn’t deserve it. 

  • KM January 10, 2024 (8:32 am)

    Very happy for her, I really appreciate her leadership and activism in our region.

  • CAM January 10, 2024 (7:23 pm)

    Headline: Look at this historic moment for Latinx populations in King County. Blog commenters: I hate her. I think some people need to rethink their verbal diarrhea sometimes. 

    • Mike January 11, 2024 (4:40 am)

      Her race is irrelevant, her policies and ideology are what matters.

      • CAM January 11, 2024 (10:28 pm)

        Let me guess Mike, you don’t see color?

  • D-Mom January 11, 2024 (7:00 am)

    Wonderful news!  She’s amazing!

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