ELECTION 2021: Second round of results

checkbox.jpgThe second round of election results is out. Last night, King County Elections had counted ballots from 22 percent of voters countywide; today, that’s up to almost 26 percent – that’s two-thirds of what’s been received so far. The only race with a change of note is the last one on the list below, Port Commission Position 4, in which the challenger has now taken the lead.

Bruce Harrell – 97,763 – 64.2%
Lorena González – 53,965 – 35.4%

Ann Davison – 85,543 – 57.7%
Nicole Thomas-Kennedy – 61,430 – 41.4%

Teresa Mosqueda* – 77,149 – 53.2%
Kenneth Wilson – 67,123 – 46.3%

Sara Nelson – 89,059 – 59.8%
Nikkita Oliver – 59,497 – 39.9%

Dow Constantine* – 195,342 – 57.1%
Joe Nguyen – 142,582 – 41.7%

Ryan Calkins* – 233,099 – 73.2%
Norman Sigler – 82,699 – 26%

Stephanie Bowman* – 165,053 – 50.4%
Hamdi Mohamed – 161,033 – 49.1%

Toshiko Grace Hasegawa – 163,338 – 49.79%
Peter Steinbrueck* – 163,063 – 49.70%

Next count is planned for tomorrow afternoon ~4 pm.

84 Replies to "ELECTION 2021: Second round of results"

  • Tony Hinton November 3, 2021 (5:28 pm)

    This is destruction.  A complete and utter rejection of far left politics that have been plaguing the city leading to higher crime and failing businesses and unusable public amenities.  Good job on Seattle for not only voting them out, but doing it by such a wide margin.   Makes me feel slightly better about this city 

    • Mel November 3, 2021 (6:05 pm)

      I feel the same. My hope is a bit restored with these results. 

    • Rhonda November 3, 2021 (7:22 pm)

      Me too.

    • flimflam November 3, 2021 (7:25 pm)

      Looks that way but remember Sawant found enough votes to win after looking out of it last election.

      • James November 4, 2021 (10:34 am)

        “found enough votes” you mean people who just…voted for her? Who cares if they turn them in on Election day as opposed to before? Weird to care about. God the amount of voter suppression I see on this blog makes me think I live in Georgia.  Calling a tiny tiny turnout a “landslide win” is beyond funny.

    • Derek November 4, 2021 (7:38 am)

      Very funny that anything left of Joe Biden “tough on crime” Reagan level politics is “far left”… lol and nothing will change.

  • Kram November 3, 2021 (5:33 pm)

    I can’t imagine there is much of a surprise with these results. 

  • Dale November 3, 2021 (5:34 pm)

    Does Kenneth Wilson live in West Seattle?  He would be a great candidate to bring down Herbold.  Tavel was a nice guy, but spineless politician.

    • WSB November 3, 2021 (5:56 pm)

      No, he does not live in D-1.

    • Peter November 3, 2021 (7:04 pm)

      Kenneth Wilson is a complete idiot and would be a disaster for the city in any office. He’s literally willing to get people killed to score political points. 

      • Adam November 3, 2021 (9:00 pm)

        I must know more. I mean, you did say “literally”. Let’s get that man behind bars before he can do, wait, what again?

      • Canton November 3, 2021 (11:16 pm)

        How so? Beware of libel. How is Ken Wilson going to get people killed?

        • Peter November 4, 2021 (8:03 am)

          By insisting the bridge be reopened before it’s fixed. 

          • Jethro Marx November 4, 2021 (11:52 am)

            To be fair, the dude is a licensed structural engineer with a fair few decades of concrete structure experience. He knows what he’s talking about, and if he signs off on a bridge and someone dies he is legally responsible. Unlike, say, random internet commenters and anecdotal engineers. Doesn’t mean he’d be a good council member, but let’s cool down the ignorant talk about him killing people via bad engineering. Have any of his bridges collapsed?

    • Josh November 3, 2021 (11:24 pm)

      Anyone would be a better candidate than Lisa Herbold. I’ve sent her multiple emails and left multiple voicemails over the last year and she hasn’t replied to one. 

