A lively all-ages way to start your New Year’s Eve is back this year – the Highland Park Improvement Club‘s Not-So-Silent-Night Parade Since HPIC’s building remains closed, awaiting rebuilding after last year’s fire, the parade will start at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) and proceed to Riverview Playfield. Bring a light, noisemaker(s) – drums, tambourines, whatever you have – costumes if you want. There’ll be free cider as everyone gathers at HPCS between 5:30 and 6, and hot chocolate and cookies at the end of the parade. It’s on no matter what the weather does (so far, the NYE forecast looks fairly calm, mostly cloudy, 40s, slight chance of rain. The parade is a tradition dating back to 2009!
This is one of the NYE/NYD options in our West Seattle Holiday Guide, and we’re still adding to the list – let us know if you have something to add!
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