READER REPORTS: Followed by suspicious driver; auto accessories stolen

Two reader reports:

FOLLOWED BY SUSPICIOUS DRIVER: This happened in The Junction on Thursday between 7 and 7:30 pm, reports a reader who wanted to report this in case it happens – or has happened – to anyone else:

I was driving south down 42nd (off Alaska) to park my car in the neighborhood, and as I pulled over to park just north of Dawson St. I noticed that the car right behind me pulled over immediately behind me. Having that gut feeling, I immediately pulled out and kept driving, and the car followed me. This car proceeded to follow me back down 42nd to Alaska, down California, up 44th to Dakota Place Park, back down California (where he turned off his headlights and changed lanes with me twice) before following me into the Safeway parking lot. I was on the phone with my partner the entire time, trying to figure out what I should do and the best we came up with was that I should go somewhere populated and try to get help. He parked next to me in the Safeway parking lot (the one on 42nd near the Junction) and I screamed at him for a few minutes, snapped a pic of his license plate and started walking toward Safeway to get others involved. He didn’t get out of his vehicle the entire time, and as I was screaming at him he gave me hand gestures and a facial expression like, “what? me? I wasn’t doing anything?” although he did not speak to me.

I was able to involve two people standing outside Safeway, one of whom was a man who went over to the vehicle and was able to get the guy to drive out of the parking lot. A very kind woman called her boyfriend who was nearby, and the two of them walked me home so that I wasn’t alone, and didn’t have to get back in my car.

The man was driving an older white pickup truck with a covered back. He appeared to be a Hispanic man, in his mid-40’s with a thin face – since he didn’t get out of the car I can’t speak to his height, but my impression was he had a slim build, and he was wearing a hat (Seahawks, I think?).

We are not publishing the license number as it’s not clear a crime was committed, but the reader has provided it to police – the report # is 22-269009.

AUTO ACCESSORIES STOLEN: The photo and report are from Kevin:

I’d like to report theft of my Yakima Roof Rack and accessories off my Jeep parked on SW Nevada St. Neighbors said they were awakened at 3:23 AM early Sunday morning to some noise outside.

The platform roof rack was found down the block but items were stripped and missing.

1. Yakima Slim Shady 6.5’ awning
2. Yakima Fresh Tract 4 Snowboard Rack
3. Black Max Trax recovery board and various recovery equipment

Thank you if there is any information! Pending SPD case number

14 Replies to "READER REPORTS: Followed by suspicious driver; auto accessories stolen"

  • Delridge Resident October 9, 2022 (11:34 am)

    That’s terrifying.  Do you know if this the same story that was posted in the Seattle subreddit a couple days ago?  Someone else in the comments said something similar happened to them in White Center as well.

    • WSB October 9, 2022 (12:19 pm)

      Sounds like the same one, only that was written by the partner of the person to whom it happened, and we heard directly from the latter.

  • junction resident October 9, 2022 (12:22 pm)

    I doubt it’s the same guy but I’ve recently been approached by a man twice next to LA fitness who comes out of nowhere to talk to me & when I express my disinterest he continues to try to maintain conversation, asking my name, saying he’s seen me around but I do not recall seeing him prior to the two attempts he’s made to directly speak to me. My concern is that he watches & waits before he comes out literally running from out of nowhere to engage, so women & bystanders, please look out for yourselves & fellow WS residents, as this is definitely is a man who knows he shouldn’t approach people in this manner. 

  • yikes October 9, 2022 (1:20 pm)

    If you scroll down the the Seattle subreddit post, you will see that someone posted that something similar happened to them as well:  in White Center. This is different than this one that ended in a Safeway parking lot.

  • Seattlite October 9, 2022 (3:34 pm)

    Situational awareness is key during these times.  Always keep your car doors locked when driving.  I am 74 and was able to deter three different attempts of criminal activity (Burien PCC, Lincoln Park, Westwood Village) directed at me by using situational awareness of surroundings, observing abnormal behaviors/actions.  During two of the scary situations, I quickly found kind, brave citizens to help me out.  These three scary situations happened to me over the past three or four years.  Another scary encounter happened about 6 months ago in downtown Seattle on 6th Ave and Olive when I was walking to the Medical Dental Bldg.  Again, I was able to quickly get a kind, brave citizen to help me out.

  • Concerned Neighbor October 9, 2022 (4:09 pm)

      Just a thought… you could have driven to the police precinct by Home Depot on Delridge.  It wasn’t that    far.

  • Jim P. October 9, 2022 (4:10 pm)

    Best thing to do is not get out of your car. Drive to a Police or Fire station, get on the phone to 911 and report the situation.

    You cannot rely on strangers helping, they may or they may not and that can be fatal.

    Same for calling a friend or family, they can’t help at that point.

    Make two U turns several blocks apart so you end up going the same way. If still being followed, you now know for sure you are being followed.
    Stay on well lit, busy roads and do not turn into quiet residential areas where no one can see what happens.

    Especially do NOT drive home even if you can get into your garage safely as the bad guy now knows where you live.

    • Pat October 9, 2022 (5:45 pm)

      Just a note to be cautious with U-turns, specifically.  If the person behind you is looking to stop you, you’ve just given them an opportunity to block your passage.  It’s better to take four left turns, each after a random number of streets (I.e. not predictable).

  • WSB October 9, 2022 (4:59 pm)

    Note for everyone who wants to suggest “drive to the police station”: Officers are not dispatched from the precinct and the lobbies haven’t reopened yet so there may be no one or next to no one inside. Sometimes a shift commander … but there are times that function is handled from another precinct. Re; fire station, assuming everyone’s not out on a call, you’d be more likely to find someone there, although whether their policy permits coming out to investigate, that’s another situation, and you might just be told to call 911.

    • thought October 9, 2022 (5:57 pm)

      Also, firefighters don’t carry firearms as part of their job and are not trained to deal with situations like this.  Maybe we should ask a policeman how they recommend someone handle a situation like this.

  • Rhonda October 9, 2022 (7:50 pm)

    Call 911 as soon as you realize you’re being followed and give your location. It’s best NOT to stop but to keep circling a well-populated location like a busy gas station, store parking lot, etc, and keep windows up and doors locked. Then honk your horn to get attention from bystanders. If the perp is still following you after all of that, you’ll know it’s a real crime in progress. Tell 911 that you’re circling a small area until the police arrive. 

    • anonyme October 10, 2022 (8:01 am)

      Rhonda, best advice!

    • Jethro Marx October 10, 2022 (12:59 pm)

      Sorry to be insensitive to what I’m sure is real and reasonable distress on the part of the reporting party, but there’s no “perp” or crime described in this story, unless the screaming contained threats of bodily harm, in which case the screamer would be the “perp.”

  • AL October 10, 2022 (7:54 am)

    Super scary for you.  I’m glad your ok.  Something strange happened to my 14 yo daughter and her friend while walking our dog on Friday night on 40th and Bradford.  A man drove by them slowly and was watching them and then parked, got out of the car with a puppy in his arms.  He started walking towards the girls and asked if there was something wrong with our dog and if he was friendly.  They both had the strange feeling and turned away and ran home.  What person gets out of a car with a puppy and approaches 2 girls?  They said the car was a small silver SUV (they think).

Sorry, comment time is over.