      • Thomas A Wood November 4, 2021 (5:13 am)

        I got a reply from one of her staff. Who tried to convince me that crime hadn’t gone up.The kicker was you have to pull gun violence and domestic assault out of the statistics. Really who’s going to buy that logic.

  • Natinstl November 3, 2021 (5:37 pm)

    Oliver is on Twitter claiming she didn’t do well because attack ad flyers were sent out about her. I threw every single one of those in the recycling bin. In fact, I wish candidates would have been more eco conscious.  Who’s swayed by a crappy flyer? You had to be deaf not to read the current feelings of Seattleites lately. People want to see the homeless housed, but they’d also like to see people held accountable when they’ve stolen their 25th catalytic converter for the day or better yet have shot at a person, as posted today on the blog.

    • ThinksThatWasWellSaid November 3, 2021 (6:40 pm)

      Well Said!

    • LC November 3, 2021 (7:00 pm)

      I was surprised at the amount of election flyers I received this year as well. What a waste of resources on so many levels. 

    • james November 4, 2021 (11:15 am)

      Your boogeyman of a homeless person being the one stealing converters 25 times a day is dangerous hyperbole. But that’s the Seattle way I guess. Fearmongering conservatives. Let’s see how BAD they wreck this city before you start to care. Harrell will lead Seattle down a scary path. Almost without doubt.

      • Michael Hock November 4, 2021 (12:42 pm)

        I’m really afraid we’re going to see an uptick in vigilante violence against homeless folks, and a lot of the comments in here the past couple days have not assuaged my fears.

      • natinstl November 4, 2021 (2:27 pm)

        If you read my post I didn’t say it was a homeless person stealing catalytic converters, frankly, I’d actually like to see real statistics as to whether crimes are being committed more by homeless or the housed, I feel as if everyone assumes it’s the homeless and therefore doesn’t want to penalize them, but is that actually true? 

  • Mj November 3, 2021 (6:00 pm)

    Bruce and company are increasing their lead in votes.  Looks like a mandate to clean thing’s up and make Parks and Sidewalks safe and open to all people to use.

    • yikes November 3, 2021 (7:30 pm)

      Yes, because one local politician is TOTALLY going to be able to undo a national trend driven by income inequality and exploding housing costs.  Oh, wait.  It’s the local politician who sat on the sidelines for 12 years watching all of this stuff get worse and having no plan all that time?  He’s DEFINITELY gonna change things, lol.  

      • CatLady November 3, 2021 (8:52 pm)

        Exactly. It’s bizarre to me that people are framing Bruce Harrell as some kind of change agent, when, as you pointed out, he was on the council for over a decade while the housing crisis exploded. I mean yes COVID made everything worse, but it’s not as if things were working really well beforehand. And yep, the things that are happening here are happening in cities across the country. I don’t know why people think he’s going to fix everything. 

      • Seattle_Native November 3, 2021 (9:41 pm)

        It’s more a vote to stop digging the hole. Stop the bleeding. Lesser of two evils. 

      • The King November 4, 2021 (5:33 am)

        Income inequality? How are you going to make income equal when siblings who are raised under the same roof by the same parents don’t even turn out equally? Lol reality check 

      • Walker November 4, 2021 (6:02 am)

        By that logic, how on earth would Lorena Gonzalez get anything done if she was to somehow win?

      • JamesJ November 4, 2021 (7:25 am)

        Yikes, this is exactly the reason the street dweller issue has not been solved. For the billionth time, the issue is not cost of living and income inequality. It is drugs and mental illness, period. The massive increase in fentanyl import has led to an explosion in drug addiction and overdose deaths. That’s the cause. Our politicians have refused to admit the cause and thus all their policies have failed because they have ignored the root cause.

        • Um, No! November 4, 2021 (10:31 am)

          @ JamesJ  – You speak to truth!     Nothing will ever change until we acknowledge this.

        • anonyme November 5, 2021 (7:11 am)

          JamesJ, I would add “housing crisis”, but you are right.  There are a lot of people profiting from the homelessness crisis and thus perpetuating it.  Meanwhile, the major underlying causes that you identified go unaddressed, in part because policy relies on completely voluntary compliance and an addict is unable to give that.  As there is no pretty, politically correct solution, the cycle continues.

