WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglary; stolen, crashed, dumped Hyundai

Two reports this morning:

ANOTHER BUSINESS BURGLARY: Amber at The Birdhouse in Upper Fauntleroy reports they were hit by a burglar overnight – here’s what she sent:

I have attached pictures of the person who entered our building and stole our safe and till money. The break-in happened around 1:00 am. The police came after (the) Macrina driver found the crime scene about 5:30 am.

They’re still looking through security video for any other images of note, including whether there was a getaway car. The police incident # is 23-269772.

ANOTHER CRASHED, DUMPED HYUNDAI: A reader sent this photo of the car, found crashed/abandoned at Riverview Playfield:

Police-radio traffic indicates an officer just checked it out and verified it was stolen.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglary; stolen, crashed, dumped Hyundai"

  • WS Res September 17, 2023 (10:50 am)

    Is the Birdhouse open for business this morning? Thought we might go get coffee and burritos to support them.

    • AR September 17, 2023 (11:08 am)

      I just drove by there and saw lots of people standing in line so the answer is yes they are probably open.

      • Marty2 September 17, 2023 (11:55 am)

        They are open, but it was credit card only earlier this morning.

  • N Admiral September 17, 2023 (12:46 pm)

    Another blue car was stolen 5:40am Sunday morning from 1500 block of California Ave SW by a group of teenagers driving a red Camaro, Tesla and other vehicles. Police Incident # is 23-269796 for reference

  • balderdash September 17, 2023 (6:37 pm)

    gee what is this up to now.  Kia/hyundai stolen every day?  Or maybe I’m just slow

  • Irrationally Irritated September 18, 2023 (9:31 am)

    Since Kia and Hyundai don’t seem to care about their vehicles being stolen, maybe the car OWNERS should start caring a little more.  There are devices you can get to prevent the theft of your cars. In fact, they are being offered for free in some cases. Your vehicle lenders and insurance companies will thank you later.  

    • Julian September 18, 2023 (11:15 am)

      Kia and Hyundai both offer a  free fix to protect against the issue that allowed for easy theft.https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/hyundai-kia-campaign-prevent-vehicle-theft

      • SCOTT WALKER September 22, 2023 (6:32 pm)

        Only works if you have keyless ignition, most don’t.

    • Little One September 19, 2023 (4:35 am)

      Agreed, people should be doing what they can to *prevent* the stolen Kias/Hyundais, and there’s multiple reasonable options.The state knows where the affected cars are and who owns them because of state registrations. Has the state already notified owners that they need to take precautions or have their vehicle fixed? Is there anything we can do to require that registered Kias/Hyundais be fixed? I know that could come across as overreach but jeesh, we are so reactionary to a problem that needs a proactive solution. Meanwhile, kids and criminals are upping their crime resumes – doesn’t bode well for an individual’s trajectory. The thieves and manufacturers need to be accountable too. This isn’t all mutually exclusive. 

      • SCOTT WALKER September 22, 2023 (6:31 pm)

        The only ‘fix’ offered unless you have keyless ignition (which is only about 30%) is the pretty useless steering wheel lock.  The thieves  just cut the steering wheel; at best it slows them down by 30 seconds.  KIA and Hyundai have already admitted guilt in California and lost a class action suit there because they knew almost immediately after starting production of the problem and did nothing for years.  KIA needs to be forced to do a recall and convert all of the carless to keyless ignitions – something they’ll never do without a court order.  

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