(Photographed by Rosalie Miller at Schmitz Park, a “species of mature slime mold called Comatricha”)
Here’s what’s up for the hours ahead – from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:
KIWANIS ONLINE AUCTION: You can help the service club continue its work with local kids by bidding on items including local gift cards. Browse and bid by going here.
FESTIVAL OF TREES: Visit the Brookdale Admiral Heights (2326 California SW) lobby 8 am-8 pm daily to see the donated, decorated trees.
WSHS WINTER CARE-PACKAGE DONATION DRIVE: Today, 3-5 pm outside West Seattle High School‘s north entrance (3000 California SW) is your second opportunity to drop off donated items for this student-led, student-benefiting drive.
FAUNTLEROY FERRY TERMINAL COMMUNITY ADVISORY GROUP: 6 pm online, it’s the next meeting of this advisory group convened as Washington State Ferries plans our area’s next (post-bridge) big transportation project, replacement of the Fauntleroy ferry dock/terminal. Go here for the link to register. See the agenda here.
DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: 7 pm online, this coalition of West Seattle and South Park community advocates has its monthly meeting. Topics include disaster preparedness, the Street Sinks program, and a presentation by the South Delridge Salvation Army center. Here’s how to attend:
Zoom information – Meeting link is
Meeting ID: 850 4211 4712
Passcode: 165919 (only needed if you manually enter the meeting number)Call-in-only info:
Phone number: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 850 4211 4712
Passcode: 165919
OPEN MIC: 7:30 pm signups, 8:30 pm performances at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW).
Something for our calendar/Holiday Guide? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!