      • Um, No! November 4, 2021 (8:07 am)

        Well,  when he was previously “on the field”,  things were a lot better.  So……….

    • Steve O November 5, 2021 (5:52 am)

      I’m not sure most people think Bruce is an amazing candidate but it’s a strong statement that this is the better of the two candidates;We want;- competent pragmatic leadership- actual solutions to improving policing/security- investment in all communities fairly – effective support services for people who need helpWe don’t want:– defund police– dysfunction of current City Council– people who think it’s a good idea to let people live in parks and damage small business

  • Mike November 3, 2021 (6:11 pm)

    Mean reversion.  It’s the beauty and the durability behind our democracy 

  • onion November 3, 2021 (6:16 pm)

    I have nothing against Gonzalez, Thomas-Kennedy, or Oliver — but not in the jobs they were running for. Keep doing good work, but in more specific targeted roles rather than for the entire city.

  • Mj November 3, 2021 (7:04 pm)

    Bruce ran adds promising to open up Parks and Sidewalks for all citizens to use.  From the voters he has a mandate to do this tough work.  

    • yikes November 3, 2021 (8:34 pm)

      Running on a platform of giving everyone a million bucks doesn’t mean everyone is going to get a million bucks, whether you think numbers create a mandate or not.  What he promised in terms of “solving” homelessness was never realistic.  Currently parks and sidewalks ARE open for all to use.  Bruce was tapping into the rage from people who don’t like that poor people use parks and sidewalks, in ways they just simply do not approve!  Anyone who thinks anything’s going to change because the guy who did nothing for 12 years in a lesser office suddenly got elected is in for some REAL disappointment, lol.

      • sgs November 3, 2021 (9:05 pm)

        Yikes, “rage from people who don’t like that poor people use parks and sidewalks, in ways they just simply do not approve? ”  Well, I don’t “approve” of being accosted, assaulted, stepping in human waste, watching garbage muck up nature, etc etc.   Do you? If it’s really just a matter of lack of housing, then I think the people on the streets don’t approve of their situation either (of course it’s much more than that).   It’s not humane to me or them.   We are better than that.  I agree with you that 1 politician is not going to solve the problem, but the current leadership lost their chance.  Also, please don’t assume that the motivation of people who voted to the center is always “rage.”  Rage is exhausting, as I’m sure you know.  Sometimes it’s just common sense and compassion. 

    • CAM November 4, 2021 (1:05 am)

      Just a reminder that the people you don’t want to look at are in fact people too and would also be included in those that get access to sidewalks and parks. Making something invisible doesn’t make the problem go away and often makes it worse and harder to solve in the future. 

      • flimflam November 4, 2021 (10:15 am)

        @cam – sure, access – not garbage forts, piles of bikes/parts, permanent residence. That’s not what parks and sidewalks are for.

      • wscommuter November 4, 2021 (10:35 am)

        You run a false and intentionally deceptive lie when you try to reduce folks who are at wits end about the homeless crisis to only “not wanting to look at” poor people.  Which makes you part of the problem.  It should be unacceptable that so many of our fellow humans live in these conditions.  Just as it should be unacceptable that the rest of us have to deal with the consequences of the addicted and mentally ill, many of whom do, in fact, commit crimes large and small, destroy our public spaces and create hazards for all.  We can simultaneously consider things as they are now unacceptable and requiring change, while we also support providing treatment and help to those who are suffering.  I’m done with  the simplistic and dishonest trope that if you want to clean things up, it means you’re “anti-poor”.    As a commenter above wrote, so much of this crisis is rooted in the opioid problem.  We have to substantively increase funding for treatment and care for the addicted.  We’re all victims when so many people are shooting up in tents in our parks and sidewalks and then committing crimes to support their horrible addiction.  

        • CAM November 4, 2021 (4:15 pm)

          I guess the difference here is that I don’t view the unhoused and mentally ill as “consequences” that I have to live with. Neither you nor I will ever know the true consequences of those dates and the only way that I view those concerns is that there are people who are currently experiencing them and I would like to help those people. The inconvenience that occurs in my day because someone else is in crisis is not equivalent and doesn’t merit external pity. Stop looking at people as problems or consequences on your life and look at them as people who are living a life that you would never want to dream of experiencing. 

