From Scott: “Catalytic Converter cut from our van last night. 2653 SW Yancy Street. 2nd time – same vehicle – same location. 3rd theft/damage to our vehicles in the area.”
West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday
From Scott: “Catalytic Converter cut from our van last night. 2653 SW Yancy Street. 2nd time – same vehicle – same location. 3rd theft/damage to our vehicles in the area.”
Time for an undercover ‘sting’ operation to catch the cat thieves! Probably the same guys are doing this all over WS and beyond.
Would be nice to hold accountable the people who buy the catalytic converters.
Would be nice to hold the thieves accountable. Make it a felony with one year minimum on the first offense no excuses. We need to get away from the system now and start locking up the thieves and funding the police.
Agree why can’t Authorities target the buyers?because they are scrap dealers known to Police.
The buyers are not buying the Catalytic Converters, they are buying the material inside.
When one is stolen, the thieves rip out the materials and toss the shells. They take the valuable materials to the dealers. There is no way to know where the materials came from.
Need to catch them in the act and then get the DA and Courts to do something about them…GOOD LUCK with that!!!
Mine was stolen the night before last, April 29th, 41st and Andover. I chased a couple folks off the night before/ early morning actually, 5:15am and called the police but they came back the next night at around 2:30am.
My car’s catalytic converter was also stolen sometime this week; in Admiral.
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