GRATITUDE: Stranded driver’s note of thanks

David sent this as an open thank-you letter for Thursday evening help:

At around 5 pm, my old 1984 gray Chevy Cavalier station wagon’s transmission finally died while waiting to make a left-hand turn on 35th Avenue SW and SW Thistle westbound with a load of groceries from the White Center Safeway.

I’d like to publicly thank the unknown young lady and unknown female driver of a big white pickup truck who came to my assistance and gave me a “heavenly shove” out of the left-turn lane onto westbound SW Thistle so I could safely wait for a tow to my residence in Upper Gatewood.

6 Replies to "GRATITUDE: Stranded driver's note of thanks"

  • Steph December 29, 2023 (9:59 am)

    Many thanks to all the people, especially women, who still reach out and help stranded people in need!I recently went through some terrible times and during it I needed help and received it from: two women who jumped my vehicle in Burien, a woman who took a chain out of her truck and pulled my car out of a “hidden” ditch I ended up in, a very kind woman who just bought me gas when the unmanned station didn’t take my card, and I think there were some other jump starts and some help with flat tires. Fortunately I have a better vehicle now.  I remember well how my first husband was always helping people with car problems. Sometimes we would both push them. It’s riskier now and those who help deserve praise even if just calling for assistance is what can be done.  I want to point out another incident I witnessed a year or two ago. A vehicle with an old man stalled at the intersection of Henderson and Delridge, where the road was narrowed down to one  lane. I figured I was in for a long night when four young men rushed out of a nearby house and pushed his car around the corner, unblocking the intersection and putting the car in a safe place. Like the cavalry in the old cowboy movies!

  • CJ December 29, 2023 (11:09 am)

    Thanks for sharing!  The “gratitude” category is much needed.  Let’s spread more kindness in 2024!  

  • Patrick December 29, 2023 (1:32 pm)

    So great to hear about these type of acts of kindness. West Seattle is the best!

  • Kt December 29, 2023 (2:56 pm)

    Maybe the blog can do a Friday gratitude post and everyone can share stories about kindness they witnessed during the week.

  • Cindy December 29, 2023 (3:42 pm)

    Awwwww… This made my whole year. I was so glad to be able to help someone in a situation that so many of us have been in at one time or another. And to the gal that used her truck to push, thank you too! 

    • David December 29, 2023 (7:02 pm)

      Hi Cindy, nice to know your name.  You were a great calming help last night when my old dilapidated car transmission finally died on me at 35th and SW Thistle.  I was starting to panic a bit until you came by and offered to try and help me push my car off 35th onto Thistle.  Also thanks to the nice lady who used her truck to push my car off 35th when our efforts to push my car off 35th were unsuccessful due to the downslope of 35th at that point.  May you and your family have a Happy New Year and great 2024. 

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