    • ACG November 4, 2021 (8:15 am)

      You’d think that they would work towards the main platforms they campaigned on and were elected for. But remember, Lisa Herbold stated on her election platform she wanted to increase police funding and public safety in her last campaign. People elected her for this current term. Then she switched and wanted to defund the police. Bait and switch for Lisa. We will see what Harrell does, or doesn’t do. 

  • Kt November 3, 2021 (7:49 pm)

    Sad so few people bothered to vote.

    • Rhonda November 4, 2021 (1:41 am)

      So few? 52% is high turnout for Seattle.

    • Um, No! November 4, 2021 (8:15 am)

      Indeed.   Although I think if more people had voted, the results would still be very similar. For anyone saying if more people had voted (not saying that’s you KT) the more far left candidates would have won is just pure speculation.  The fact is, of those who chose to vote,  the resulting message is very clear.   The majority of voters this go around are fed up with the current status quo. 

  • SamEagle November 3, 2021 (8:40 pm)

    52% of ballots in Seattle have been returned and 31% of ballots have been counted. There are still quite a lot of ballots remaining from Seattle to be counted, ~101K (40% of received). It’s not over yet folks!

    • StopCuttingDownTrees November 3, 2021 (10:48 pm)

      86,000 and change are left to count. Regardless, 100,000 or 86,000, 16% to 30% deficits are impossible to overcome in an Election where 160,000 of less than 300,000 ballots were cast.

      • SamEagle November 4, 2021 (12:13 am)

        Where are you getting 86,000? Ballot statistics show that out of the 489,996 registered voters in Seattle, 52.05% of ballots (255,043) have been returned. 31.36% of ballots (153,663) have been counted. So the number of ballots remaining = 255,043 – 153,663 = 101,380.

        Not likely the results will change but I wouldn’t consider it totally impossible considering the remaining ballots will be more left-leaning.

        Harrell – needs just 28.4% of remaining votes to win
        Davison – needs 38.1% of remaining votes to win
        Nelson – needs 35.4% of remaining votes to win

  • Duffy November 3, 2021 (10:24 pm)

    Davison is a Republican only by label. Policy? Not so much. Tell me, when did supporting the rule of law become a partisan issue? Am I to feel conflicted because I voted for her, yet I consider myself a liberal who generally supports progressive platforms? I don’t think I should. The fact that the news media is making a big deal about Davison winning as a “Republican” is such crap. NTK can start her own firm along with Lorena and Nikkita. If you want to champion abolitionist causes, go ahead and use your law licenses to create change. You don’t get to hold office and do that. And you surely don’t get taxpayer funded six-figure salaries to promote extremist ideas. Best of luck finding a job in the real world pitching that stuff…

    • CandrewB November 4, 2021 (7:22 am)

      She became a scary republican when all the local Dem LD’s became socialists and attacked her when she had the audacity to run against Suarez for CC.

    • helpermonkey November 4, 2021 (8:54 am)

      If it isn’t a partisan position, why did Ann Davison go out of her way to let us all know she’s a trumpublican? That just shows that she intends to be as partisan and divisive as she can be in her new job. 

      • KWest Seattle November 4, 2021 (10:12 am)

        I must have missed this: where/when/how did Davison proclaim allegiance to Trump/Republicans?

        • Duffy November 4, 2021 (11:42 am)

          She didn’t. That’s the point. Just more social justice keyboard warriors trying to stir the pot to create as much divisiveness as the far right wing. And I am a lifelong Democrat. The left wing extremists do not represent our party or our ideologies.

        • Jethro Marx November 4, 2021 (11:58 am)

          This is as close as she got. Watch the whole thing if you can spare the 8 minutes. She sounds pretty Seattlish; not very much like President Trump.


        • helpermonkey November 4, 2021 (12:30 pm)

          When she openly proclaimed her switch to the republican party in February 2020. Notable that it was during the impeachment, which says a whole lot about her – not just a republican but a diehard trump republican. 

