VIDEO: Salmon sighting in Longfellow Creek

MONDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Jacquelyn Crumpler for sending the video! Jacquelyn wrote, “Look what I found trying to figure out the dam by Dragonfly Park! This seemed to be the only one, but I only watched for 5 or so minutes.” A short guide to Longfellow Creek salmon-watching (including a map) is here; this creek has been less hospitable to salmon survival than Fauntleroy Creek because of factors including toxic urban runoff.

ADDED TUESDAY: John McIntyre also sends word of a salmon sighting and suggests the footbridge at Yancy Street (east of 28th) as a viewing spot.

2 Replies to "VIDEO: Salmon sighting in Longfellow Creek"

  • Deb November 1, 2021 (7:36 pm)

    Leaping Logs!!! (well, a  branch). Welcome back to Longfellow Creek. 

  • Anne November 2, 2021 (8:12 am)

    Thanks for the news and video! 

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