WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Subaru (update: found); car windows broken

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:


Our son’s car was stolen from near the corner of Sullivan and 16th Ave SW late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. It’s a 2001 Subaru Forester. Police report # 23-91269. License plate # AFD451.

Monday update: It was found, in Kent.

CAR WINDOWS BROKEN: Also via email:

6 cars had their windows broken on 10th Ave at around 5:55 this morning, including the car of an out of state guest who is staying with us. One of the broken windows clearly shows that it was the result of a very small caliber projectile of some type.

I filed a police report … I have the culprits on video, though it’s not clear enough to show a license plate. If other people on 10th or nearby have video footage of a truck zipping by at about 5:55, the police said they’d be interested in it.

The SPD incident # is 23-94855.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Subaru (update: found); car windows broken"

  • tim April 9, 2023 (9:22 am)

    please show a pic of the 5:55 pm  suspect truck. Others may recognize it.

  • Judges April 9, 2023 (10:36 am)

    The only way to reduce these kind of petty crimes against the hard working folks and have a safe community is to elect judges that put these noGood culprits to jail.It is hurting all of us…time , inconvenience and money.More police helps too…

  • Karen April 9, 2023 (1:33 pm)

    Our truck on 18th also had the window smashed and someone tried to steal it 

  • ACinWC April 9, 2023 (1:56 pm)

    The broken car windows sound pretty familiar… Pretty sure it was the night of the 22 that my truck got hit. The next day I saw a post here mentioning something similar. The comments section showed lots of people from a really broad area of West Seattle and White Center also had a window of one of their vehicles broken without any theft, and a bb (or similar) gun would fit the details of all of them. So dumb.What kind of loser gets off on ruining the day for a bunch of people? Can’t just leave people at peace, have to make some pathetic attempt at proving they’re cool or wild or dangerous. It’s not like the vehicles are all luxury gas guzzlers or have some political stickers or something where their actions are supposed to make a statement, it’s just short sighted idiocy. One day they’ll be the ones with safety glass to sweep up, wet upholstery to deal with and deductibles to pay. Or maybe worse. 

  • Admyrl Byrd April 9, 2023 (11:16 pm)

    I wouldn’t conclude that the damage was a projectile.  There’s a fairly common device called the hammer breaker sold on Amazon designed to both cut off seat belts as well as provide the ability to shatter a window.  Could’ve easily left the same pattern.

    • Jon Dankworth April 11, 2023 (3:14 pm)

      Same thing happened to us and we found the metal bb inside our car.  Nothing was stolen or rummaged through.

    • Edward April 11, 2023 (3:49 pm)

      Those can break a car window, and can indeed look very similar with that circular breaking pattern. However, those  breakers would not actually create a penetrating hole that is perfectly round. It would normally just shatter the glass, and then a person would have to punch the window through, or the sheer force of the impact would create a big fist size hole kinda similar to the second to last image.

  • Jon Dankworth April 11, 2023 (3:12 pm)

    Our car parked in front of our house on 12th had the same thing happen that same night, rear window completely shattered by a small metal bb, likely from a sling shot.  Nothing was stolen or even rummaged through so seems like this was just for “fun”.  We posted on the Ring app and filed a police report.  This kind of senseless vandalism is so sad and frustrating.  The total $ to repair all these windows is in the thousands.   

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