          • Wseattleite November 4, 2021 (1:06 pm)

            Sheer projection on your part helpermonkey.  This trying to link anyone who disagrees with them as being Trump is old and worn.  – And failing.  Only those on the extreme far left who seem to sit around and convince themselves the sky is purple seem to perpetuating these fallacies.  Big mistake.

    • S.A. November 4, 2021 (5:07 pm)

      Tell me, when did supporting the rule of law become a partisan issue?   Well, let’s consider… 1) Runaway Slave Act, 2) Jim Crow laws and “literacy tests” for voting, 3) Richard Nixon’s “law and order” stance and its explicit efforts to activate the “Southern Strategy” of recruiting racist white voters.  “Law and order” is never code for “let’s get into those boardrooms and accounting agencies and clean up the massive, corporate-scale crime that costs our country the public monies we need to help everyone have a better life,” or for “let’s prosecute those public officials who line their friends’ pockets and lie about their activities and refuse orders of Congress and ‘forget’ to protect public records in order to make examples of them and have more honest government.”  It’s always code for “let’s criminalize poverty and desperation because poor people who can’t afford good representation are easy pickings, and they annoy your everyday homeowner on Main Street who’s suffering from a terminal case of recency bias and thinks they’ll be a millionaire who can work the system for themselves someday.”  ALWAYS.

      • Rhonda November 6, 2021 (7:32 pm)

        Many habitual criminals in the Seattle area have more money than you and I, combined. They are simply shameless opportunists who steal from working families who live paycheck to paycheck. 

  • Mj November 3, 2021 (10:34 pm)

    Yikes – you need to verse yourself in the Seattle Municipal Code, it is illegal to camp on sidewalks and parks.  The current City policy is all carrots, it’s time to also use a stick for those that do not take the carrot.

    • CAM November 4, 2021 (1:18 am)

      Oh? Are we advocating jailing people for being unhoused now? Good. Let’s do that. Please feel free to donate the land your homes are built on to build the space necessary to accommodate the # of increased cells it would require to incarcerate all people sleeping on sidewalks indefinitely until they magically find money while incarcerated to secure magical housing that doesn’t exist. Or, alternatively, please offer a list of offenses (violent ones first please) you wish to see people not held in jail on while we turn jails into temporary involuntary housing for the people less fortunate than you. 

      In non sarcastic land, it is a civil rights violation to criminalize poverty and all that money you want the city to spend on building bridges would instead be spent on legal fees defending violating people’s civil rights. There is no solution to the crisis of this country’s unhoused population that does not involve years of sustained work and investment. Not 2 year plans or temporary grants or private investment or any of that bandaid stuff. Long-term, effortful, expensive, meaningful, sustained change and work by government agencies that are not at threat of having their money pulled every five minutes by some new voter initiative or voters getting frustrated and electing new people who say what people want to hear to make them feel better. 

      • Barton November 4, 2021 (9:22 am)

        Oh please.  As I’m sure you know, MJ is obviously responding to Yikes’ absurd suggestion that people do not want to allow “poor” people to use sidewalks and parks.  I doubt anyone advocates barring any segment of the population from accessing parks and sidewalks for their intended use which,  as MJ correctly points out, is NOT for camping or otherwise setting up a homestead.  I vehemently hope the newly elected officials can find a humane solution that does not involve people sleeping on the sidewalks in the pouring rain, which totally abdicates the responsibility of elected officials.

      • Wseattleite November 4, 2021 (10:05 am)

        There is much greater power in people effecting change on their own. This belief that the government is the end all be all solution to everything is just wrong. The more people insist on relying on government solutions for moral issues, the more society will fail. 

        • Barton November 4, 2021 (1:22 pm)

          People should definitely work to effectuate change individually.  However, that does not absolve elected officials from responsibility to carry out the duties for which they were elected, including, establishing a coherent framework under which people can assist on an individual basis.  Their are issues stemming from the homelessness crisis that can only be addressed at a government level and it is naive to suggest otherwise given the sheer magnitude of the problem.

