WEST SEATTLE SCHOOLS: Kindergarten openings at Holy Rosary

If your family will have a kindergartener starting school this fall, this might be of interest, as announced by Holy Rosary Catholic School (WSB sponsor) in The Junction:

Holy Rosary School has a few rare Kindergarten openings for the 2022/23 school year. If you are interested in igniting your student’s spirit and mind, please contact admissions@holyrosaryws.org for a tour.

• Students engaged by enthusiastic teachers with hand-on curricula designed to spark creativity and encourage critical thinking.

• 8:30 am – 3:00 pm school day for K-8th grade

• Before & After School Care available

• STEM+ program

• 2 classes per grade

• Kindergarteners have 8th grade buddies

• MAPS testing – RIT scores are consistently higher than local & national averages for Catholic & non-Catholic schools

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCHOOLS: Kindergarten openings at Holy Rosary"

  • HRParent June 27, 2022 (1:36 pm)

    My child has been there since preschool.  We couldn’t be happier.  And, we are not catholic.  It’s just simply a wonderful school with a reputation of preparing students for high school.  Every student from kindergarten on learns public speaking at their grade level, demonstrates Responsible, Respectful and Safety expectations and is held accountable for their actions and growth.  We love it here! 

  • Plf June 27, 2022 (3:44 pm)

    My daughter completed HR (under Kris Brown)Laid the foundation of excellence, on to Holy Names, scholarships to universities and grad school 

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