Thanks to everyone who’s continued sending views of our feathered neighbors this summer. We’ve featured some with our daily preview lists, but as the weekend wraps up, we have a moment to share a gallery – starting, above, with Jerry Simmons‘ catch, a gull apparently getting warned off by a crab. The star in another gull’s bill wasn’t so lucky, Theresa Arbow-O’Connor shows us:
Other birds just grab their prey from the water and take off, like this Osprey photographed by James Tilley:
James also caught the brilliant color of a Purple Martin:
Another brightly colored bird – this Anna’s Hummingbird photographed by Jon Anderson:
From Jamie Kinney, a Barred Owl:
And a Great Blue Heron:
A closer view of another heron – via long lens – from David Hutchinson:
And another photo from Jerry Simmons – a young Northern Flicker getting fed:
Thanks again to the photographers. And be mindful of our winged neighbors as summer continues – it doesn’t take a desert-style heat wave for bird baths to dry out quickly!