WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Robbery attempt, three gun incidents, stolen bike

Five reports in West Seattle Crime Watch – the first four are from police summaries made public today.

STREET ROBBERY ATTEMPT: This happened Wednesday night but was not reported to police until Thursday afternoon, according to a summary made public today. The victim told police that he had left a restaurant in the 2600 block of Alki SW around 10 pm Wednesday and started walking away when two people “jumped out, pointed a handgun at him, and demanded his items.” But, the summary continues, “The victim screamed, which caused the suspects to flee and leave the area in a vehicle” without stealing anything. Neither the would-be robbers nor the vehicle were described in the summary, so we asked SPD. Det. Judinna Galpan responded: “Suspects: Two Black males in their mid – late teens. Wearing all black. One had a black bandana covering his face and the other possibly a red or black bandana. Vehicle: Tan or white sedan-type vehicle with no license plates.” If you have any information, the incident # is 23-288630.

These three other Wednesday incidents were also revealed in summaries made public today>

EARLY MORNING GUNFIRE: This was reported in the 6900 block of Delridge Way SW around 5 am Wednesday. 911 callers reported hearing “several shots”; officers “arrived and located evidence” of gunfire. No injuries. One person told officers a “blue sedan” might have been involved.

GUN STRUGGLE: At 1:45 pm Wednesday, officers were waved down in the 2400 block of SW Webster – just west of the Southwest Precinct – because two people were fighting. At some point, somebody “produced a handgun” and the two “struggled over it,” with the person who brought out the gun pistol-whipping the other person. Police say they recovered the gun and booked the person into jail for assault.

SHOT IN THE AIR: Then at 11 pm Wednesday, officers responded to a theft report at Westwood Village. Security at the business – not identified in the summary – told police that three people fled in a vehicle and that one of them fired a shot into the air as they drove off. Officers did not find evidence of gunfire aside from the witness report.

Also tonight, a reader report:

BICYCLE THEFT: This happened quickly, around 8:45 am today, when Dan went into his home for just a moment:

It was taken off my car when I ran into my house on Barton and 31st. It’s a pretty unique-looking bike and it looks like it was someone who just happened to be walking past in the 2 min I was in my house so I am assuming they are local. I got pretty clear footage of the person who took it.

The police incident # is 23-289429.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Robbery attempt, three gun incidents, stolen bike"

  • Ngo Nguyen October 6, 2023 (10:03 pm)

    I saw a group of young teens  being robbed at gunpoint two summers ago at Alki beach near the boat launch by 3 men who dove up in a car. It was very upsetting. I don’t go in that area anymore. 

  • Rod October 7, 2023 (7:02 am)

    Will the recovered gun from the gun struggle be impounded/destroyed, or will it be returned (what is the criteria)?

    • Rhonda October 7, 2023 (4:03 pm)

      Stolen guns get returned to their owners. If no crime was committed the gun will be returned to the subject. If the subject is forbidden to own a gun it will become property of SPD (or sold, traded, destroyed, auctioned as per each department’s policy).

  • KT October 7, 2023 (9:42 am)

    Hmm, all these robberies and burglaries being committed by perps in vehicles without license plates.  Wonder what would happen if SPD actually enforced motor vehicle laws?

  • Brenda October 7, 2023 (3:20 pm)

    The video of the bike theft is “private” so we can’t access it. Hope it turns up soon.

    • WSB October 7, 2023 (4:29 pm)

      Sorry, don’t know why it would show that way, I uploaded it literally the same way I’ve uploaded hundreds of other videos, reader-provided or ours, just tried regenerating the code …

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