VIDEO: Skeleton Theatre 2021’s encore night

The rain has stopped, good news for watching Skeleton Theatre in person during its second and final 2021 night. The animatronic-skeleton show in an east Admiral front yard (36th/Hanford) is just six minutes long this year, and it’s goofy, not scary. If you don’t want to go watch in person, you can watch it online instead.

The show’s been a labor of love for 15 years now, created and staged by a team of family and friends led by Chris;

The show’s running continuously – with a few minutes between runs, for a reset – until 9 pm.

5 Replies to "VIDEO: Skeleton Theatre 2021's encore night"

  • Mary November 1, 2021 (8:19 pm)

    Great show–very humerus!Thank you so much for doing these productions.-Mary

  • Grace November 1, 2021 (8:56 pm)

    Loved it! Sooo wonderful that they do that for the neighborhood. 🖤

  • wscommuter November 1, 2021 (9:42 pm)

    Mary – well played. Thanks you guys – love ST productions.  Such a gift to our community!

  • Resident November 1, 2021 (10:03 pm)

    Awesome show this year!  Love you “body” of work!!

  • WS5 November 2, 2021 (7:56 pm)

    One of our families favorite things to do during Halloween season. Thank you for doing this for our community, you are amazing.

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