Three weeks until Christmas Eve, and it’s time to start spotlighting West Seattle Christmas lights every night. Tonight we visited a corner that shines brightly every year – Charlestown and 40th, near the “water tower” (actually a standpipe). On the northwest side of this corner, three homes in a row have lights aplenty – the corner house itself, and its two neighbors to the north.

Our photos really can’t do it justice – go walk the corner for yourself!

Got lights? Seen lights? Let us know – westseattleblog@gmail.com, with or without photos (we’re out roaming) – thank you! (See what we’ve shown, including previous years, by scrolling through this WSB archive.)

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Triple treat"

  • Wyatt December 4, 2023 (6:36 pm)

    Thank you as always for the feature! More lights to come!

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