READER REPORT: ‘Missing pavement’ on eastbound West Seattle Bridge

We’ve heard from three readers about a hazardous “pothole” on the West Seattle Bridge, so we’re sharing the heads-up, in advance of checking with SDOT tomorrow about repair plans. Mike was first to describe it:

Heads up for drivers headed Eastbound on the West Seattle Bridge. There’s missing pavement in the right lane at the curve high above Avalon. It appears that this is occurring in the newly grooved pavement as you head to the Bridge proper. For now you can drive around it but since it’s on the curve the hazard comes up quickly.

There are multiple ways to report problems like this on city streets and structures – SDOT’s hotline is 206-684-ROAD; an online reporting form is linked here, as is the city’s map of what’s been reported and/or fixed recently – which shows work is “pending” on this one.

6 Replies to "READER REPORT: 'Missing pavement' on eastbound West Seattle Bridge"

  • Lynda B August 20, 2023 (12:46 pm)

    Thanks for bringing this to WSB.  I had also reported via Find it, fix it app.  

  • WS Native August 21, 2023 (6:49 am)

    The Spokane Street viaduct stretch also continues to deteriorate.  Is there any way to check if there is a plan to fix the pot holes?  They have been reported to Find It Fix It numerous times.  

  • Rick August 21, 2023 (8:03 am)

    2 more years?

  • Colby August 21, 2023 (10:43 pm)

    I drove over this around 4:30 this afternoon. Looks like it’s been patched with asphalt. 

    • WSB August 21, 2023 (11:26 pm)

      Thank you for the update!

  • Lorraine August 24, 2023 (5:51 pm)

    I noticed so many places with missing pavement and exposed rebar between the ninety nine on ramp and the end of the I five south on ramp on the eastbound west, seattle freeway that it was shocking.  I saw them shortly after the reports of the four by five foot hole that was repaired on the ninety nine on ramp. There was none on the other side like that. It really made me wonder if it was from subgrade concrete because it was so different from I 5 and westbound.

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