As with other community groups, the return of in-person events was a topic threaded through the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s March meeting, held Tuesday night.
ANA is now having hybrid meetings – at Admiral Church but also accessible via Zoom/phone, which is how we attended. Here are the highlighted:
CONCERT SERIES: ANA would like to bring back its popular Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series this year, but there’s one big speed bump – concert coordinator Stephanie Jordan has been told that Hiawatha Community Center and its east lawn, the location going back to the series’ start more than a decade ago, might not be available, due to ongoing work that has closed the center. Seattle Parks won’t know for sure for a few months, which would be last-minute for the series, not conducive to the amount of planning and work that’s required in advance. So possible alternative locations were discussed – maybe Hamilton Viewpoint Park, maybe Lafayette Elementary‘s grounds, maybe a closed street (like Lander south of Lafayette)? None of these have been formally proposed or vetted; this was just brainstorming.
NANTES PARK PARTY: The roadside park honoring Seattle’s sister-city relationship with Nantes, France, will host an overdue 40th-anniversary party next month. (That’s the 40th anniversary of the relationship, not the park, and 2020 was the actual 40th-anniversary year, but of course an in-person celebration wasn’t possible then.) Susan Kegel of the Seattle-Nantes Sister City Association said a “sizable delegation” from Nantes would be visiting in March, so they’re planning a party in the park at 4 pm April 10th. City leaders are expected to attend too, and there’ll be music and refreshments. The pathway in the park isn’t likely to be finished because of the concrete-drivers strike, but art tiles will be set an the park should be in better shape after a March 26th work party to weed it.
SPEAKING OF WORK PARTIES: The ANA is bringing back its quarterly Adopt-A-Street cleanups, details to come.
WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: Reminder that ANA is one of the neighborhood groups sponsoring/hosting segments of the monthly West Seattle Art Walk, which is happening tomorrow night (Thursday, March 10th). ANA’s Joanie Jacobs, who runs West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW), noted that WSG will be hosting artist Naomi Cox. You can see all this month’s Art Walk venues – and preview many of the artists – via this page on the WSAW website.
SPEAKING OF WEBSITES – you’ll find ANA info, Admiral events, and more, on the group’s new site, – that’s also where to watch for word of the next meeting.