Designed your costume yet? Be one of the ‘Glorious Lights of West Seattle’ to win prizes during December 9 festival

Another illuminating holiday event is getting closer – GLOWS (Glorious Lights of West Seattle), including the West Seattle Junction Christmas tree lighting and much more. Again this year, you’re invited to design and wear a costume of light that night (Saturday, December 9) – you can enter the costume contest and win a prize! Here’s the reminder from the West Seattle Junction Association:

The Junction is hosting its second annual Light Costume Contest as part of GLOWS – Glorious Lights of West Seattle. We want you to be a GLOWS! Start getting your costume together now. If you don’t have time, we will have lots of fun lighted apparel for you to purchase on site so don’t hesitate to show up unlit. Costume contest categories:

* Best Individual – $500
* Best Group – $500
* Best Kid – $100
* Best Pet – $100

If you wish to be part of the competition, you will need to walk through the tunnel of lights. Enter from the parking lot on 42nd Ave SW between Oregon and Alaska and go down the stairs towards the back of Menashe & Sons Jewelers. From there you will walk south down the alley through the tunnel of lights. At the end of the tunnel are the judges. All costume contest participants need to move through the tunnel between 4-5 pm. Between 5:00-5:20, the judges will wander the event grounds awarding their favorites for each category with a light wand. If chosen as a favorite, you need to be at the stage on 42nd Ave SW at 5:30 pm. The community will choose the winners of each category at 5:30 pm.

GLOWS is part of West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays (with community co-sponsors including WSB) – the first HH event is this Friday (December 1st), a chocolate-and-wine tasting event – tickets still available!

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