WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue Ram pickup truck (update – found); dumped-likely-stolen kids’ bicycles

Three reader reports:

STOLEN TRUCK: From Jonathan:

Sometime late at night on Sunday 5/22 or early this morning 5/23, our blue 1993 Dodge Ram 250 pickup truck was stolen from 25th Ave SW near the Delridge P-Patch Garden. It is lifted, huge, 2-door. It has silver paneling around the base and says DODGE in huge letters over a silver/blue/red tailgate. It also has a sticker that reads “82nd Airborne” on the bumper. The truck is huge, can’t miss it!

We’ll add the plate and incident numbers when we get them.
EVENING UPDATE: Jonathan says the truck has been found: “3 blocks away on 26th and Dakota. Neighbors said it didn’t show up until Late afternoon. They stole an extra battery but left the Willie Nelson CDs!”

Now, two kids’ bicycles from the “dumped-and-likely-stolen” file:

KIDS’ BICYCLE #1: A texter reports this was left in their alley southeast of The Junction:

Yours? Let us know and we’ll connect you with the finder.

KIDS’ BICYCLE #2: Wyatt found this bike abandoned near the Charlestown water standpipe:

It’s an Avigo Splash 16” bike. In this case, too, let us know if it’s yours and we’ll connect you.

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue Ram pickup truck (update - found); dumped-likely-stolen kids' bicycles"

  • Agen Schmitz May 23, 2022 (4:00 pm)

    I’d also like to note that a second blue pickup was stolen on this same block last night from our neighbors Sarah and Carlos (across the street and a couple houses north from Jonathan). 

    • WSB May 23, 2022 (5:26 pm)

      I have that one in queue for the next Crime Watch but the note said it was stolen May 12th. Maybe they meant May 22nd, will check.

      • WSB May 23, 2022 (5:52 pm)

        She reaffirmed it was May 12th. Still missing. Pickups do seem to be the latest trend, after a short-lived run on classic VW vans…

  • slc May 23, 2022 (6:12 pm)

    Who would steal kids’ bikes?  Grrrr…. 

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