Here’s what Seattle Public Utilities crews were doing in Fauntleroy today

March 30, 2023 5:57 pm
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

(Photo by Tom Trulin)

No, the Seattle Public Utilities workers near 45th/Wildwood were not there for a water break again. This time, it’s related to Fauntleroy Creek; thanks to creek steward Judy Pickens for explaining. She says they were working on a partial blockage of the culvert that carries the creek underground in the area. Judy says SPU started assessing the situation a few weeks ago, and then came to work on it today. The blockage had resulted in a “duck pond” about 12 feet deep and they needed to drain some of that water away to get to the culvert itself. Creek volunteers have been keeping watch to be sure fry in the creek weren’t disturbed – as Judy notes, “It’s a delicate time for fish in the creek. Smolts have been heading to saltwater earlier than last year and we have lots of home hatch in the lower creek.” She says this culvert has had a blockage before, about a decade ago. SPU has had a culvert-replacement project on the drawing board for years.

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