WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gas-chugging suspect charged in home burglary; police release arrest video

A 40-year-old man is charged with residential burglary for a Friday break-in north of Westcrest Park at a home where a teenage girl was alone. Police released information and video from the incident today via SPD Blotter; we researched the suspect’s status and found that he’s still in jail and has been charged.

The narrative in the charging documents begins with the girl, home alone, texting her father wondering if he’d hired someone to do work at their home, because a man was trying to get in. The father subsequently called 911. In the meantime, police say, the man broke in, while the girl hid in a closet, from which she called 911 too. Officers arriving in the area were flagged down by a neighbor who said a man had been seen in the area carrying a ladder and gas can. This, the neighbor said, was on video (a frame grab from the charging documents is at right).

Police meantime went on to find a broken window at the house from which, and about which, 911 had been called, and officers forced open the door to get in. They say they found Christopher M. Abbott sitting in a car in the closed, locked garage. From there, the document says:

Abbott noticed the officers and immediately started yelling that he was not going to be taken into custody. Abbott then began chugging gasoline out of the gas container that he had with him.

Officers instructed Abbott to open the driver’s door, or they would be forced to break the window to extract him from the car. Abbott refused again and continued chugging gasoline out of the container. Due to the hazard that Abbott was creating for officers and himself, officers broke the driver’s side window of the vehicle and removed Abbott while he continually attempted to grab onto items inside of the vehicle to prevent from being extracted from the car.

Here’s the SPD video showing their arrival at the house and apprehension of Abbott:

After they took him into custody, they found the 17-year-old girl, who came out of hiding and told officers she was unhurt. Her father arrived in the meantime and went through the house with officers to see if anything was missing, It appeared Abbott had eaten some pizza and chips; nothing else seemed to be missing. Abbott was medically evaluated at Harborview and then booked into the King County Jail. According to charging documents, he has no permanent address, and no local record, but has several convictions in Texas, mostly for domestic-violence assault. His bail is set at $20,000 and he will be arraigned next month.

50 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gas-chugging suspect charged in home burglary; police release arrest video"

  • flimflam August 23, 2023 (8:08 pm)

    No address, a bunch of convictions in another state…great 

  • ArborRes August 23, 2023 (8:25 pm)

    Thank you, Seattle Police Department, for a very professional response to this home invasion by a convicted criminal with a record of violent crime.  I’m glad that the young woman at home was not hurt, and she deserves praise for being smart and calm under an extremely stressful situation. The response from neighbors was also a relief.  Hopefully, this individual will be held accountable, but that is unlikely in our city, and he will probably be released soon, continuing to pose a danger to others (and, apparently, himself), which must make the police officers’ jobs very frustrating. Regardless, we appreciate the way they handled this situation and are grateful for the work they do.  Thank you, WSB, for sharing the bodycam footage. 

    • WSB August 23, 2023 (9:35 pm)

      He was rush-charged, which indicates police and prosecutors took this particularly seriously.

    • Mark August 23, 2023 (10:29 pm)

      100% agree ArborRes!  I’m the homeowner and father of the girl.  Kudos to SPD for their quick response and professionalism, our neighbors for their support and most of all my daughter who did everything right – recognized something wasn’t right right away, got help coming and hid to stay out of danger until help arrived.  Not sure what the intruder’s intent was, but it doesn’t appear that he attempted to steal anything other than some leftover pizza and a bag of chips.  The fact that he was guzzling gasoline (yes, waikikigirl, it was definitely gasoline) would indicate he wasn’t all there mentally. Hopefully he is put away for a long while.  I feel terrible that my daughter had to go through this, but I’m glad that her happening to be home likely caused him to be apprehended.  I don’t even want to think about would he could have done if he got into our house undetected with that gasoline can and no one home.  Everyone, please look out for your neighbors and call 911 if you see something suspicious.  Our Southwest precinct officers are awesome and I’m glad I found out that even being severely under-staffed they will still respond in a flash when needed.

      • waikikigirl August 24, 2023 (7:10 am)

        @Mark, I’m so glad your daughter wasn’t harmed and obviously you have taught her well, how to think calmly and rationally in a stressful situation. Good job Dad (Parents)!  As for the gas and this person…this just could had gone terribly wrong but it got taken under control quickly by your daughter’s smart thinking,  your alert neighbors and the SPD!Good job to everyone

  • waikikigirl August 23, 2023 (8:30 pm)

    OMG you couldn’t pay me all the money in the world to be a Police Officer, that video was stressful to watch! Did the suspect really drink gas or was it water or something else?  When I was 5yrs old (1960) I drank gas from a coke bottle and had to get my stomach pumped I’m assuming thats what was done for him? ALSO only $20k for bail…come on Judges!!! Happy the girl was unharmed too!

