WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another grab-and-drive purse-snatch robbery

This happened around 6:30 pm Sunday in Morgan Junction, Christine reported via email:

I witnessed a purse snatch on Fauntleroy 1 block west of Starbucks. Suspect is white male wearing all black/ski mask and drove off in red/orange small Kia. Cops were called, issued case number, and little old lady is okay.

Police audio from the incident doesn’t have much to add – noting two juveniles possibly involved. SPD incident # is 23-292032.

18 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another grab-and-drive purse-snatch robbery"

  • Nadmirak October 9, 2023 (10:07 am)

    With all seriousness:  do NOT carry a purse! Put items in your pockets.  Expensive jewelry can also attract you being robbed and hurt.  That’s the reality.  So think about what you’re wearing before you head out in public.

    • PDiddy October 9, 2023 (11:48 am)

      This is just dumb and unrealistic. Stay in your home and hide under the bed while you are at it. This is a rare occurrence over all. 

      • Lola October 9, 2023 (12:41 pm)

        That is not what we are saying at all.  But until these thieves get more than a slap on their hand for their actions we must be more aware of those THUGS that want to take our stuff and get their hands on our CC and Cash.  This is just a new way for them to be thiefs.  It is sad that it has come to this but it is reality. 

        • BWest October 9, 2023 (5:49 pm)

          Slap on the wrist sheesh they aren’t even getting so much as a warning let alone a slap on the wrist. There needs to be some course of action allowing Kia and Hyundai owners the ability to trade their cars in for anything but without taking a huge loss for depreciation when doing so.As it’s inevitable that sooner or later it will be your car aiding and abetting these thieves to hurt innocent ppl and commit costly crimes. Slapping the car maker with the hugest class action lawsuit forcing the removal of all these makes and models. Cause the aftermarket wheel lock they issued is easily bypassed not curbing or detecting any of these thefts. Accountability from the mfg while allowing ease for their owners to trade in with compensation paid to every victim. 

      • Pelicans October 9, 2023 (3:52 pm)

        NOT “rare” now. It happened to me last week. I used to think like you. Take precautions, be aware of your surroundings. But don’t hide at home.

    • ARPigeonPoint October 9, 2023 (11:48 am)

      Tell designers to put pockets in women’s clothing.

      • Amy October 9, 2023 (1:31 pm)


    • heyalki October 9, 2023 (12:06 pm)

      Let’s say everyone did do that. They’d just start pickpocketing or something…then what? Screw this reality. 

    • Seattlite October 9, 2023 (12:07 pm)

      Why do you think it is the “reality” that citizens have to fear for their safety walking around WS’s streets?  

    • Terry October 9, 2023 (4:55 pm)

      Or…. we could be tough on gutless thugs who rob little old ladies.

    • Kia owner October 9, 2023 (5:34 pm)

      Agree, seems prudent to stop carrying a purse and just use your pockets for the time being, until this recent daily spree of purse-snatching (with assaults in some cases) up and down the California Ave corridor is over. These thieves seem to be using stolen Kia’s and Hyundai’s and get out and approach the victim after they’ve identified that there is a purse.  By the way, PLEASE put a club (steering wheel lock) every day and night on your Kia or Hyundai. I know it is a pain, I hate it. They are heavy and cumbersome. But as a Kia owner I feel it is my responsibility to do whatever I can to avoid my car being stolen and used in a violent crime. This is not victim blaming–I believe we owners of these cars are victims of the corporations who failed to use good locks, and the lack of regulations to demand they do so. But the reality is our cars are being stolen and used to hurt people, so lock them up. 

      • Little One October 10, 2023 (3:08 am)

        Agreed and agreed. Thank you for putting a club on your vehicle. It is unfair to you as a consumer, but you are helping to protect your community by being proactive.

    • Rhonda October 9, 2023 (5:57 pm)

      Stop victim-shaming. 

  • Lola October 9, 2023 (11:36 am)

    I have started to not carry a purse with me when I go to the store now.  This is getting ridiculose now with going after the elderly.  Might have to get Grandma a Belt Purse to wear under her cloths when she goes out. We need to have more of a Punishment for these Brazen theives. 

  • Derek October 9, 2023 (1:38 pm)

    Need to fix root problems to crime. It will NEVER go away. Can’t jail every single person and juvenile is especially not going to happen. It is time to start fixing social inequality and giving basic needs. Poverty and Crime correlate exactly. 

  • James R October 9, 2023 (1:48 pm)

    There seems to definitely be an uptick in brazen crime even middle of the day and almost always by what seems to be by young juveniles. From attempted carjackings to robberies & purse snatching of mostly vulnerable citizens. Have police confirmed if this is an uptick in gang crimes? It seems very plausible with these crimes being committed almost alway by younger juveniles & maybe told to commit crimes to prove their worth to be in the gang. 

  • Pdavis October 10, 2023 (10:24 am)

    If you get targeted to have your purse stolen think about the ramifications:  you could fall and break a bone(s)…. They have your identification, and know where you live… they have your car key and your house key…. they have your credit cards… and maybe even a checkbook…cash… and more.   As we saw from the woman that got robbed of her purse in the Admiral Safeway parking lot they immediately were using her credit cards before she even had time to advise of the theft.  Maybe not even be able to drive your car home (keys in the purse?) from where you parked ….so you get to pay for a locksmith potentially.  The worst part is a deeper lack of safety with your home .  They have your name and your address and a key to your house. …Cost a lot of money to get Locksmith and it’s very mentally penetrating to have this happen and as I said, you could be seriously injured especially if you’re elderly…… all that could be avoided by simply not carrying a purse.  Very easy compared to what could happen if you continue to carry a purse..  I’m 75 and I quit carrying a purse years ago because it actually is it delightful thing to not be hauling it around.  You just have to adapt…… not carrying a purse is wonderful!  And you’re likely more safe.  It’s old women doing that and obviously that’s a target..  be safe 

  • Terremoto October 10, 2023 (11:22 am)

    Was in Italy with a friend whose purse was stolen by second rider on a moped.  He was ready to punch her in face if she didn’t let go.   When we went to the police station, we spoke with the variety of other tourists who had also been robbed of purses.  Then spoke with an Italian man who kindly interpreted for us, and told us that Italian women carried small purses containing only lipstick and a comb.  They never carried valuables in a purse.  I keep phone + wallet in pockets or a small waistpack under a shirt or jacket.  Have to adjust to changing times — it’s about prevention.

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