SITE NOTE: Sorry for the delay

Usually we’ve moved on to other news and information by 10 am at the latest, but today the traffic roundup has been stuck at the top of the WSB front page for a few extra hours because of technical trouble that’s kept us from publishing anything new for the past few hours. Thanks to our tech team for sleuthing and fixing the problem so we can resume publishing!

4 Replies to "SITE NOTE: Sorry for the delay"

  • Justin August 24, 2023 (1:30 pm)

    Please don’t apologize. You guys work too hard and deserve a break. We’re always indebted for your work and I often wonder if you ever sleep or take a vacation.

    • KD August 24, 2023 (1:38 pm)


      • Carson August 24, 2023 (2:26 pm)

        Double ditto. WSB is a gift to everyone who lives here. 

        • AG August 24, 2023 (6:10 pm)

          It really is! Thank you WSB — we appreciate you!

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