    • WSB August 23, 2023 (9:32 pm)

      It’s described as gasoline repeatedly in the documents, including the more graphic parts of the narrative describing his physical reaction to it.

  • D August 23, 2023 (8:48 pm)

    I wonder if he got a free bus ride here from texas? 

  • burglerbustindad August 23, 2023 (8:57 pm)

    Maybe he is the guy who cut my truck fuel line on 37th SW and Holly?
    I bought locking fuel caps…how do I stop these thieves?

  • Rhonda August 23, 2023 (9:05 pm)

    This is one of those dangerous transients from another state that we’re constantly being told aren’t dangerous and are our home-grown “neighbors”.

    • WS4life August 24, 2023 (8:03 am)

      Exactly!  So many are from other states!  Thank you for pointing that out.

    • Josh August 24, 2023 (9:46 am)

      I have heard no one say the transient scofflaws that come and are here aren’t dangerous. The concept you are referencing is the idea that just building more jails and beefing up the police apparatus won’t really solve the problem but rather we should strive to have housing and mental health and addiction treatment be the things that are beefed up as those are things that are much more likely to get them out of your line of sight and less likely to be chugging your gas in you garage. 

      • Gaslit August 24, 2023 (3:54 pm)

        Yeah Josh. If he just had been allowed to live in socialized housing/projects and been placated with anxiety meds, he probably wouldn’t have been drinking gasoline. I’m sure the solution is that simple. 

  • KN August 23, 2023 (9:26 pm)

    I saw him at Westcrest park Friday morning. My 6 year old was biking the path ahead of me and he was on a bench with paints and a backpack. He was talking to my kid but I caught up and asked them to keep riding. Later he found us by the slides and went up to my kid again when we were apart and gave them a painting and tried to talk to them. Told them to not worry because he “sanitized the painting.” He made me feel really uncomfortable. He was walking all around the park and near the P Patch. 

    • Alki resident August 23, 2023 (9:35 pm)

      Ok please next time completely separate yourselves and leave the area. He easily could’ve attacked you or your child. These people are not right in their head. Protect yourself. 

      • alkiannie August 24, 2023 (6:08 pm)

        I agree. Also, listen to your gut. If someone makes you feel really uncomfortable, there is a reason.

  • Vee August 23, 2023 (9:30 pm)

    Girl  was smart and police acted quickly

  • Azimuth August 23, 2023 (9:48 pm)

    That video makes me want to rethink my deadbolt setup!

    • Jay August 24, 2023 (10:12 am)

      Replace all the 3/4″ screws with 3″ construction screws. The short screws that come packaged with strike plates and hinges are why you can just push doors open with your shoulder. If you use 3″ screws, someone trying to break in using the method in the video will injure themselves and the door won’t budge. The only way in will be breaking the door itself.

      • waikikigirl August 24, 2023 (12:51 pm)

        Our front door was “attempted” to be kicked in by a would be burglary and the KC Sheriff said what saved us was the long screws my husband installed when installing a new lock/door knob. So YES they do work as Jay states.

    • TTT August 24, 2023 (10:40 am)

      my thoughts exactly!

  • Wseattleite August 23, 2023 (9:57 pm)

    Thank you SPD. 

  • Admiral-2009 August 23, 2023 (10:39 pm)

    Scary – A $20,000 bail is an injustice. The perp needs to pay for all the damages his actions caused.

  • Flaunt-Leroy August 24, 2023 (12:51 am)

    If the community observed someone exhibiting issues of mental health and\or distress and didn’t know what to do or what service to contact, it’s  a sign that we need a more specialized response unit to help address people like this. From what was presented in this situation the SPD used some well practised breach and secure training to resolve it, cudos, but it could have been identified and resolved before we get to armed police response in someone’s home, with people inside.  If one of the previous commentor’s  did in fact see this individual earlier, and felt they were exhibiting problematic behavior , it would have been good for them to have a service to contact, with specialised resources to help them before it got to this point, something like a “811” someone can contact for non-violent interception and assessment. I for one would be happy to pay more taxes to fund a taskforce or detachable units for this .  A last note in response to some comments, people are people, not “from places” that concept and thought process makes no sense.

