From ferry lines to Fall Festival’s future @ Fauntleroy Community Association

Here’s what happened at this week’s online meeting of the Fauntleroy Community Association:

TRAFFIC SAFETY: This has been an ongoing focus for FCA, as they continue pressing for progress on issues raised at a special community meeting in October. Two issues they emphasized: Getting enforcement for ferry-line jumpers and people making U-turns near the dock. One challenge – Those are different agencies’ jurisdictions – the State Patrol and Seattle Police. FCA president Mike Dey suggested a separate conversation with SPD and WSP might be in order to talk about a unified response. SDOT has promised signage and an “education campaign” about line-cutting; FCA doesn’t feel that’s enough.

FERRIES: FCA’s point person on Washington State Ferries matters, Frank Immel, recapped recent community meetings and said WSF’s environmental survey of the Fauntleroy dock will likely start in the next few months. He reiterated that it’s too early in the planning process for any decisions on the replacement dock/terminal.

CRIME: The Southwest Precinct was represented by Sgt. Lance Gilmore. Again this month, he said, Fauntleroy has had fewer calls than any other part of West Seattle. He also mentioned another new emphasis program is planned for Westwood Village, starting soon once the plan – and the overtime it would require – gets final approval. (The shopping center was a topic at the previous FCA meeting in November.)

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: David Haggerty said the festival’s future is clouded by rising costs and a need for volunteers. The cost could double this year, if some of last year’s price hikes on items such as pumpkins and canopies are a preview of what’s to come. Fundraisers are planned as usual but finding volunteer help can be difficult. Festival organizers are working on some questions to take to the community soon as they look ahead.

EASTER EGG HUNT: FCA is tentatively planning on one for April 16th, the day before Easter – details to come. (Last year, FCA hid hundreds of eggs around the community.)

WHAT’S NEXT: FCA’s board meetings, open to the community, are held online at 7 pm the second Tuesday of most months, so the next one is February 8th. Watch for updates.

4 Replies to "From ferry lines to Fall Festival's future @ Fauntleroy Community Association"

  • ACG January 16, 2022 (9:36 pm)

    I’m sure the line cutting is very frustrating for Ferry riders- but the one that I feel really affects our West Seattle safety are the u-turns on Fauntleroy near the ferry dock. I cannot tell you how many times I have nearly been hit or watched others almost get in a collision from the ferry riders pulling u-turns. 

    • Brian January 17, 2022 (1:03 pm)

      It’s all the more frustrating because it would take an extra 30 seconds to just turn into one of the two Lincoln Park parking lots and perform a legal maneuver but god forbid two other cars get in front of you in line, right?

      • ACG January 17, 2022 (8:50 pm)

        Totally agree, Brian!

      • Kai Klyes January 18, 2022 (6:35 pm)

        If that extra 1 or 2 cars meant you had to wait an additional 90 minutes (on top of the 30 or 40 you are already looking at) for a ferry, a (safely executed) u-turn doesn’t seem like such a big issue anymore.

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