HOLIDAY WEEKEND: This summer’s lowest low tide is almost here

(Monterey Dorid sea slug, photographed during recent low tide by Rosalie Miller)

If you’re staying home for the extended holiday weekend, you might factor beach walks into your staycation. The next round of low-low tides is almost here. Saturday through Thursday will be prime dates for beach exploration. On Saturday, the tide will be out to -2.4 feet at 9:54 am; on Sunday, -3.2 feet at 10:38 am; on Monday, -3.8 feet at 11:24 am; on Tuesday (the Fourth of July), -4.0 feet at 12:11 pm (this summer’s lowest low tide); on Wednesday, -3.8 feet at 12:59 pm; and next Thursday (July 6th), -3.0 feet at 1:48 pm. Here’s the full chart. If you want expert guidance, Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists will be at Constellation Park (63rd/Beach Drive) and Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) Sunday through Thursday – see the schedule here.

2 Replies to "HOLIDAY WEEKEND: This summer's lowest low tide is almost here"

  • Misti June 29, 2023 (7:22 pm)

    Low tide is such a fun activity! If you go out, please wear shoes that you don’t mind getting wet and have good traction – no flip flops, but rain boots work very well. Please also walk very carefully, the tide pools are teeming with life and we want to respect their home. And above all, have fun!

    • Rosalie Miller June 29, 2023 (10:23 pm)

      Thank you for this excellent advice! 

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