NEW BUS STOPS: Metro adds a set downtown, serving multiple West Seattle routes

(WSB photos)

With baseball season almost here, the Mariner Moose joined Metro reps this afternoon to show off a new set of stadium-convenient bus stops downtown, serving mostly West Seattle routes. They’re on Alaskan Way, with the northbound stop just north of Jackson, the southbound stop just south of it:

The new stops open tomorrow, though they won’t have their full RapidRide shelters and equipment for a few months, acording to Metro’s Elaine Porterfield. They’ll serve Routes 55, 56, 57, 113, 120, 121, 125, and the C Line.

Along with stadium proximity, the new stops are also closer to Link light rail, the Amtrak and Sounder station, and the Seattle Streetcar.

15 Replies to "NEW BUS STOPS: Metro adds a set downtown, serving multiple West Seattle routes"

  • Mark Schletty February 18, 2022 (6:44 pm)

    Nice addition for most people. But, as usual with Metro, doesnt help people with mobility problems that keep them from walking many blocks.  Still have to use a car for a drop off at stadiums. (Uber and taxi too expensive).

    • JS February 18, 2022 (9:18 pm)

      It’s 2 blocks from the stadium. Even you had to take an Uber, it would cost about 5 bucks. Much cheaper than the concessions most will be paying for once they’re on the inside. 

    • Jort February 18, 2022 (11:28 pm)

      “As usual with Metro …”  Here is a link to Metro’s Access Transit program, which is literally and specifically designed for people with mobility problems:   Metro’s program is there to help with any kind of mobility issue, but, in fairness I will agree that it can not help people who would never ride transit no matter what accommodations are provided to them yet still complain about the service they refuse to use under any circumstances whatsoever. There is nothing more irritating and transparently disingenuous than people incredulously claiming that public transportation is unfriendly to those with disabilities and mobility issues. This is so nakedly, transparently false.

      • Mark Schletty February 19, 2022 (9:31 am)

        Jort- as usual you cherry pick statements and then use that to claim otherwise. I didn’t say Metro doesn’t make accommodations for disabilities, they do. But not for people who simply cant walk far enough to get to or from stops. “Access” bus is only available to people determined through a very strict process to be eligible to  be classified as Paratransit eligible.  It specifically states that people who cant walk more than 1/4 mile are eligible IF the stop is over 1/2 mile away. Note the problem?  As long as a stop is no more than twice as far as you can walk you can’t use access even if you are determined to be eligible. That is the case here.  This is clearly delineated in your link and its related material..  And I don’t refuse to use metro under any circumstance. I ride the 22 whenever it is available in a timely manner. You might want to better inform yourself about actual regulations and quit making assumptions about people and their motives before you personally attack them. 

    • SpencerGT February 21, 2022 (5:30 pm)

      I don’t think that there is a better solution, but if there is, I’m sure KCM is all ears.

  • dc February 18, 2022 (9:38 pm)

    Poor Moose. Not much to do while baseball is in a lockout. On the other hand, go metro — it’s about time stops were restored around here. 

  • star 55 February 18, 2022 (9:47 pm)

    Great news!!!

  • trickycoolj February 18, 2022 (10:53 pm)

    Huh. I can find free parking for stadium events closer especially considering the hike up to High Point from all of those routes. When you have 2 people paying round trip fares it’s cheaper. Plus low bridge is open by the time most games finish. 

    • Bus February 19, 2022 (12:24 am)

      The bus is still a great option for people who want to have a couple beers at the game or event, and not have to worry about driving after.  The 21 doesn’t use the new stop but it gets super close to the stadium on the other side.  Catching the 128 and transferring to another bus (C, 120, 125, or 21) is also an option for those who want to bus.  More stops providing more access is still a good thing, even if there’s room for improvement (like restoring Saturday service on the 125, for example).

      • KM February 19, 2022 (9:09 am)

        Great point. Even if sober, the post-event angsty drivers in a hurry to drive back home to hell with everyone else make driving and parking at the game a no go for me. Bus and forget it. 

      • DavidB February 22, 2022 (8:44 am)

        It was good. The last couple times I tried to take a bus after the game I just missed the 10PM and had to wait over an hour for the delayed 11PM to show up. Not ideal, when you’re standing around surrounded by aggressive drug addicts that are piled up everywhere. Also, between covid and the fact that 90% of the people on buses now are on there shooting up drugs, I will likely never ride the bus again.

  • CAM February 19, 2022 (1:16 am)

    These aren’t just stadium stops though. These serve all the people who work in pioneer square and prevent them from having to walk blocks that can be dicey alone, particularly when working late and alone. So hooray for baseball but really hooray for 365 days a year. 

  • NotOnHolden February 19, 2022 (7:16 am)

    This is a fantastic location for these stops, super stoked!  

  • AlkiBean February 19, 2022 (2:46 pm)

    Much improve for game access!  When we went to M’s games last season we’d stay on the C and get off at Benaroya then Link train to Stadium station.  This will be faster and just a short walk. Thanks Metro!

  • Herongrrrl February 20, 2022 (12:30 am)

    Hey, that’s great! Now can we also restore route 37 so there can be a metro stop within a mile of my block?

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