WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 83-year-old carjacked; armed hit-and-run suspect; precinct meeting reminder

First, two West Seattle incidents, from Sunday police reports:

CARJACKING: Police say this happened in the parking lot at the Arrowhead Gardens senior-living complex just after 10:30 Sunday morning. They report that an 83-year-old woman told them she was on her way to her car when a man asked her for a cigarette. She replied that she doesn’t smoke, and got into her car, with her key “on her pinky finger.” Police day the man reached into her car and tried to rip the key away from her finger, then grabbed her and threw her to the ground before stealing her car. She had to be taken to a hospital for evaluation of injuries including “a deep laceration to her arm.” The full police report says the carjacker was described only as “short”; the stolen car is a silver Hyundai sedan. SPD incident number is 2022-305063.

ARMED HIT-AND-RUN SUSPECT: According to the police summary, this happened around quarter till 6 Sunday evening. Police were called to investigate a hit-and-run crash; the victim told them the suspect’s vehicle was parked in a driveway near 35th/Holly. They went to investigate, the summary says, and “as the officers were looking at the suspect’s vehicle, the suspect came out of the residence with a loaded rifle. Officers announced multiple times that they were “Seattle Police”, but the suspect continued to approach the officers with the rifle, while aiming the rifle at the officers. At one point, the suspect racked a round in his rifle. The suspect finally stopped and placed the rifle on the ground.” He was arrested and booked for investigation of assault. (We’re checking on his status. UPDATE: His bail was set today at $2,500.) SPD incident number is 2022-305361.

And a reminder:

PRECINCT COMMUNITY MEETING THURSDAY: The long-awaited community meeting with Seattle Police at the Southwest Precinct is still on for this Thursday (November 17) at 7 pm. In addition to SPD reps, City Attorney Ann Davison is a scheduled guest. All are welcome – bring questions and concerns. The precinct is at Delridge/Webster and the public lot/entrance is just east of the south Home Depot entrance.

28 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 83-year-old carjacked; armed hit-and-run suspect; precinct meeting reminder"

  • DRW November 14, 2022 (3:30 pm)

    I really, really, really hope this carjacker is caught. Steal an 83 year old women car?! A new low.

  • Gay November 14, 2022 (3:47 pm)

    Oh my God. Oh, dear.  No.  

  • Mj November 14, 2022 (3:47 pm)

    DRW – and thrown in jail for a very very long time; and inform the other inmates why he is behind bars!

    • Gay November 14, 2022 (5:17 pm)

      I’d like to know if this wonderful older woman is okay or not.  How much more trauma needs to be served?  MJ, I get you, but people are just not ”thrown” in jail anymore.  

    • Gay November 14, 2022 (5:37 pm)

      Adding another layer of sadism to this no longer will suffice.  Have you ever been behind ”bars”?  I know you want solutions, but that would not be one.

      • flimflam November 14, 2022 (6:48 pm)

        Lol, how did I know someone would leap to the defense of this criminal?

      • Rhonda November 14, 2022 (6:55 pm)

        If you think a strong-armed robber who brutalized an 83 year-old female victim doesn’t belong behind bars, then you’re part of the problem.

        • Question Authority November 14, 2022 (10:18 pm)

          Would they feel the same way had it been their own mother, or does fanatical thought negate care and concerns for others?  

      • Question Authority November 14, 2022 (7:27 pm)

        Should this violent individual just be considered misguided and not sought by the Police as jail is so unjust and would hurt his feelings?  How can someone justify this lawlessness and imply the criminal deserves a participation award and the victim told to just get over it.  The real trauma was the lady wondering if she was going to die at the hands of a crazed carjacker, where’s your soul?

      • Adam November 14, 2022 (7:38 pm)

        If anyone reads your comments and does anything other than spit out their drink, we’re f—‘d as a society. 

      • Resident November 14, 2022 (10:05 pm)

        What is your solution? Release him, give him $5k, some counseling and a high five and tell him how sorry you are he had to assault that old lady?

  • Joan November 14, 2022 (5:05 pm)

    As a senior, I say what scum to stake out a retirement home. I may have to add mace to my keyring!

  • Zipda November 14, 2022 (9:17 pm)

    Momma must be so proud.

  • TM November 14, 2022 (10:55 pm)

    I’m sorry for the woman, that’s brutal. Dodgy camping/RV scene right below Arrowhead Gardens/Shag on Myers, it doesn’t feel safe in the area.

  • Knows someone November 15, 2022 (7:56 am)

    I have a family member living in Arrowhead Gardens and know that Arrowhead has pretty lax security. It would be nice to have more security guards patrolling the area and building a relationship with the tenants.  Not a lot of support for better security from the management. 

  • Worn juice November 15, 2022 (8:01 am)

    These car thieves are such lowlifes. Can’t believe someone attacked an elderly lady that’s just mean and hateful. The public needs more pictures of these scum bags catch this a-hole already

  • yuccafried November 15, 2022 (8:47 am)

    $2,500 bail for hit and run and racking a rifle? This place is deranged.

    • Tracy November 16, 2022 (4:01 pm)

      i agree

  • DRW November 15, 2022 (9:26 am)

    I believe any crimes against the elderly should carry much heavier charges.

  • Cogburn November 15, 2022 (10:40 am)

    Suspect approached officers pointing a rifle and “racked a round” and they didn’t shoot him. The officers showed great restraint and SPD deserves better respect than council shows them. 

    • Rhonda November 15, 2022 (2:24 pm)

      It’s far too late to reach for and draw your sidearm when a suspect is already aiming a loaded firearm at you. The $2500 bail is in the normal range for an assault charge. What’s shocking is that he wasn’t charged with assaulting multiple police officers and assault with a deadly weapon.

      • WSB November 15, 2022 (2:53 pm)

        There is no charging decision yet; that would be due by tomorrow

        • brizone November 16, 2022 (6:00 pm)

          Did they decide to charge him for his antics with the firearm?  For that matter, do we know anything about who this was?  Scary to have a hit and run driver then pointing a rifle at police in the neighborhood…

          • WSB November 16, 2022 (7:19 pm)

            The jail register shows the suspect bailed out yesterday. Superior Court website shows no charges so far (and no criminal history in King County). That doesn’t mean he’ll never be charged, just that there was no “rush” filing.

          • EJ November 19, 2022 (12:18 pm)

            Is there a way to determine whether this was done by that community bail fund group? That group is putting the community in serious danger. 

  • brizone November 20, 2022 (11:16 am)

    How does WSB look up if someone’s been charged after they’ve been released in a case like this?  Is there something online?

    • WSB November 20, 2022 (12:12 pm)

      The King County Superior Court and Seattle Municipal Court both have online searches. The difficulty with the former is there is no online cross-reference with police investigation case numbers, so you generally need a name. If someone is still in jail and charged, the case number will appear on the roster there.

  • DJ Jones November 20, 2022 (10:21 pm)

    Woooow my dad lives there! I need to get him a thing of mace as well as a small but mighty tazer that he can have-just in case. It’s absolutely insane the amount of packages I’ve had stolen from the downstairs mailroom. My bright idea, I had thought having them delivered to my dads place since it’s a secured entrance w key needed to access the building would be a sure way to ensure my packages would be kept safe!!! WRONG! I’ve had LITERALLY at LEAST 7-10 packages delivered there & have been stolen within an hour or 2 of it having been delivered. Absolutely sickening!! Why tf isn’t there a security camera in the mailroom?!?’

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