(Monday morning photo by Marc Milrod)
Big day/night! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and previews:
POSTCARDS TO VOTERS: A local way to take national action – participating in the 10:30 am weekly gathering at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
STARTING YOUR BABY ON SOLID FOODS: Noon online class presented by Neighborhood Naturopathic (WSB sponsor) – info here; check ASAP to see if there’s still room.
WATCHING THE M’S: 12:37 pm, the Mariners open their American League Divisional Series at Houston. Here’s the list of West Seattle venues so far where you can watch:
The Bridge (6301 California SW), open at noon
Admiral Pub (2305 California SW), open at 12:30 pm
Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW), open at 12:30 pm
Circa (2605 California SW), where co-proprietor Gretchen promises, “Sound on and $13 burgers & fries with $5 Manny’s pale ales”
Poggie Tavern (4717 California SW), open at noon
Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW)
Talarico’s (4718 California SW), open at noon
The Beer Junction (4511 California SW)
Additions? Please comment below, or text us at 206-293-6302!
CHESS CLUB: Play chess at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), 1:30 pm. Beginners welcome!
CELEBRATE CAROL’S 50TH: 2 pm-4 pm at Alki Spud Fish and Chips (2666 Alki SW), as previewed here, come celebrate Carol Kelly‘s 50 years at the restaurant. Cake and refreshments!
COVID VACCINE POP-UP: 2-7 pm at Delridge Library (5423 Delridge Way SW), details here.
SPORTS: The Chief Sealth International High School girls’ soccer team has a home game against Ballard, 4:30 pm at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle). Then at 7 pm, the CSIHS volleyball team hosts Ballard at home (2600 SW Thistle).
DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Longstanding weekly 4:30-6 pm sign-waving demonstration at 16th/Holden. Signs available if you don’t have your own.
BUDGET HEARING: The City Council wants to hear about your priorities as they start reviewing and amending the city budget plan for the next two years. Online or in-person, the hearing starts at 5 pm (with signups starting at 3 pm) and goes until the last person has spoken – info in our preview.
SCRABBLE NIGHT: 6-10 pm, go play Scrabble at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW).
FLU SHOTS: Roxbury Safeway’s pharmacy team welcomes walk-in at a 6-8 pm flu-shot clinic tonight, info here. (28th/Roxbury)
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Monthly meeting at 7 am, info here.
STAR WARS MINIATURES NIGHT: Meeples Games (3727 California SW) hosts this weekly 7 pm event.
TRIVIA X 3: Three of the venues where you can play Tuesday nights – 7 pm at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW), 7:30 and 8:30 pm at The Lodge (4209 SW Alaska).
BELLE OF THE BALLS BINGO: Play bingo with Cookie Couture at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm. Free, all ages!
You can always see more, and preview future dates, on our calendar – and if you have something to add, please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!