Here are highlights for the hours ahead:
BLOCK DROP NEIGHBORHOOD CLEANUP: The Block Drops (providing equipment for a DIY cleanup) continue at a different location daily, with equipment available until 6 pm. Today’s location is the Charlestown water standpipe (40th/Charlestown).
PICK UP NIGHT OUT MATERIALS: Having a block party tomorrow night for Night Out? Pick up materials at the Southwest Precinct community room 10 am-2 pm today (2300 SW Webster).
PARADE OF SHIPS: Watch U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and Royal Canadian Navy ships sail by in the Seafair Parade of Ships, as previewed Sunday. It’s officially happening on the downtown waterfront at 12:30 pm so the ships will pass north-facing West Seattle shores sometime in the preceding hour.
WADING POOLS: Three local city-run wading pools will open today, EC Hughes at 2805 SW Holden noon-7 pm; same hours for South Park at 8319 8th Ave. S. And Lincoln Park at 8011 Fauntleroy Way SW, noon-7 too. (The Highland Park spraypark continues its daily schedule, 11 am-8 pm, 1100 SW Cloverdale.)
COLMAN POOL: Colman Pool on the Lincoln Park shore is also open noon-7 pm.
CRAFTING AND CREATIVITY NIGHT: 6-10 pm at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), explained in our calendar listing.
MEDITATION: Free weekly Zen sitting/meditation event at the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm.
PLAY PINBALL, FREE! The Admiral Pub‘s 16 pinball machines are open for free play 7-10 pm Mondays. (2306 California SW)
PLAY TRIVIA! Three scheduled options tonight for trivia players – 7 pm at Best of Hands (35th/Webster), 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7:30 pm at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Have something that should be listed on our calendar and in our daily preview lists? Please send info to – thank you!
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