COUNTDOWN: Night Out 2023 just two nights away

Hundreds of West Seattle streets will be closed for block parties on Tuesday night (August 1st), this year’s Night Out. It’s a nationwide night for community-building, with a focus on safety and preparedness, and a great chance to check in with your neighbors if you don’t get to chat much over the course of the year. You can see some of the areas where parties are planned by looking at the map on SPD’s Night Out page. If you’re not participating in a Night Out party, be careful when you’re traveling between 5 and 9 pm Tuesday night, as those are the hours for most street closures. P.S. If you’re having a party and wouldn’t mind us stopping by for a photo, email us – – thank you!

2 Replies to "COUNTDOWN: Night Out 2023 just two nights away"

  • MW July 31, 2023 (8:57 am)

    Huge supporter of Night Out, in theory. Am a family woman without family…any way to find out if any streets are welcoming strays this year??

    • BlairJ July 31, 2023 (4:38 pm)

      One year we walked around our neighborhood and visited several block parties. Everyone was very welcoming.

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