    • Andrew August 24, 2023 (8:15 am)

      Mental issues or not. Once you break into a home it becomes criminal and cops should most definitely be involved. Mental health is no excuse to commit crimes. It’s like a drunk driver hitting and killing someone and saying it’s not their fault because they were drunk.

      • Duh August 24, 2023 (5:33 pm)

        Mental health is not by choice.Drinking is by choice.

    • Alki resident August 24, 2023 (8:35 am)

      We’re already taxed to death here. A special task force wouldn’t have done anything different had they shown up at the park, he was basically talking to a child and interacting, not physically harming or threatening, just weirding out the mother making her uncomfortable. The armed cops are what we need around here. You never know how bad it can turn in seconds. Especially with transients that are new to our area and police don’t have a contact record on them yet. 

    • High Point August 24, 2023 (10:17 am)

      911, 988, and 211 aim to work together towards a coordinated assessment and intervention model better suited to the growing demand for responsive mental health care provider deployment.

    • ws resident August 24, 2023 (10:44 am)

      “that comment” is showing that many of the people with large mental health problems or long criminial records may not be from this area. From that one can conclude that they may be given a bus ticket to a state other than their state of origin to make them our tax payer’s problem instead of Texas’ problem. You are naive if you think “red states” are not solving their problems with bus tickets.

      • WS Res August 24, 2023 (2:17 pm)

        Except that’s not what every survey of unhoused people finds. The vast majority (was it 90% last time?) of people report that their last address was Seattle or King County generally. If you need to believe that unhoused and unwell people are from “somewhere else” because it helps you you feel OK about not caring about them or seeing them as human, you do what you need to do.  But the facts don’t care about what you need in order to face yourself in the mirror.

    • Alki resident August 25, 2023 (8:29 am)

      Every man knows not to approach children they don’t know, it doesn’t matter that he had an “excuse” to approach the child. That brave teenage girl was lucky he didn’t know she was there. It’s just as likely he would have assaulted her as not. And while “811” type assessments are great and all, the man wasn’t breaking the law. He was being creepy, so nothing would have been done. Who knows what he would have done if the parent wasn’t there. It’s pie-in-the-sky thinking that talking to these folks is going to fix them. We need them in jail and off drugs. Time to keep them in jail when they break laws, and ship them back where they came from when they come to Seattle for our lax drug policy and criminal “justice”. 

  • Kt August 24, 2023 (4:48 am)

    Kudos to this young lady and her father for handling this situation and to the police.  Until we fix the health care crisis in this country mentally ill people, this time of crime/violence will occur.  

  • Steven August 24, 2023 (9:38 am)

    This even made it onto TMZ.  Great that West Seattle is making national headlines.https://www.tmz.com/2023/08/24/burglar-chugs-drinks-gasoline-seattle-police-arrest/

  • Keff August 24, 2023 (10:41 am)

    I like the audible ‘what the..’ when SPD opens the car door and he immediately starts chugging gasoline.

  • Cornelius Sourdough August 24, 2023 (11:12 am)

    I very much agree that we need more robust services to deal with these types of offenders. In Eugene Oregon we were able to call CAHOOTS to help police deal with deranged. Just yesterday I passed a man huffing cans of air near Westwood village. When I passed by on my return trip he was openly fondling his penis and balls between huffs. I didn’t call police but wish there was some kind of other service to help respond to these issues. Kudos again to the SPD and vigilant neighbors and victims! 

    • Pilar August 24, 2023 (3:58 pm)

      You should have called 911.  Public masturbation is an aggressive exhibitionist act and he needed to have this on his record should he go on to actually attack someone. Also, as a female who used to ride the bus daily near Westwood, it would be nice if my fellow neighbors would care about protecting future victims. I’ve been subjected to men on the streets doing this while staring at me. It is terrifying. This is not a victimless crime and compassion should be reserved for those who are actually endangered by deviant criminals like this.

      • CAM August 24, 2023 (9:38 pm)

        There is a difference between someone intentionally engaging in sexual acts to assault or intimidate others or to gratify themselves because of the presence of others and someone engaging in masturbation in the open because they are so impaired they don’t know it. Both are illegal but only one is predatory. Nothing in Cornelius’ comment suggested the behavior they observed was the former. 