  • Marcus November 4, 2021 (6:35 am)

    I do not understand people who allow people to live on the streets and parks where their bathrooms are bushes and shrubs and sidewalks.  This is not compassion, it is just political statement.  How can the far left with their seemingly compassionate platform allow the travesty of these poor souls to live in unhealthy squaller.  These do nothings even have the support of what 30-40 % of voters is just madness.  Get these poor souls off the streets and parks and into shelters and treatment.  So surprised that 30-40% of voters still support these do nothings.  So happy that Seattle finally has a chance at decency.

    • James November 4, 2021 (11:13 am)

      Wow this is so disingenuous. I don’t know where to begin. Progressives want housing for all and to be available. And we don’t want to enforce or sweep the ones that choose not to. It’s bad enough that people live outside, but what Harrell types want to do is put houseless into jail. There are only SIX (6) public restrooms in all of Seattle which has nearly a million people in it at a given time. How is this humane? Republicans like Davis want to take even those away. It’s a shame. 

    • Lagartija Nick November 4, 2021 (11:25 am)

      The far left emphatically DOES NOT WANT people living in parks and on sidewalks, WE WANT PEOPLE HOUSED. Period. What we don’t like is sweeping people from camp to camp, uprooting their lives and separating them from their belongings and their dignity. We don’t want them criminalized for being poor and unhoused. We understand that high barrier shelters are an untenable short term solution that has repeatedly been proven not to work (surprise adults don’t like being subjected to punitive institutional rules). We want people to have easy and free access to drug treatment and mental health but we understand that without the stability of housing, success is nearly impossible and the cycle continues. On the other hand, conservatives just want them all locked up and out of sight (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen the former prison site of McNiel island proposed as a viable solution) and they vote against every single policy proposal that would help these people (access to drug and mental health treatment, housing) and then like you, have the temerity to blame the whole problem on the left. And well meaning moderate liberals are on board with helping these people just as long as the solutions don’t interrupt their lives and property values. As an example, there was a story here on the blog just last week about an Admiral church offering their sanctuary to shelter 10 people. In order to placate their neighbors they made it an extremely high barrier option, background checks, in by 10:00pm out by 6:30am, no in and out priveleges, no pets, no children, must be enrolled in treatment programs and there were still comments that objected to the location even though they were glad the church was helping and worked with the neighbors, they didn’t want it in THEIR neighborhood. So no, the far left doesn’t WANT people living in parks and on the street, we want solutions that work toward getting people HOUSED. That’s not politics, it’s reality.

  • Derek November 4, 2021 (7:41 am)

    I am not a fan of these results. We’re a fake progressive city. People rather throw homeless in jail and out of sight out of mind. Sara Nelson and Ann Davison are scary bad. I’m worried about this city.

    • flimflam November 4, 2021 (10:24 am)

      Nah scary bad are unusable parks, needles, garbage, sex trafficking, drug psychosis, random violence towards innocent passers by, unchecked theft of everything and anything, etc…none of that should be welcomed in any city. New York is very democratic/liberal but you’d never see Central Park with giant encampments.

    • Barton November 4, 2021 (1:44 pm)

      Evidently not as “scary bad” as Oliver and Thomas-Kennedy to the majority of us that voted.   Thankfully.  I feel more optimistic for this city than I have in 4 years.

      • Derek November 5, 2021 (8:14 am)

        The country elected Trump. I don’t think what’s popular in a tiny turnout election is what is right. You do you though. 

        • WSB November 5, 2021 (3:58 pm)

          This isn’t a “tiny turnout” election. Wish it were better, of course. The county has now received ballots from 54% of Seattleites, and counted ballots from 51% of Seattle voters. Offyear elections can be, and have been, much worse … What I haven’t seen lately is how many eligible adults are registered vs. how many are eligible – then we could get a participation percentage. – TR

  • Marcus November 4, 2021 (3:01 pm)

    Yes I think it is important to think of the existing community before bringing in shelters.  Heck we have community concerns and feedback for a simple building construction permitting.  So Yes please think about the community.   And Yes what is wrong with not wanting these shelters in single family neighborhoods and what is wrong with screening?   And we are talking about the existing elected officials who have had plenty of opportunities to develop a homeless plan and I have not seen anything.  So okay sweeps may not be the best however I do not want homeless to camp on city streets and parks.  simple.  So now we have a few left leaning moderates who will join city government who have the desire to develop a plan.  Better than what we almost got.  It is interesting when democracy speaks people become so upset.  Hard to see a difference between the outrageous right “stop the steal” and the outrageous left in Seattle.   

