Key topics from the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s September meeting:
GREAT PUMPKIN SEARCH: This is happening October 8th – new format – and volunteer help would be appreciated. Here’s the announcement the FCA is circulating:
You can look forward to “The Great Pumpkin Search,” presented by the Fauntleroy Community Association. This fun event for the whole family will be on Saturday, October 8, from 2 to 5 pm. The Association will have a booth set up in the square across from Endolyne Joe’s. The pumpkins will be hidden in the streets that spoke out from that square. There will be little pumpkins easy to find for the wee ones and larger pumpkins harder to find for the grownups. As a bonus, there will be a few prize pumpkins to find. All of this is on a first come, first serve basis. We also encourage you to take a picture if you find pumpkins and post them on social media and tag it #FCAPumpkinSearch. Just like the Spring Egg Hunt, we would love volunteers to hide the pumpkins, but the area will be more concentrated around the square. If interested, please call or email Candace Blue, 206-401-8406,
FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: Coming up two weeks after that, this year’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival. Organizer Reed Haggerty said that while they’re bringing it back in-person this year, it won’t be exactly what you remember from before the pandemic, because costs have risen so much. While The Falconer will be back with birds, the petting zoo won’t. They’re also still in discussions on what can be done regarding features such as the climbing wall/bouncy toys. But many festival-favorite activities will return for sure – salmon-hat-making, pumpkin-painting, etc. Festival date is Sunday, October 23rd, 2-5 pm.
FERRY DOCK REPLACEMENT: Tomorrow (Wednesday, September 21st) brings the first Community Advisory Group meeting for the dock-replacement project since May. The FCA point person on Washington State Ferries issues, Frank Immel, said not much had been happening over the summer, but he expects narrowed-down replacement options to be presented at Wednesday’s 6 pm online meeting. (Here’s how to watch.) Also related to the dock project, FCA president Mike Dey said community advocates are still circulating petitions asking the City Council to hold to a 1990s resolution against expanding the dock’s footprint. The FCA recently supported a booth at the Farmers’ Market soliciting support.
NEXT FCA MEETING: The Fauntleroy Community Association meets second Tuesdays, 7 pm, most months, in-person at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) and online. Watch for information between meetings.
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