WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Large apartment complex hit by mail theft; another apparently abandoned Kia; more car break-ins

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:

MAIL THEFT AT THE WHITTAKER: The big apartment complex at 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW has sent this alert to its tenants:

We are writing to inform you regarding a recent theft incident that occurred within our community. It has come to our attention that a male individual gained access to the North building mailroom early Saturday morning and committed mail theft. This individual appeared to have the postal office’s master key and opened the mailboxes. He gained access to about half of the North building’s mailboxes.

We are actively working with local authorities and the Postal Office to investigate this matter. In the meantime, we urge you to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the local authorities immediately…. We understand the concern this may cause and want to assure you that we are taking the necessary steps to prevent any recurrence. If you have any information related to this incident, please contact Seattle PD or Postal Office.

Management also has offered advice to residents such as “retrieve your mail promptly after delivery” and to call 911 about suspicious activity in the mailbox area or parking garage. They’re also reminding residents to “remain at the gate until it closes behind you” when driving into the garage, to “prevent anyone from slipping past the gate and entering the residential space.”


At 9:45 pm last night I saw a gray Kia with its lights off taking a right onto Barton street from 36th. I thought the car was acting strange because it was going so slow and when I tried to signal the lights were off the person was clearly trying not to look at me. At 9:48 as I was walking back home I saw the car take a left back onto 36th but from Cambridge so it circled the block. The car stopped on the corner and parked the wrong way. I was waiting for my dog to go to the bathroom and saw the car’s interior lights turn on and then someone exit 2 minutes later walking up Cambridge toward 35th. I checked on the car this morning and it’s still there with its license plate gone, driver-side window broken, steering column messed up, and it had been rummaged through.

Dave was having trouble reporting it; since it was parked the wrong way, we suggested he try Parking Enforcement, 206-386-9012.

MORE CAR BREAK-INS: Kiera sent this report:

We live in the Fairmount Park area and came out (Monday) morning to find a foreign jacket in the front seat of our car. Apparently, we had accidentally left the doors unlocked. Luckily, there was nothing of value inside, but still a bit unnerving. My husband was about to throw the jacket in the trash bin when our neighbor said it belonged to him and his truck was broken into as well. Unfortunately, his window was smashed but he got his jacket back so I guess it could’ve been worse. As a 5th generation West Seattle-ite, I am so heartbroken about the ever-increasing crime that is plaguing our beloved community. It’s not something I will ever get used to. We need to do something, it needs to stop.

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Large apartment complex hit by mail theft; another apparently abandoned Kia; more car break-ins"

  • Cristal December 19, 2023 (3:47 pm)

    The grey Kia was mine! Thank you so much for posting.

  • Adam December 19, 2023 (4:31 pm)

    Our neighbor had an overnight visitor whose work truck had the key hole drilled out, and contents in the truck were rifled through. There wasn’t anything to take, I believe. This was on the south side of SW Myrtle St between 31st and 32nd Ave’s SW, south side of Walt Hundley Park. All other vehicles were left alone, it appears, so my guess is they thought they could score some tools. I guess I know what my dog was interested in, wish I had been more interested myself. 

  • Westyone December 19, 2023 (8:34 pm)

    Please be sure that you report that to the police. You can do it online nowadays….. also, everyone remember that 911 can accept texting if you feel in danger, or need to be quiet

  • That Guy December 20, 2023 (9:11 am)

    I live on 34th Ave SW between Barton and Cambridge. We get stolen cars (mostly Kia and Hyundai) left on our street on an almost weekly basis. SPD now canvasses the street regularly to look for them. This has all started within the last year or so and it’s getting really tiring. I’ve had to report 5-10 cars and I know my neighbors have reported more on top of that. 

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