  • Ms. Sparkles August 24, 2023 (12:52 pm)

    So, what happens when you drink gasoline?!?  I can’t imagine anything good.

  • Scubafrog August 24, 2023 (1:45 pm)

    I’m so glad the girl at home wasn’t hurt, she’s clearly whip-smart, and did everything perfectly (as well as her father) —- the Seattle Police similarly performed magnificently.   I’m also excited about what I’ve been reading in regards to the new King County Jail.  It actually sounds like it may be a real model for Rehabilitation, and hopefully markedly less recidivism.  Mayor Harrell and his Administration have outlined his expectations for new police hires (and the prereqs sound awesome).  Chin-up Seattle.  Tough times, but there’s a lot to look forward to.

  • Graciano August 24, 2023 (3:19 pm)

    What possess someone to drink gasoline,  new Tik-Tok challenge?

    • alkiannie August 24, 2023 (6:12 pm)

      he was trying to kill himself so that he wouldn’t have to go to jail

      • Dogs August 24, 2023 (7:37 pm)

        Or trying to hide evidence of gas he stole? When you chug gas, you are not thinking straight in the first place…

        • Rick August 25, 2023 (7:38 am)

          Well, at least he wasn’t a smoker. 

  • Forest August 24, 2023 (4:08 pm)

    I inadvertently caught a daytime burglar in my Admiral neighborhood house two years ago. I’d been taking a shower and interrupted him rummaging through my living room dresser. Fortunately for me, he was around 70 years old and unarmed, so I was able to detain him until the police arrived. Turned out he had been walking around the neighborhood knocking on front doors and asking for a drink of water if someone happened to answer their door. Believe it or not, he’d let himself into my house with a spare I had carefully hidden in my backyard six months earlier. The police took him to King County Jail and returned to me my small valuables he had in his coat pockets, plus my shoes that he was wearing when they arrested him. A few weeks later, I found his screwdriver hidden under my couch. 

  • Meryl August 24, 2023 (6:58 pm)

    Terrifying. So glad no one was hurt. Thank you so much to our Seattle Police Department. We do appreciate you. 

  • CR August 24, 2023 (7:08 pm)

    I would be curious what the SPD response time for this call was if readily available. 

    • Mark August 25, 2023 (9:01 am)

      I called 911 at 11:35am and it looks like the body cam footage starts at 11:46am (not sure why it’s showing 18:46, maybe the times on the body cams are GMT).  Looks like they were already on scene for a minute or two before that, so I’m guessing the response time was around 9 minutes.  A quick Google search indicates that the average priority 1 emergency response time in the US is around 10 minutes, so it seems like this response was a little better than average.  I’m sure those 9 minutes felt like an eternity to my daughter, though :(

  • Steph August 25, 2023 (10:26 am)

    I agree with arbores and Mark in their praise of the police response and appreciate WSB for posting the video, even though I haven’t slept well since seeing it.  This is the nightmare I have had thousands of times, hiding from intruders with bad intentions. I am so sorry this girl had to really experience this and pray for her ability to feel safe again. I hope the 3 inch nails in the deadbolt will help because it was shocking to see how easily that door was breached. Anyone have any other security tips? I actually have to replace my entire door frame since I was “swatted” recently by a despicable person who called for a ” welfare check” when they knew there was no reason for it. (which is a crime, but we were told by the police department that they would not take a report because one could not prove it was just harassment!).  I was deluding myself by having three locks. This intruder had a ladder? He broke the window? Do we need to save up for those expensive roll down metal shutters? It wasn’t that long ago that people didn’t even lock their doors, now even that is not enough.  Although I appreciate the video and report, I guess my children’s advice to stop reading the WSB because it is adding to my fear might be on point.  How far in the sand can I get my head? I’ve been told a dog is the only answer but we had a home invasion and the 260 lb brute wasn’t afraid of the barking German Shepard at all so I don’t think I will get a dog that would now be difficult to care for.

  • ConcernedInAdmiral August 26, 2023 (12:48 pm)

    SO RELIEVED young lady ok. THANK UUU SPD!!Regarding out-of-staters, Fentanyl is a big draw to Seattle. Addicts know about this. West Seattle is not immune to users, nor distributors, nor those making it. Had 2 property management companies (and my neighbors!!) that didn’t want to hear about. Excessively dismissive which, as an out-of-stater, I found soul crushing. Seattle has a nasty problem. God help us all.

Sorry, comment time is over.