BACK TO SCHOOL: Portable classrooms in place at West Seattle High School

(WSB photo)

Thanks to Clay for the tip. In time for the new school year’s start in two weeks, the long-planned portables are in place in the West Seattle High School parking lot. We first wrote about the plan back in January, when the city sought feedback on the zoning exceptions needed for approval, primarily involving parking, as the portables were projected to cover 30 spaces. According to the slide deck originally presented with the plan, the school already has fewer spaces than zoning requires – 191 compared to 238. and this is a further reduction from that. The presentation also cited a survey from two mornings in May 2022 showing that the lot is not fully used during an average school day. Another exception (“departure”) was sought for providing less covered bicycle parking than required. According to district enrollment reports, WSHS had more than 1,300 students enrolled at the end of last school year, 200 more than fall 2019.

14 Replies to "BACK TO SCHOOL: Portable classrooms in place at West Seattle High School"

  • All In August 24, 2023 (5:12 pm)

    It’d be nice if the students could paint murals on them. I hated being in an overflow trailer like these – so many of us felt like we weren’t part of our other classmates or activities. We’d get teased mercilessly by students and get eye-rolls from some teachers AND counselors if we tried to talk about how it made us feel.Some semblance of being seen as still part of the school and the population is necessary.My other concern is how fast these will be broken into and taken over by addicts, just like some many abandoned buildings and businesses have been. It’s unsafe and frustrating.

    • ACG August 25, 2023 (11:56 am)

      I like the idea of students painting murals on them. Maybe incorporate that with a talk by Desmond Hansen for inspiration (he has spoken at my kids school a few times and the kids loved it!!). 

  • wsparent August 24, 2023 (7:22 pm)

    It made me laugh when I read that the parking lot is never fully used. The lot can NEVER be fully used as the spaces are so tight/small for the average driver to park in let alone new high school drivers that inevitably there are empty spaces because there is no room for a car to park in said space. I was surprised the parking lot was chosen for the location of the portables. It is weird for a teacher to have a classroom among the parked cars!

    • WS Girl August 25, 2023 (5:34 am)

      This brings back memories of when I went to Fauntleroy Elementary. At the time, it was just before the current school building was built, and the entire school was portables. I’d been transferred from Jefferson Elementary, a traditional brick schoolhouse in the W.S. Junction (now Jefferson Square). It was like being in a slum. I hated it. I also remember portables while at West Seattle High. My homeroom for three years was in a portable, and I did, indeed, feel “separate” from the rest of the school. These don’t look much improved as far as style or quality.

  • Sue T. August 24, 2023 (8:00 pm)

    I hope having the portables there will cut back on people using the parking lot for stunt driving.

  • aRF August 24, 2023 (8:48 pm)

    The educational equivalent of a tiny home.

  • jissy August 24, 2023 (10:03 pm)

    ALL IN — SO interesting your perspective, I felt the exact opposite when I was at WSHS and using the portables.  Never felt like overflow to me, just a literal porable classroom while still on campus.  I always felt seen.   Was even in the separate building all-together, not even a portable with Mr. Pearson who taught many of us how to dance in his history classes with his record player  ….  man, stellar memories.  Perhaps it was who was teaching in the Portables and the topic?  For me, one was Mr. Vaughn who was also my soccer coach, teaching health, lots of taboo topics that he made comfortable while humorous and fun.   LOVED his classes and his portable.  The other was for summer Driver’s Ed.  It was the portable no one ever knew was used or what went on until you took Driver’s ed and it was the simulators!!!  LOVED that portable for how it got me to independence and driving.    Funny, different people’s experiences in the same locations.   

  • Pdavis August 24, 2023 (10:18 pm)

    Obviously, I’ve missed something:  WHY are there portables?  

    • Frog August 25, 2023 (8:48 am)

      WSHS is one of the rare SPS schools where enrollment exceeds capacity.  Rated capacity is 1216 according to the SPS website, and it’s difficult to run a school at 100% capacity.  It helps a lot to have a bit of cushion.  So effective capacity is a bit lower than that.  Enrollment last September was 1,254 (1,180 FTE, adjusting for Running Start an other part-time programs), and had been trending upward, even as overall SPS enrollment had been trending down.

    • heartless August 25, 2023 (8:54 am)

      To alleviate classroom overcrowding?  Why else? 

  • pjk August 25, 2023 (7:28 am)

    Jissy – glad to hear someone else remembers the fun we had taking classes in portables “back in the day” when it was dubbed “Pearson’s Palace” and “Devine’s Roll of Destiny” for Mr. Pearson and Mr. Devine!!  I had classes in portables both at WSHS and Madison Jr. High – loved them!! Mr. Pripp ‘s US history class was a favorite too!

  • ttt August 25, 2023 (9:10 pm)

    We got an email from WSHS principal today that the portables will not be ready until mid October so the school has to try to find room in the school for the extra students. Shame on SPS for not being prepared. That will interrupt learning for MANY students and what a pain for the teachers that will likely be teaching in the cafeteria or other spaces within the already crowded school and then will have to create their learning space in the portable in mid October.

    • WSB August 25, 2023 (9:35 pm)

      Thanks, will follow up on that.

  • Michelle August 26, 2023 (2:12 pm)

    I’m not understanding why they don’t use the dirt/grass space on the side or back of the building, there’s already not enough parking there for the students. The cars get damaged already because of the parking situation. Which isn’t ok when your student takes pride in their car and has to pay for the repairs out of their pocket! Seriously SPS do better! Put them somewhere easier to get to for the students and that doesn’t take away from an already short supply of necessary realestate/parking! 

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