    • Lagartija Nick November 4, 2021 (5:55 pm)

      Wow, just wow. So now it’s outrageous to want people housed and not criminalized for being poor? And that’s somehow exactly the same as attempting a violent insurrection to keep a grifting con man in power? I’m not sure you’re on a roll but you’re definitely on something.

  • Marcus November 4, 2021 (3:16 pm)

    On a roll right now so adding to my previous reply.  And Yes I want more police in Seattle, I want to prosecute misdemeanors, cars stopped for expired tabs and broken tail lights.  I do not want to worry about people stealing from my front porch and jacking up my car to cut out my catalytic converter.  I want good ole liberal Seattle back with diversity and justice for all.   I do not want a bunch of thugs to destroy downtown Seattle just because they want to party or a bunch of anarchist to take over capital hill.   The tide is changing and it is time for that realization.

    • johnny November 4, 2021 (4:21 pm)

      Amen Marcus.

    • Wseattleite November 4, 2021 (4:27 pm)

      Well said.

    • Derek November 4, 2021 (4:31 pm)

      Only half the city voted. You can keep trying to push us leftists out but we’re going nowhere. And will rise again. Don’t let voter suppression by the right and voter apathy with uninspiring candidates fool you. Defund SPD! Republicans and fake liberals tried before and failed. We’ll be back. I cannot even believe people want people with expired tags in jail now? My wife has expired tags this month and too sick to renew and plane to tomorrow. You’d want her in jail? Unbelievable.

  • S.A. November 4, 2021 (4:58 pm)

    I would invite folks who are all “my GOD, no one would be racist enough to hang a NOOSE in beautiful West Seattle!” to read through the comment section here and then ask yourselves, is it possible that the unacknowledged racism and white supremacy of so-called “liberal” white people might be the unifying thread between the two?

  • anonyme November 5, 2021 (7:28 am)

    I live very slightly above poverty level, yet I have a FICO score of 834.  I pay my bills, and obey the law.  There’s plenty I do without, but I don’t steal to make up the deficit.  No one has accused me of being a criminal for being poor; I have not been treated as or accused of being a criminal because I’m not.  It’s that simple.  This drive to either play the victim, or to rebrand criminals as victims has seen its day.  Let’s get back to accountability.

    • flimflam November 5, 2021 (9:53 am)

      Yes, I’m likely considered poor by the city standards and like you, have a good credit score and have never stolen anything. It’s insulting to “poor people” to immediately dismiss concerned about encampments/crime as “YOU JUST DON’T WANT TO SEE POOR PEOPLE!” – no, I just don’t want crime to be excused.

    • Lagartija Nick November 5, 2021 (10:36 am)

      Yes, over the years here on the blog you’ve repeatedly made it clear that you expect your pound of flesh for even the pettiest of crimes. You’re retired, own your own home, have a guaranteed income (ssi), and a good FICO score. So while you may be just above the poverty line you are not poor. And while engaging in crime, petty or otherwise, is obviously a choice, acknowledging that survival crime exists is not an excuse for that crime it is an understanding that it happens and should not always result in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. We can’t arrest, jail, and fine our way out of abject poverty, that just guarantees that the cycle continues. That’s not radical, it’s reality.

  • Steve O November 5, 2021 (10:31 am)

    It’s the beauty of democracy.  The pendulum swings left a little and right a little.  But I think most of us agree on most things although maybe not always how to get there.  We want: 1) to give everyone a fair shot, 2) support people who need help, but in a way that makes them return to a self sufficient , productive, prideful life, 3) live in safe clean communities, and 4) improve policing and continue to focus on getting rid of the racial inequalities that do exist.And most of us don’t want; 1) to abolish or defund police, 2) to pretend its ok to allow people to live outside with mental health or drug problems, or 3) to see the same notable disfunction that has existed in the City Council these past few years.

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